Reissues of past TVC figures - what figures deserve a 2nd chance at retail?


May 18, 2000
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Hasbro have mentioned that they have plans to reissue past TVC figures that never saw wide release/the demand of collectors.

Which past Vintage Collection figures from the first 115 figures deserve a 2nd chance at retail?
Its great to have a new thread that can be used as a current conversation so Hasbro can hopefully look in on this (and contribute even) and find all of our current suggestions in one place. Also we can discuss and develop suggestions. I hope choices arent limited to rereleases, I know Hasbro has mentioned that, but hopefully they didnt mean this line is limited to only that. I know we have got other threads but this would be great if this thread can be used to directly address Hasbros call to action for us from SDCC where they asked us for what we want in this line! Its great to be heard and its an opportunity for Hasbro to fully understand what we want.

So maybe I can get the ball rolling here. I have posted this before, but for me, above anything else I would love an Original 12 set;

1 Original 12


Top of my wish list is clear. I would love to see them put out ALL Original 12 allowing people to buy this whole subset. All ANH cards only, imagine how cool it would be. Of course the thing is with an Original 12 set, is its all or nothing. They have to do the whole set. They are currently doing this with 6" and I think its a great idea, but I would love to see it done with 3 3/4. I know Hasbro has sortof attached the 40th Anniversary to this concept. But I dont think the Original 12 needs to be for an anniversary! As we know they have re-released some of these figures in the past decade, but they are so far out of production that they are unavailable now. So dont let that put you off Hasbro, just get them back out. Many people didnt get them so it would be get for all 12 to come back to give everyone a shot at them now. Plus they didnt rerelease all of them anyway. No new tooling is required (but it would be nice in some cases) all figures could be rereleases.

I was also encouraged to hear their desire for a conversation with the collectors, and their knowledge of what's desired (when they mentioned Yakface a couple times among other things). I'm convinced they have this new philosophy based on both the success of the re-releases of ERG, Lando and Ackbar, and the 40th carded 6" line. Since this thread is about re-releases, I'll limit my choices to that:
-Echo Base Trooper (guaranteed to be army-built and sell out like the ERG re-release did).
-Gamorrean Guard
-AT-AT commander (though not specifically Veers, this was a wave 1 release that is still sought after).
-Scarif Stormtrooper (too hard to find)
-Hermi Odle
-Death Star Gunner (not as SA as the other TVC figures, but it has been a long time since he was released and never on a vintage card).
Even though the ERG was just out at Wal-Mart, if you could find one that actually stocked it, I'd like to see Hasbro reissue it again. They could change it up, so those with the TVC version can still have something unique and put it on the Rogue One card.

I love the idea of the original 12, most of those figures came out during the old VOTC days and haven't had a reissue in a long time. Maybe make a few tweeks, like upgradeing Tusken Raider's arms. The original 12 just have to see a reissue, it's going to be the 40th for the Kenner line. It's just fitting to do it.

Tarkin sorely needs a reissue. More so if they ditch the soft goods for plastic.
One of the major reasons many of us never saw the ERG or Scarif trooper on the pegs is because the line is on clearance price at nearly every WM, so those sought after army builders are being heavily hoarded. If repacked, maybe when TVC shows up at $15, more people will have a shot at finding them, lol.

As for my personal choices, everything I'd like to see repacked is unfortunately from CW, EU, or another source that Hasbro would likely ignore. The only figure I can think of is the AT-ST Driver from the Hoth set that was a Target exclusive in 2010 - it featured a unique head sculpt, helmet, and goggles that weren't released with other AT-ST drivers.
Not a re-issue as such, but I would like to see 2- or 3-pack Imperial Officers using the SA body and different heads for Piett, Jerjerrod etc. Likewise, how about a Rebel technician set - same figure, different heads and maybe throw in some ladders.

