What's up everybody? So I was wondering if there was anyone else here who (like myself) has retired from cons? I was recently thinking about going to horror convention in NJ next week but decided against it. I have not been to any conventions since May 2019(Megacon), that was my last one.
I will say that the vast majority of actors that I have met have been very cool. My active years for cons were from 2012-2019. I know there will be some here who were doing it way before 2012(and I want to hear your stories, how cons have evolved over the years). My first Star Wars celebration was 2012, I went back in 2017 and saw the changes. Same with NYCC, first one was in 2012 and I went back '13 and '14. Didn't go back until 2018 and saw all the changes at NYCC. When I went to my first Star Wars cele in 2012 the autograph hall set up was awesome. Basically it was an open area. The actors had their own tables and once their line was done you could approach them if they were not busy. I was super excited for my first Star Wars cele in 2012. I was 20 at the time and managed to save up enough money to fly down there to Orlando and do it. (I'm from NY). Anyway, over the course of the 3 days I managed to meet almost everyone in the autograph area. But I only got one autograph. When an actor's line was over, I simply went up to them and introduced myself and asked if I could take a picture. Everyone said yes except for one person. He simply said you have to purchase something in which I understood and that was fine lol. I feel like the the overall essenece of cons were so much more fan friendly back in the day. Yes, no one who acted in the films owes myself or you anything, they can 100% say no to a picture whether at a con or in real life. I understand this. However, obviously the vast majority of Star Wars supporting cast members had no problem with it at this time. It was a really great experience. Everyone got what they wanted. The actors were happy making their living from selling their graphs and had no problem taking a quick pic when their line was up, no harm done. A picture of you and an actor does not have re sale value, a graph does.
I was lucky to go at a time where this was possible, now everything is closed off with freaking movie theatre ropes and set up completely different, lol. Let me end with this for now. I get it, nothing stays the same forever. I know it must be annoying for actors, I truly can understand their point of view. However, I was just a happy go lucky 20 year old dude and was excited to be there and meet many OT and PT supporting cast. I'm older now and I understand how actors dealing with this for years can get burnt out. I honestly feel like I had the best possible experience in 2012 and that a con would never again live up to that one. I'll just cherish those memories instead of going to a watered down, less personal event. Professional Photo ops are very impersonal and rushed. Now I'd like to hear some of your stories, from recents cons and especially older ones.
I will say that the vast majority of actors that I have met have been very cool. My active years for cons were from 2012-2019. I know there will be some here who were doing it way before 2012(and I want to hear your stories, how cons have evolved over the years). My first Star Wars celebration was 2012, I went back in 2017 and saw the changes. Same with NYCC, first one was in 2012 and I went back '13 and '14. Didn't go back until 2018 and saw all the changes at NYCC. When I went to my first Star Wars cele in 2012 the autograph hall set up was awesome. Basically it was an open area. The actors had their own tables and once their line was done you could approach them if they were not busy. I was super excited for my first Star Wars cele in 2012. I was 20 at the time and managed to save up enough money to fly down there to Orlando and do it. (I'm from NY). Anyway, over the course of the 3 days I managed to meet almost everyone in the autograph area. But I only got one autograph. When an actor's line was over, I simply went up to them and introduced myself and asked if I could take a picture. Everyone said yes except for one person. He simply said you have to purchase something in which I understood and that was fine lol. I feel like the the overall essenece of cons were so much more fan friendly back in the day. Yes, no one who acted in the films owes myself or you anything, they can 100% say no to a picture whether at a con or in real life. I understand this. However, obviously the vast majority of Star Wars supporting cast members had no problem with it at this time. It was a really great experience. Everyone got what they wanted. The actors were happy making their living from selling their graphs and had no problem taking a quick pic when their line was up, no harm done. A picture of you and an actor does not have re sale value, a graph does.
I was lucky to go at a time where this was possible, now everything is closed off with freaking movie theatre ropes and set up completely different, lol. Let me end with this for now. I get it, nothing stays the same forever. I know it must be annoying for actors, I truly can understand their point of view. However, I was just a happy go lucky 20 year old dude and was excited to be there and meet many OT and PT supporting cast. I'm older now and I understand how actors dealing with this for years can get burnt out. I honestly feel like I had the best possible experience in 2012 and that a con would never again live up to that one. I'll just cherish those memories instead of going to a watered down, less personal event. Professional Photo ops are very impersonal and rushed. Now I'd like to hear some of your stories, from recents cons and especially older ones.