X-Wing Pilots 4 Pack


May 18, 2000
Reaction score
Hasbro have revealed in the latest Fan Stream that we’ll be seeing a 4 pack of X-Wing Pilot grunts for the Vintage Collection, no pictures of the figures just yet:


Who’s excited about this release? Who’s ready to build up a fleet of pilots?
Thanks to all the idiots whining about getting named characters in four-packs, we can look forward to a pack of utterly useless "generic" characters instead of ones we'd actually want!

Well that was rude...but I don't necessarily disagree. Hah. I just don't necessarily agree either. I think it greatly depends upon what it is, named characters either contradicting the entire point of an army builder set or, depending on what, work. I think named or specifically unique characters work fine for Imperial Officers and Rebel Pilots, but I don't think they should have been included in the Tusken Raider set or the Zombie Trooper set.
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Well that was rude...but I don't necessarily disagree. Hah. I just don't necessarily agree either. I think it greatly depends upon what it is, named characters either contradicting the entire point of an army builder set or, depending on what, working. I think named or specifically unique characters work fine for Imperial Officers and Rebel Pilots, but I don't think they should have been included in the Tusken Raider set or the Zombie Trooper set.
I'm still pissed that we got "Commander. Joe Random Nobody, ISB" in the officer set instead of any one of the three or four ISB characters with speaking roles from Andor they could have given us instead.

I'd much rather have gotten one of the Imperial Briefing Room officers instead of "Lt. Anonymous Dingbat" in that officer set, too.

And how great it would be to get four deeply in-demand rebel pilot characters in that four pack. How about Red Leader, Gold Leader, the Mullet Guy, maybe a Merrick repack instead of what will probably be a quartet of non-existent nobodies?

And carded collector whiners can suck farts. Give us the desired characters however we can get them. Stop complaining that they're not in the right box. The box is the box, it's not the figure!!
Please Red Leader Garvin Dries (only available before with the Red 1 X-wing), and Theron Nett Red 10, only ANh piloy to never before get a figure (just a lego one) and actually had lines in the movie. Probably last chance for either.
Yeah, that is kind of the shame of it - there are more than 4 named pilots that are in-demand. That demand also isn't limited to just X Wing pilots either.

Either way, I am glad we're getting SOME kind of pilot pack. Finally.
As I already said in the general discussion thread: I really hope this pack includes at least Garven Dreis (just like the RFT pack included Captain Antilles). No way I'm paying $100 for a ****** sculpt from fifteen years ago.
That set is great precisely BECAUSE it has Captain Antilles. The Imperial Officer set is better BECAUSE it has Motti.

Leaving out in-demand character in exchange for mannequins is patently absurd and I'm deeply disappointed that Hasbro caved to a small percentage of vocal whiners.
Yeah unless it was a character in the original 96 it doesn't absolutely 100% need to be on a vintage cardback plus X-wing pilots aren't great as army builders anyway. I too would be in favour of named characters from the films here - ideally with at least one being someone never made before.
That set is great precisely BECAUSE it has Captain Antilles. The Imperial Officer set is better BECAUSE it has Motti.

Leaving out in-demand character in exchange for mannequins is patently absurd and I'm deeply disappointed that Hasbro caved to a small percentage of vocal whiners.
It depends on the pack. The Waxer or Boil in that Clone 4-pack was a bit of a bummer I guess. The Tusken Chieftain really soured people on that set. Same as Enoch in the Night Troopers.

For me, I think it's the overall uniform that makes or breaks it. Can a headswap make the commander into a different character? No problem. Is it a unique design that cannot be repurposed into some sort of grunt? Then kiss multiple purchases goodbye.
I'm still pissed that we got "Commander. Joe Random Nobody, ISB" in the officer set instead of any one of the three or four ISB characters with speaking roles from Andor they could have given us instead.

I'd much rather have gotten one of the Imperial Briefing Room officers instead of "Lt. Anonymous Dingbat" in that officer set, too.

And how great it would be to get four deeply in-demand rebel pilot characters in that four pack. How about Red Leader, Gold Leader, the Mullet Guy, maybe a Merrick repack instead of what will probably be a quartet of non-existent nobodies?

And carded collector whiners can suck farts. Give us the desired characters however we can get them. Stop complaining that they're not in the right box. The box is the box, it's not the figure!!
I like that ISB officer. I'm using him as Admiral Versio from Battlefront 2.
^ Totally, Waxer could very well be head swapped into a LT. Or some specialist, but it does require "customizing", something that some people feel they shouldn't have to do. And there's also those who might not think they're skilled enough to do something like that. IDK
I mean I don't exactly like having to customize so may figures either and I'm fairly comfortable with making minor changes, it's painting deco on that I don't really like.

