Timeline Breakdown - Battle of Naboo


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Aug 21, 2021
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Hello again, Rebelscum fans! This week on the site we’re taking a vacation to the most luxurious planet in the galaxy, Padme’s homeworld of Naboo. Make sure to check out our “Expand Your Mind” article in order to read about the planet’s importance in the Star Wars saga first, and then stay tuned throughout the week for much more articles, insights, videos, and information on all the best merch that collectors need to check out!

Although the Battle of Naboo temporarily took the Trade Federation off of the peaceful planet, Naboo would be threatened many more times throughout the course of galactic history. In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the planet was featured many times as a site of conflict, conspiracy, and lurking evil. Check out our guide to Naboo’s other famous battles in the middle of the animated series in our Timeline Breakdown.

  • “Blue Shadow Virus” and “Mystery of a Thousand Moons,” (Season One, Episodes 17 and 18): As Anakin and Obi-Wan introduce Ashoka to the planet for the first time, they discover that the insane Seperatist scientist Dr. Nuvo Vindi is unleashing a dark plague called the “Blue Shadow Virus” that will wipe out all organic life. Not only would this wreck havoc on the human and Gungan population of the planet, but it could potentially spread into a galactic level threat. The Jedi and Padme team up with Jar Jar and the Naboo security forces to stop Vindi, and in “Mystery of a Thousand Moons,” Anakin and Obi-Wan must travel halfway across the galaxy to find a mysterious cure.

  • “Children of the Force,” (Season Three, Episode 3): As Cad Bane helps gather Force-sensitive children to take to Darth Sidious’ lair on Mustafar, he stops by Naboo to kidnap the Gungan child Roo-Roo Page. Anakin and Ashoka manage to thwart this threat.

  • “Gungan Attack” and “Shadow Warrior,” (Season Four, Episodes 2 and 3): After Mon Calamari is attacked, the Republic needs a waterbound militia in order to thwart off the Quarren and droids who have overrun the planet. Anakin seeks out Jar Jar’s aid in bringing the Gungun military to help. However, the Separatists have also set up a secret lair on Naboo that they must deal with in “Shadow Warrior.” It was one of the rare instances in which The Clone Wars actually killed off one of the characters from the films; The Phantom Menace hero Captain Tarpals perishes when the Gungan warriors take on General Grievous. While some fans may have been put off by seeing Grievous defeated by Gungans, it's worth remembering that they are a military people, and that Jar Jar’s bumbling nature is the outlier.

  • “Crisis on Naboo,” (Season Four, Episode 18): In the thrilling conclusion to the four part storyline in which Obi-Wan goes undercover as a bounty hunter to prevent Count Dooku’s team from kidnapping the chancellor, Cad Bane and his fellow rogue’s gallery invade a ceremony being held in Palpatine’s honor. Although Bane is thwarted and sent back to prison, it's not the only threat; Anakin and Obi-Wan reunite to save Palpatine again when Dooku himself shows up for an exciting lightsaber duel.
What do you think, Rebelscum fans? What are some of your favorite Naboo moments on The Clone Wars? Would you like to see the planet featured on The Mandalorian or The Bad Batch? Let us know below, and as always, may the Force be with you!

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