Please bring back the Mailaway Offer

Oct 5, 2009
Reaction score
Chandler, AZ
You gave us some very good figures in the last few years: Nadar Vebb, Kenner Fett, Proto Fett and the Eopie/Qui-Gon set. Please keep the offerings to vintage re-makes and fan choices and other interesting options. Thank you.
It would be great to have more, perhaps when Rebels airs? They did Nadar and Sgt. Bric for CW, so its possible they'll do another promo for the new series.
I was cutting the POPs from a lot of joes I've bought this year, and I remembered the past mail-away-figures. I really miss them, and I hope we get some news soon. I missed out on Nahdar because I wasn't collecting CW, but I regretted it and since have bought it. It's a great way to get off-shoots. Although I didn't understand why Bric or Vebb didn't get a slot in the main line.
It would be great to have more, perhaps when Rebels airs? They did Nadar and Sgt. Bric for CW, so its possible they'll do another promo for the new series.

Oh yes, forgot about Bric, he was a great offering with the battlemat we ended up ordering a few since my son used the mats to store his CW figures.
I think it would be cool to offer a figure in a different color scheme. Not fashion colors but something different.Something we haven't seen before,maybe have an online vote and the top three colors win. That would be a mail away fan's choice.
I'd love to see a return of the mail Away figure but i would rather it be a deluxe figure/parking lot figure that hasbro says would never sell in stores due to cost.

i would love to see perhaps a Deluxe ROTJ Emperor with Throne, Force Lightning, cane and even Sidious lightsaber
DarkArtist, that's actually a really good idea. I'd be in if they did one like that.
so let's get a list going here of what figure offers you would like to see Hasbro offer us:

1.) Deluxe Emperor Palpatine complete with Throne, Force Lightning, Cane, Sidious Lightsaber
2.) Hard to Find Figures from various lines that are fan favorites (Darth Revan, Darth Malek, Ephont Mon,last Vintage Wave)
3.) Vintage Kenner Styled Yak Face on Vintage Card complete with copy of POTF coin

i've been thinking that a really cool mail-away concept could be perhaps Hasbro updated all of the Last 17 figures from Kenner in addition to the prototypes for figures from both the Droids and Ewoks as well some of the cncept figures like the rejected Luke Jedi Prototype. they could release these like 4 a year all on repro POTF Kenner Cards complete with Coin and as far as the concept figures......use the Lost Wave cardback concept.
I'd like to have obscure characters from the video games like Wade Vox(Cade Skywalker looked modeled after him), Dark Forces style Kyle Katarn and Dash Rendar.
I'd like to have obscure characters from the video games like Wade Vox(Cade Skywalker looked modeled after him), Dark Forces style Kyle Katarn and Dash Rendar.

I don't think the obscure characters from games and EU would draw alot of people into ordering the figures... I mean lets face it as Hasbro always says this is a Kids toy. many kids today are not going to know alot of the obscure characters...still i would love to see a bunch of the EU characters get this treatment. Just from Dark Forces Saga alone I would love to see the following:

Boc the Crude
Gorc and Pic
Jan Ors
Master Rahn
Mara Jade (mysteries of the sith)
I think they should do a mail-away Jawa on a vintage-style cardback. Counting the Imperial Navy Commander issue, all of the original 12 have been released on vintage-style cardbacks now, although R2-D2's was the ESB image.

And dreaming about it, they can have 10% of them be vinyl-cape style softgoods with the others cloth. A mail-away chase figure, no way!
How about a mail away Vintage series where the rest of the original 107 figures all get the vintage treatment. I mean who wouldn't want to see a Vinyl Caped Jawa on SW card, perhaps a Kenner accurate Yak Face on a POTF card complete with repro coin, etc. they could give us perhaps 4 figures a year (maybe as a set).

I'd also love to see perhaps a series of Mail-Away modular playsets. Since Hasbro states that playsets don't perform well at the big box retailers how about a series of mini modular sets (that would have retailed for around $10-$15.00) that connect to form a large scale playset.

for instance they could start out with something small like the Cantina. each mini set woould include 1-2 figures depending. then based on the success larger scaled playsets could be made such as The Death Star, Star Destroyer, Ewok Village etc.
I'm up for a vintage kenner mail away figure, my top choice would be sim aloo.
I'd like to see mailaways return, too.