As for X-Wing Pilots I really do hope all four are OT or OT adjacent, I've got no interest in ST Pilots. And I also hope that for a couple they tooled a new lower torso that's slightly thicker and slightly longer lower or upper legs to create a taller character. If it's an exact repack of Luke four times with only four new head sculpts, I will probably pass until it hits outlet and need the fodder for customs.

One good thing about Luke's dainty build is that they could always too a new upper torso to create a Female Pilot.
Technically, Yularen is new, if we consider Andor's version. lol

But I get what you mean, I'd have totally rather Partagaz in the 4-k instead of unknown soldier! There are way too may named characters for them to be playing that game of slipping in two nobodies...
Glad to see they are finally doing this. Be interesting to see what Pilots they go with. Bracing myself for disappointment, hoping for the best
And I mean technically the "Snowspeeder" outfits are also ESB X-Wing pilot outfits too right, because when the rebels flee Echo Base, all those pilots leave in X-Wings, so they are just as much X-Wing pilots as they are Snowspeeder pilots. This really has me wondering. They might be giving us a new Hoth pilot sculpt. Which means we could expect a new Dagobah Landing Luke is on the way.

ORRRR, they just used the wrong image and it's really traditional ANH pilots.
And I mean technically the "Snowspeeder" outfits are also ESB X-Wing pilot outfits too right, because when the rebels flee Echo Base, all those pilots leave in X-Wings, so they are just as much X-Wing pilots as they are Snowspeeder pilots. This really has me wondering. They might be giving us a new Hoth pilot sculpt. Which means we could expect a new Dagobah Landing Luke is on the way.

ORRRR, they just used the wrong image and it's really traditional ANH pilots.
True, but the term "Snowspeeder Pilot" is well established and distinct to "X-Wing Pilot"
And I mean technically the "Snowspeeder" outfits are also ESB X-Wing pilot outfits too right, because when the rebels flee Echo Base, all those pilots leave in X-Wings, so they are just as much X-Wing pilots as they are Snowspeeder pilots. This really has me wondering. They might be giving us a new Hoth pilot sculpt. Which means we could expect a new Dagobah Landing Luke is on the way.

ORRRR, they just used the wrong image and it's really traditional ANH pilots.
The Snowspeeder sculpt is a tad out of date, but passable if they're using the Luke and Wedge sculpt. The Dack sculpt is too wide stance. I wouldn't mind a Snowspeeder group either, it would be the only chance to get Hobbie and Zev updated. I'm surprised they never repacked Snowspeeder Luke in TVC especially since they have a card back ready to go.
I'm sure they meant X-wing pilots, not snowspeeder. Looks like this year the focus will be on ANH (as far as the OT is concerned, of course).
Hasbro said they got the message after people complained about Waxer and Enoch and to an extent the Tusken Chieften. I think they misunderstood that when ot comes to pilots, people have been asking for lots of different pilots from the OT and RO and really want specific characters. I don't think a pilot 4-pack with a couple of ANH pilots, maybe n RO pilot, and another one from ROTJ would have bothered most collectors.
Enoch and Waxer were the problem because they are different from the rest and would be fine as single carded figures in the basic line. People want more Night Troopers or clones and are willing to buy more packs to get them, but that's where Enoch and Waxer became a deterent. With pilots, the need for so many named ones is much greater than just making a bunch of pilots that were never seen in any film/series.
I want Alien pilots more than anything (and Porkins!) although realise that's a big ask for a multipack
Hasbro said they got the message after people complained about Waxer and Enoch and to an extent the Tusken Chieften. I think they misunderstood that when ot comes to pilots, people have been asking for lots of different pilots from the OT and RO and really want specific characters. I don't think a pilot 4-pack with a couple of ANH pilots, maybe n RO pilot, and another one from ROTJ would have bothered most collectors.
Enoch and Waxer were the problem because they are different from the rest and would be fine as single carded figures in the basic line. People want more Night Troopers or clones and are willing to buy more packs to get them, but that's where Enoch and Waxer became a deterent. With pilots, the need for so many named ones is much greater than just making a bunch of pilots that were never seen in any film/series.
I agree.
I understand the need for army building packs but rebel pilots are totally different than troops, in the sense that they actually have names.
Knowing Hasbro, they'll give us 3 generic snowspeeder pilots (Dak Attack Repack) and then throw in the short guy who got Garvin Dreis's helmet from ANH. 1711030615700.jpeg