I also think each wave should contain at least one army builder figure (basic Stormie, Rebel Fleet, Echo Base etc). All the better if they do some with head variations.
off top of my head......the red and yellow AOTC clone troopers w/ newest sculpts that were to been in the TRU 2013/14 Geonosis packs but the factory allegedly got wrong info.
-the 2nd Utai, w/ an accessory or 2 repacked from the ep1 accessory packs
-Count Dooku (evolutions) really surprised Dooku never was released on TVC
-unreleased alternate Shadow trooper from the TRU TFU multipack.
-original SA realistic Capt. Rex
-Srgt Doyln (sp?)-- skiff guard
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I like the idea of an imperial officer 3 pack
- or at least 2 troopers & an officer combo

I also second

-Gamorrean Guard
-AT-AT commander

I like the idea of an imperial officer 3 pack
- or at least 2 troopers & an officer combo

I also second

-Gamorrean Guard
-AT-AT commander

I would like hasbro to take the AT AT commander sculpt and give us General veers.
total agreement on the Original 12!! ... NEEDS TO HAPPEN!!

as to reissues from the 115

Certainly the Echo Base trooper.... (I did get him but he was really scarce (along with Ponda Baba!!)
Luke Skywalker (Dagobah Landing) seemed to be pretty scarce as well
Grand Moff Tarkin.... a worthy revival in wake of Rogue One

I too like the idea of a troop builder in each wave/case (Rebel Fleet Trooper/Rebel Commando/Snowtrooper/etc)
I wouldn't mind re-issues if Hasbro tweaks them a bit. Either a paint app update, new accessories and/or different card back......
I'd be completely behind an officer pack(s). We always see them in polls, let's get them out.

If we're just going by the 115 then, besides army builders, which are a must!( Gamorrean, RFT, Echo Base trooper, Rebel commando, Magna Guard, Clone trooper ph1 ect.):

- Tarkin
- Ponda Baba, let those who still haven't got him a chance, and with the preferred packaging.
- Luke Dagobah Landing. Wave didn't show up in Canada, and current price is crazy.
- Yoda Idk just should be there.

Beyond VC ....:
- R2-D2 from the resurgence of the Jedi pack
- Ugnaught, variation
- Rebel Honour Guard
I am going to agree with the other collectors who mentioned the Gammie Guard and AT-AT commander, would love to see tho more ERG, more Hoth troopers, Grand Moff, how about re-releasing the vintage packs as well?
All but one of these are desired because I never saw/found them. I wasn't aware of the last wave being online only.

TVC Re-releases that I would be interested in buying:

VC09: Boba Fett ESB (was uncarded to use for a mail in)
VC09: Boba Fett RotJ (never found)
VC21: Gamorrean Guard (never found; bought three loose but would still like one carded)
VC59: Nom Anor (never found)
VC101: Shae Vizla Old Republic Bounty Hunter (never found)
VC105: Emperor's Royal Guard (bought three Black Series but would like one carded)
VC113: Republic Trooper The Old Republic (never found, might buy at least two)

I've had my fill of collecting via the secondary market, so the only way I would purchase any of these would be for cost if they came about new once again.
They could make a small fortune by re-issuing Grievous and his bodyguard, Gree, Cody, AT-AT Commander and a few others. And while you're at it, give us a TVC AT-AT Driver and AT-ST Driver.
Even though the ERG was just out at Wal-Mart, if you could find one that actually stocked it, I'd like to see Hasbro reissue it again. They could change it up, so those with the TVC version can still have something unique and put it on the Rogue One card.

They could actually release him with the same image as the 1983 cardback. The TVC one was a different image so that would satisfy the different enough aspect. Its an awesome figure and one that still hasn't met demand. (The Black series one barely made it out here in the UK.)

Again re-issues only here so I'd be looking to see the following again. (GNT, probably need to pin this and the Vintage 2018 Want List threads.)

