R2-D2 - Geonosis Factory - #09


May 18, 2000
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According to the pictures that have surfaced we'll be seeing a Geonosis R2-D2 with rockets in the first wave of 2013, in the build a Droid line.
Meh, it is an upgrade figure for me since I am sure it will be based off the BAD mold but with rockets. Much better than previous releases.
Boring choice, and this is coming from a hardcore astromech collector! Always hated the jets GL gave R2 in the prequels. The only thing remotely intriguing about this, is that it doesn't appear to be the BAD mold. The absence of shoulder couplings is a big giveaway.
I hope that R2 isn't the B-A-D figure...I doubt it though.
Judging by the shape of the head, it's the BAD version of R2. I finally had a chance to examine that version up close recently and I don't like it because the dome is the wrong shape. Too fat and not nearly conical enough.

It's tempting to think of R2-D2's head as just a half circle, but it's not.

Here is a comparison of the film R2-D2 with the BAD sculpt:

I highlighted the differences in the shape of the head and you can see that the BAD mold is wrong. So far, only the TVC Sail Barge R2-D2 has come the closest to getting this detail correct.
So, this version is one of the BADs that will come with Wave 1, right?

Not a bad choice. I'd rather have this as a BAD, than as a carded figure.

I do agree that a BAD C-3PO would be better.
So, this version is one of the BADs that will come with Wave 1, right?

Not a bad choice. I'd rather have this as a BAD, than as a carded figure.

I do agree that a BAD C-3PO would be better.

No, this appears to be part of Wave 1 of the new line coming out next spring. It seems to be the BaR2D2 sculpt with rockets. Pegwarmer (if he ever gets to stores). This will be a figure we'll gripe about clogging the pegs for future assortments...ugh.
Isn't this just a re-release of the one with previously-yellow highlights on it?
Another pass regardless, I'm afraid.
As long as those jets come on and off, I will pick this one up. I sold my last TVC one.
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Just can't get excited about this one. It's one of those ones which'll be an impulse buy if it is part of an offer or really cheap, but not full price.
We have enough R2's already.
Agreed, pass!

The only R2 I'll ever purchase is bells & whistles, or Sensorscope(Echo base Hanger) .

Should have given us AOTC 3PO instead.
I might go for that, but wasn't that version done for the Geonosis sets?
Also would have like TPM version redone for TPM3D.
If this release is based off the TVC Sail Barge sculpt without an opening panel, I'll be interested.

Also, this would have been perfect to give us a flame base like the TAC R2 / SAGA Boba Fett, only difference being most of it would be made from clear plastic, with only the blue jets painted on near the rockets.

Agreed, pass!

The only R2 I'll ever purchase is bells & whistles, or Sensorscope(Echo base Hanger) .

Hold on, we still don't have a really good Dagobah R2, based on a recent sculpt either.
They could pack in loads of accessories from the landing camp site, including those that were exclusive to the OTC Dagobah X-Wing.
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Not a fan of magic rocket jet R2-D2....so I'll pass unless I see a bunch on clearance. Then it'll be custom fodder.
Not a fan of magic rocket jet R2-D2....so I'll pass unless I see a bunch on clearance. Then it'll be custom fodder.

Me too. However, I'm always a sucker for new sculpts of R2.

As far as I'm concerned, the only acceptable way to have rockets in the legs, is to have alternate, non-rocket legs included.
Maybe the rockets fold into the legs. It could be that it has the BAD legs that you can put the rockets on and take them off. I'd assume that would be part of the attraction of this figure.

For me, it's going to come down to what BAD part is included. If I can get that part with a different figure, then I'll skip this one for sure.
Judging by the shape of the head, it's the BAD version of R2. I finally had a chance to examine that version up close recently and I don't like it because the dome is the wrong shape. Too fat and not nearly conical enough.

It's tempting to think of R2-D2's head as just a half circle, but it's not.

