The next big ticket item?


May 18, 2000
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If the Sail Barge does well, what would you like Hasbro to consider for the next big ticket item? Could kick starters at Haslab be our chance to see playsets in the future?
Everyone seems to be forgetting that HasLab is not an exclusive Star Wars brand facility.

I expect the next couple if items will be Transformers/ Marvel or GI Joe -related (IF the barge is even successful and the whole project isn't shelved).
Everyone seems to be forgetting that HasLab is not an exclusive Star Wars brand facility.

I expect the next couple if items will be Transformers/ Marvel or GI Joe -related (IF the barge is even successful and the whole project isn't shelved).

I think the next SW related item will be in the 6"scale anyway.

Also, HasLab isn't going anywhere per Steve Evans.
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Here are Vintage collection items I'd be down for:

Death Star
Obi-Wan's dessert abode
Tantative IV
Star Destroyer
Jabba's Palace

Can't think of anything at the moment

ST or Disney era:
First Order Tie
Resistance X-Wing / Poe's
Troop Transport
Snoke's Throne room
The sail barge is something fans have wanted for a long time, it has never been made and the scale is large but not impossible to reach.

Based on that, the next most obvious item would be a cantina. It checks all those boxes. Specifically scale. It can be made to scale.

Death star is another high priority item but there are a lot more issues with the design.
Death Star.
Jabba's palace

Falcon was done fairly well already, improving it slightly seems like a waste, same with the BAT-AT.
Based on the ridiculous level of BMCing about the barge, I'm having increasing doubts there will even BE a next one. Which is why it's frustrating to keep hearing variations of "this is a cool idea, but I'll wait for the next one."
Death Star
Star Destroyer
Blockade Runner
Bespin I think would be a really cool one.
I'd love a Dagobah playset.

I have a buddy who's a big GI Joe fan, so I'll also have to light a candle for him that they do a USS Flagg.
assuming it is successful & Disney is waiting on this before releasing a their Sandcrawler.

A big Sandcrawler
Cantina with build a Mos Eisley attachments (see below.)
Death Star
Possible re-release of BMF

I'd like to see some smaller projects come through.
Army building packs stormtrooper, rebel blueshirts etc easy to fund projects people would want but may not do well at retail.

I've often talked about the idea of a build a playset, (Large box shaped areas, [control room, vehicle bays, prison cells, troop bunks etc] that could be built into larger playsets Then repurposed to other toy lines. Image using this concept to build a HUGE Death Star or for Marvel/Joe build a city.

For other lines:
Build a city for Marvel/Joe
Cobra Evil Volcano Lair then repurposed to M.A.S.K. boulder base
Joe Base
1:18th scale M.A.S.K. vehicles
Jem Stage
My Little Pony battle to the Death arena!!!!! (They do that right?)
Re-release of BMF with swappable parts so it can represent the falcon from the OT, ST (new radar dish) and Solo (extra panels, mandible thing, etc.)
The worst idea by far is a large sandcrawler. It's a boring design, is in the film for 2 minutes and does nothing remotely interesting. It isn't involved in any action sequences whatsoever, it's just....there. YAWN.
During one of the Q&A's at Toyfair the Hasbro team there mentioned they wouldn't do a Sandcrawler, as Disney is already making one.
The worst idea by far is a large sandcrawler. It's a boring design, is in the film for 2 minutes and does nothing remotely interesting. It isn't involved in any action sequences whatsoever, it's just....there. YAWN.

Give it real RC control & you'll think differently.

Or they could just make it into a giant Transformer. :rolleyes:
Lol @ people seriously saying Death Star

Hasbro said over at JTA that this is on the table, but in the style of the Vintage Kenner Death Star. Obviously not a complete Death Star, but several floors and hallways, stacked in a semi circle.
I thought it was implied that it's a Death Star playset. Or... are... are people asking for like... a giant sphere that opens? I'd probably pass on that.
Imperial Shuttle (with correctly operating landing gear...gear comes up and down when wings fold or open)
Blockade Runner...most definitely.
Star Destroyer
One thing that I haven't seen mentioned so far is the Ghost. Hasbro said last year that it would need a real collector focus but that they would like to do it. I can see it being on their short list of SW vehicles for the service.
I think this kind of speculating is very premature. The Barge isn't even dry yet. :p When it's either a go or no, then we can discuss the next phase.
If Hasbro plans to tackle more than just the Star Wars brand, what else would be feasible? G.I. Joe is basically dead, so what would we even vote for here?