From the original VC line:
VC02 Leia (Hoth Outfit) - Popular and pricy on the second hand market
VC05 AT-AT Commander - Tweak it with a New Veers head
VC21 Gamorrean Guard - Army builder and one of the top 5 figures ever made.
VC23 Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight Outfit) - Correct cardback, cloak not robes (save for the end of this TVC run).
VC44 Luke Skywalker (Dagobah Landing) - Pricey on the second hand market
VC52 Rebel Fleet Trooper - Rogue One gave this chap a boost, Army builder
VC68 Rebel Soldier (Echo Base Battle Gear) - Pricey on the second hand market
VC93 Darth Vader - As part of a first 12 set
VC94 Imperial Navy Commander - GREY, JUST PAINT HIM GREY!!!!
VC98 Grand Moff Tarkin - Need to see a wider release and gets a boost from Rogue One
VC105 Emperor's Royal Guard - see aboveDeath Star Droid, Power Droid, FX-7 from the Special Action Figure Sets
Han Solo from the Hero Set on a Star Wars card
Snaggletooth from the Villian Set
Either AT-ST Driver from the Endor AT-ST Crew

From the Legacy Red line:

BD04 Jawa & WED Treadwell Droid OR BD39 Jawa & Security Droid OR BD 33 Jawa & WED Treadwell Droid
BD18 Ewok Paploo
BD21 Giran
BD22 Malakili
BD23 Nikto Gunner
BD28 Ugnaught
BD33 Hrchek Kal Fas
BD49 AT-AT Driver
BD50 Cloud City Wing Guard [Sergeant Edian]
BD50 Cloud City Wing Guard - Give him a moustachioed head please
Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, C-3PO, R2-D2 - All first 12 worthy From the Resurgence of the Jedi Battle-Pack
John Branon (Red Squadron) & Jake Farrell (A-wing Pilot) from the Rebel Pilot Legacy Evolutions

From the Legacy Blue line:
BD 40 Captain Needa - Could have a new head and easily become a Captain or Admiral Piett.
BD 43 Ugnaught
Garven Dreis & R5-K6 from the Scramble on Yavin Battle-Pack

All of these would look amazing on a Vintage card. But a priority should either be a first 12 set or those that have not appeared previously on a Vintage collection cardback. (BTW this is me cutting back on what figures I would like a second chance at!)

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Shoot, I completely forgot to include DS2 Luke! I'd wager that version is the most desired re-release of any Luke outfit/figure. Tarkin was mentioned a couple times; I'd like that one again, but he'd need a plastic skirt replacement (use one of the many Imperial officer versions) and a repaint to olive drab grey-green from his current forest green.
How about some re-issues of Clone Commanders. Always loved those. Commander APO, Commander BOW, Commander Thire, Commander Vill, Commander Bly etc......
But why does it have to be limited to past TVC figures!? Most of those were shipped fine, the ones that weren't we reshipped for TBS.

I'd be more interested in some older line that we never saw, TAC and TLC had some. Also, why not pick a couple of the Comic Pack figures no one ever saw, Tholme. And repack them? As well as figures from ships or Battle Packs. Like the RGC from Scramble on Yavin.

TBH, outside of Kit Fisto and Ponda Baba, I found them all just fine. IMO, the only one from TVC that really needs a repack. Is the EBT. I just scrolled through TVC line, and could fine one figure that I couldn't live without as a repack.
The Vintage Collection: Gamorrean Guard, Nien Numb, Rebel Fleet Trooper.
Other collections Toryn Farr, Mosep Binnead, Amidala Arena Battle, Leia Boussh, Han Carbonite. The second Utai, R5-X2, A-wing Pilot or Green Leader and BG-J38
But why does it have to be limited to past TVC figures!? Most of those were shipped fine, the ones that weren't we reshipped for TBS.

I'd be more interested in some older line that we never saw, TAC and TLC had some. Also, why not pick a couple of the Comic Pack figures no one ever saw, Tholme. And repack them? As well as figures from ships or Battle Packs. Like the RGC from Scramble on Yavin.