Here is a comparison of the film R2-D2 with the BAD sculpt:

I highlighted the differences in the shape of the head and you can see that the BAD mold is wrong. So far, only the TVC Sail Barge R2-D2 has come the closest to getting this detail correct.

The Sail Barge R2 went a little too far in the pointy dome direction. It's a REALLY delicate balance that hasn't been hit yet.

This is one of those details they really need to nail, but, most of all, we need to get one that is the correct scale. R2 has just grown bigger and bigger over the years. Add that to the tiny TVC C-3PO, and....it's just really damn painful to look at them together. :(

I'd like to se one with a spring loaded, button activated third leg and arms that are beautifully concealed like the Geonosis Arena two pack R2 - probably my favorite R2 yet. I display the BAD R2 because its the smallest, but the Arena R2 is just a fun little toy to goof around with.
Maybe he'll come with the flame part as well to attach to the rockets, I'm sure that'd fit into a bubble.
I don't understand the talk of Artoo and appropriate scale.
With about a hundred or so astromechs in my collection already the established scale is what I want anything new to match up with, !00% screen accurate or not. The same goes for Threepio and any new protocol droids.
Even if it's more accurate, the smaller Bartoo sculpt looks out of place.
I do not think it's a B.A.D. His third leg looks to have a hinge...

You can see in the above picture he doesn't have the 2nd Set of holes on the bottom sides like the past BAD astro droids.
You can see in the above picture he doesn't have the 2nd Set of holes on the bottom sides like the past BAD astro droids.

Well, I hope he has swappable legs anyway. Not a fan of the rockets ruining the sculpt. Happy if he can turn into "normal" Artoo.
You can see in the above picture he doesn't have the 2nd Set of holes on the bottom sides like the past BAD astro droids.
SnTrooper already pointed out, it looks like it's a repaint of the 2008 ROTS R2-D2, just w/o (so far) the flame base.

They'll never get R2 perfect. There's too many variations on accessories/features they can incorporate, but rather than give us a perfect one or pack as many features into one as possible, they'd just rather reuse old molds, create new molds that don't match the other ones, and keep screwing things up.

The best R2 so far is TCW's R2. His dome's a bit dark, but he's got two doors with flip-up arms, a rear panel with a tow cable, and a periscope that isn't just a wedge on a stick like the VOTC R2-mold and is entirely independent of the head's rotation. And he's got removable leg jets that--while leaving holes in the legs--at least don't leave giant gaps like the 2008 Jet R2 (and this one) does.

BaR2-D2 has the most accurate dome, dimension-wise, but drops the ball in many other ways (the periscope sharing space with the hilt, just for a way to 'plug' the hole despite the periscope belonging in one of the rear wedges; the unsightly arm-panel across the chest). Another thing it gets correct is the location of the holoemitter on the top of the dome; BAD-mold domes and others (like this repaint of the 2008 R2) have the emitter on the left-center wedge, but it belongs on the left-rear wedge.
I wish this was the BAD design.
After the Movie Heroes Naboo astromech set, another round of parts swap at CVI, the return of parts as the pack in and the Disney Parks droids (which I only have a few of so far), I kind of wish every astromech was Build a Droid. I keep forgetting that I shouldn't pop the heads off some of the older ones.

At least they have made a BAD Artoo (two now if you count Disney).
I've never owned the Resurgence R2, so I wouldn't know.
Same deal as R4-G9 and all (or most) that followed: The dome continues cranking past the point of full leg extension, and can be stopped at any desired point. They would have to have taken a step backward* with this new 6 inch figure for it not to work properly.

* They've never done that before, right....?
This one will be a pass for me. Not sure what Hasbro could do with R2 to make me purchase another one, honestly. Maybe if he came with some amazing dio accessories...
How hard would it have been to add two blue filler pieces for the legs,like the 6" version, so I could throw the jets away?

oh wait....it's Ha$bro.