Marvel? Hasbro has shied away from 3.75", so would it be 6"? If so it wouldn't interest me then. They already did a lackluster Helicarrier, so i wouldn't think they'd revisit that. It's too late for Avengers/Stark Tower. I'd probably go for Zephyr One from AoS, w/Phil and May figures. Though i can't decide if it should come with Lola, or the SHIELD SUV.
My wants, not in liklihood of happening, but just based on my collecting preferences

1. Jabbas Palace playset, or at least his main chamber
2. Deathstar playset with iconic scenes from the movie
3. Cantina
4. Emperors throne room
5. Hoth playset

Some random ideas that could be cool. AT-M6, Naboo palace generator playset, Snoke's throne, could city playset (final duel areas).
I like these in no Order. I do want lights and electronics.

3.Cloud City

Now Chop Chop Haslab I don't have all day.
Death Star Payset
Bespin Playset
Star Destroyer Playset
Jabba's Palace
Blockade Runner

In that order. However, making the Blockade Runner work, even at a larger scale, would essentially make it a hallway and a cockpit with a ship built around it. Even there, you would have to make the hallway smaller or the ship fatter. The only way to have it make any sense as a manageable toy, as a spaceship should be, would be to have it open up in some playset transformative way.
The worst idea by far is a large sandcrawler. It's a boring design, is in the film for 2 minutes and does nothing remotely interesting. It isn't involved in any action sequences whatsoever, it's just....there. YAWN.


Wasting that much on what is essentially a big, brown backdrop for a droid flea market would be a VERY bad idea.
My picks:

1) A Blockade Runner - I also think this should be top of HasLab's list

2) Cloud City - So much potential wall and corridor panel detailing, areas covered could be Carbon Freezing chamber, Gantry, top-level city corridors, Han and Leia's apartment, and Ugnaught scrapyard / junkyard.

Those two builds would make me sit up and take notice quickly.
Imperial Troop Transport at least twice the size of the original would be decent.
The Tantive IV makes the most sense as it could be made as a complete ship unlike a Star Destroyer or Death Star. Big enough to house a few figures and recreate some of the scenes. It also appears in 3 movies plus Rebels so a chance to recreate all kinds of scenes from all eras of Star Wars to date (OT, PT and the Disney age).
It doesn't necessarily have to be some humongous thing. I'd be interested in a carbon freezing chamber with some real deluxe features. Maybe at a price point that won't have irresponsible websites and podcasts encouraging people to to take out loans to obtain it.
Putting myself into this exact same scenario - having been given about a month to come up with $500 for a toy that I wouldn't even receive until almost a year later - I can't think of any other Star Wars vehicle or environment that I would even consider supporting.

If we had started with a Sancrawler or the Tantive IV, then I would only be interested in supporting those because it might lead up to a Sail Barge later. However, since the Sail Barge is the first offering, that's all I'm interested in supporting. As much as other collectors might want a Sandcrawler or Tantive IV, I don't have enough resources to be spending hundreds of dollars in support of someone else's hobby (who isn't a direct blood relative).

Outside of Star Wars, maybe a 1/2 scale MCU Hulk? I dunno. He would have to look lifelike enough that I'd live in constant fear of being pummeled to death in my sleep, for it to be worth $500.
It doesn't necessarily have to be some humongous thing. I'd be interested in a carbon freezing chamber with some real deluxe features. Maybe at a price point that won't have irresponsible websites and podcasts encouraging people to to take out loans to obtain it.

Carbon chamber would be cool. What's wrong with taking out loans? People do it every day for frivolous items; motorcycles, atvs, boats. why not an awesome toy? Plus it builds credit. hopefully you can get a good interest rate. Be sensible tho, if you can't afford the payments then don't take out a loan. Because if there's one thing we all know, when it comes to debt, people are usually sensible :p i think i'm contradicting myself now

Carbon chamber with a definitive han in carbon (side panels can light up) moving parts (mold pieces) that come down over Han before he's frozen. I'm not normally one for electronics. but this is one that might benefit from a little orange lighting on the steps
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Carbon chamber would be cool. What's wrong with taking out loans? People do it every day for frivolous items; motorcycles, atvs, boats. why not an awesome toy? Plus it builds credit. hopefully you can get a good interest rate. Be sensible tho, if you can't afford the payments then don't take out a loan. Because if there's one thing we all know, when it comes to debt, people are usually sensible :p i think i'm contradicting myself now

Obviously, every person is responsible for their own finances; but I'd compare it to encouraging people to buy loot boxes from a video game, knowing that some people struggle with highly destructive gambling addictions that can destroy their lives, just because you believe it increases the chances that a sequel to that game will be made.

If lenders and credit card companies weren't so predatory, then I'd agree that it was harmless; but if you've ever struggled with being in debt when your life situation changes and you suddenly find yourself unable to pay all that debt back, then you'd never consider suggesting that someone else go into debt so lightly.