Just re-listened to the SDCC panel and while they stated that they wanted to know what TVC figures should be re-released, they did also say they would look at candidates from other super articulated lines, so I don't think Legacy Collection, 30th Anniversary collection etc are out of the question.

Just re-listened to the SDCC panel and while they stated that they wanted to know what TVC figures should be re-released, they did also say they would look at candidates from other super articulated lines, so I don't think Legacy Collection, 30th Anniversary collection etc are out of the question.

Apparently, pretty much everything from TAC to TBC is fair game in Hasbro's mind. I'm sure some of the older molds might be lost by now but if there's enough rumble from the collectors, we could get older hard to find figures brought to the new TVC.
The Rebel Fleet Trooper definitely needs to be rereleased, especially after the final scene from Rogue One. It's important to note that we shouldn't be restricting ourselves to just TVC, there's a lot of TLC figures that could use a rerelease. Hasbro understands that somewhat, hence the reissue of the Hoth Trooper variant. I'd say Garven Dreis is another figure that should be reissued too, the scramble on Yavin packs costs an arm and a leg on the secondary market. And don't even get me started on Arvel Crynyd. It would be nice to get that cancelled A-Wing pilot from a few years back as well, although they should use the updated body from the Mon Calamari pilot.
ANH Leia (with sporting blaster) needs to be released / re-released.

Infact, id prolly pick up any ANH vintage figure, no matter how background a character it was, and any ESB Cloud City denizen on vintage cards.

The Rebel Fleet Trooper definitely needs to be rereleased, especially after the final scene from Rogue One. It's important to note that we shouldn't be restricting ourselves to just TVC, there's a lot of TLC figures that could use a rerelease. Hasbro understands that somewhat, hence the reissue of the Hoth Trooper variant. I'd say Garven Dreis is another figure that should be reissued too, the scramble on Yavin packs costs an arm and a leg on the secondary market. And don't even get me started on Arvel Crynyd. It would be nice to get that cancelled A-Wing pilot from a few years back as well, although they should use the updated body from the Mon Calamari pilot.

I would be all for the re release of the rebel fleet trooper if they add a holster!
I wouldn't mind seeing the Gamorrean Guard get a rerelease on a POTF style card with a coin.

Also, rerelease Kithaba with the correct bandana color (neither 2012 version was 100% accurate), the missing paint apps corrected (especially on his neck), the mismatched joints fixed, a better staff that's not so rubbery, and, most of all, a proper photo of Kithaba on the cardback instead of just a Photoshopped picture of Barada.
I'd say generically speaking the VC online exclusives. Other notables would be ARC trooper and Shae Vizla.
Yes a new head sculpt would be good add the holster and maybe put him on a rogue one card?

absolutely.. that would be awesome. I'd love to see a few different head sculpts made for the Fleet Trooper and the addition of a holster is a nice touch as well.

I'd also love to a re-release of some of the harder to find Comic Pack figures (especially the last 4 EE exclusive comic packs as well as the 2 cancelled ones)
Another great repack would be the relatively recent Jawas 2-pack; I only ever found one, and one of the best cardbacks from vintage too.
Still struggling to get my hands on the Royal Guard myself. Even its repacking in the TBC didn't help. I'd also gladly take few Endor Rebel Commando as long as they would repack the "Revenge" alternate Afro-american variant.
At clones would be a buy on sight for me. Darth Plagus. Grevious. Death troopers. Scarif troopers.

Inguess i love troop builders.
At clones would be a buy on sight for me. Darth Plagus. Grevious. Death troopers. Scarif troopers.

Inguess i love troop builders.

Like to see some 442nd, 5th fleet security and some wolf pack clones in the VC bucket mold as well as the AOTC captain and commander.
Han and Luke in storm trooper disguise, using the VC41 body, give Luke slightly shorter legs.
Speaking of the Vintage Collection, someone has listed TVC proof cards (other than the SDCC ones) on evilBay. Do we know if these are legit? I've never heard of any other TVC proof cards being out there.