I thought this would be easy, planned on doing all 9 "Skywalker Saga" movies, Solo, TCW, The Bad Batch, Rebels, Book of Boba, etc...but it's BRUTAL having to narrow things down! I ran out of gas after Rogue One. These are all pipe dreams anyway, so why not two 6-figure waves per movie/source instead of just one? I went for unmade figures from the OT rather than re-releases.
1. Qui-Gon Jinn........... 7. Watto
2. Obi-Wan Kenobi........... 8. Battle Droid
3. Darth Maul........... 9. Droideka
4. Jar Jar Binks........... 10. Sebulba
5. Queen Amidala (Battle Garb)........... 11. Nute Gunray
6. Anakin (w/ Podracer helmet)........... 12. Boss Nass
1. Obi-Wan Kenobi........... 7. Clone Trooper (Phase I)
2. Anakin Skywalker........... 8. Super Battle Droid
3. Padme (White Geonosis Suit)........... 9. Mace Windu
4. Yoda........... 10. Dexter Jettster
5. Count Dooku........... 11. Battle Droid (Red)
6. Jango Fett........... 12. Geonosian Warrior
1. Obi-Wan Kenobi........... 7. See-Threepio (vac metal)
2. Anakin Skywalker........... 8. Clone Trooper (Phase II)
3. Padme (Mustafar)........... 9. Commander Cody
4. Darth Sidious........... 10. Aayla Secura
5. General Grievous........... 11. Kit Fisto
6. Artoo-DeToo........... 12. Tarfful
1. Rebel Fleet Trooper........... 7. Kabe
2. Sandtrooper........... 8. Hem Dazon (Arcona)
3. Uncle Owen........... 9. Ellors Madak (Duros)
4. Aunt Beru........... 10. General Dodonna
5. Garindan (Long Snoot)........... 11. Wedge Antilles
6. Muftak........... 12. Yavin Victory Celebration Luke
1. Dagobah Training Luke........... 7. Wiorkettle
2. Captain Piett........... 8. K-3PO
3. General Rieekan........... 9. Medical Frigate Luke
4. Bespin Escape Leia........... 10. Medical Frigate Leia
5. Hoth Han (hood down)........... 11. Smuggler Lando
6. Dak Ralter........... 12. R3-A2
1. Leia (Jabba's Prisoner)........... 7. Shasha Tiel
2. Han Solo (Battle of Carkoon)........... 8. Leektar (Ewok)
3. Luke (Death Star II Duel)........... 9. Chubbray (Ewok)
4. Oola........... 10. Vader unmasked
5. Tanus Spijek........... 11. Chewbacca (ROTJ hairdo)
6. BG-J38........... 12. Anakin Force Ghost (Hayden Christensen head)
1. Jyn Erso........... 7. Krennic
2. Cassian Andor........... 8. Shoretrooper
3. K-2SO........... 9. Saw Guerrera
4. Bodhi Rook........... 10. Antoc Merrick
5. Chirrut Imwe........... 11. Admiral Raddus
6. Baze Malbus........... 12. Galen Erso