I also have a pitch for a future mailaway in light of Hasbro's commitment to reducing the use of plastic in their packaging.


Send in your blisters from your openers along with the POP - preferably in a recycled Hasbro Pulse shipping box - for a mailaway figure!
As JTA seems to be one of the few fan sites that actually pushes for things, I feel like someone should reach out to them and try to get this ball rolling again.
I'd like to see mailaways return, too.

I also have a pitch for a future mailaway in light of Hasbro's commitment to reducing the use of plastic in their packaging.


Send in your blisters from your openers along with the POP - preferably in a recycled Hasbro Pulse shipping box - for a mailaway figure!
You realize that this would cost Hasbro millions, right? And they're not setup for the processing of recycling which would add considerable cost to the endeavor. Hence why it's cheaper all around to just to make said figure a Target Exclusive.

And technically they are doing mail in figures, those trooper 4-pks. ;)
As a business move it might not be completely practical for Hasbro. As a public relations event? That could be another matter entirely.
I think it would be awesome for both TVC and Retro, but as I mentioned in another thread, Hasbro isn't really doing anything to bolster PR when it comes to doing consumers any favors with high pricepoints, so surely, they'd never offer something that's considered a freebie, right? We basically paid a shipping & handling charge for some previous mail-aways, but I can't see them taking a loss (or breaking even) on anything nowadays, heck - they even overcharge for repaints that were sculpts many years ago. They should indeed make an effort, considering the millions that collectors send their way!
the only flaw with having the mail away program is the lack of product on the shelves. in order for the mail-away promotion to be successful, stores as well as Hasbro would have to flood the market again similar to 2012 with the launch of the VC TPM wave. without the product on the shelves the promotion doesn't work. I mean I still can't find figures at the major retailers by me and most of my figures are bought between Amazon, Big Bad Toy Store and Entertainment Earth.
Why not just do NFT's for mail away, that way you can get a digital version of the character for your collection and you can admire it in the Metaverse! ;)
Even if they did a mail a way it wouldn't be Trench, not in today's era, and i was surprised they actually did Vebb as mail in figure being an all new mold and never ever reissued again.

But Admiral Trench, with all those articulated legs? No. if there was enough interest or he happen to appear in a current D+ show then I could possibly see it being a DLX Exclusive for about $26.49, same for Pong Krell. Problem is that most Exclusives are repaints and well know characters and I have a feeling retailers wouldn't buy it unless a main character were included. Thus why I've always campaigned for a 3-pkfor Pong Krell with two Clone Trooper repaints, because at least retailers know those sell.

Trench would be the harder sell unless they included TCW Anakin repack, as well as possibly a Separatist Tactical Droid.
The CW era line(s) also gave us Sergeant Bric, which was another mail-away surprise. I think much of that was to get kids excited and interested in more figures, and the CW line itself was a massive success. Seeing deluxe style CW figures as mail-aways is near impossible unless they're repaints - I agree that a brand new sculpt for Krell or Trench might work at the deluxe price mentioned above, but even that seems unlikely. It would have been great to get some of those amazing new characters via a mail-away, but since Hasbro isn't really trying to hook kids with TVC, and the CW series is over, it leads me to believe they wont put in the effort anymore.

I'd say the best chance for a mail-away would be in Retro, and it would likely be some type of Mando repaint that would cost them very little in development. Likewise, they're far more likely to do a "freebie" in 5 POA, compared to TVC because of the production cost.
While mail away figures have for the most part been replaced by store exclusives. If it returned in some form I would suggest this:

How many times have we seen a preview for wave 4 (example) only for waves 1 & 2 to either be over ordered clogging pegs & limiting reorders. or cancelled altogether with product going to secondary markets 18 months later (+ storage costs)

So instead make the last wave in the desired quantity, stores (Hasbro customers) get 1st shot & then whatever is left over goes to Pulse. This gives the chance for the public to get it at full price without the gamble if it shows up a a secondary retail that still might not be available to many people.

& since I bring it up, I would love a sub line of products designed to be sold at secondary retails like Ollies, TJ Maxx etc. Lower cost items that drive business to those stores. (5poa, mini rigs hell even cardboard dioramas if it makes sense.)