Pablo Jill - #10


May 18, 2000
Reaction score
What does everyone think about this figure? worth buying?
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I would be REALLY happy if they redid him! The OTC version was rare, so now its expensive and sought after, and it wasn't even that good. The bow-legs were creative license, I think, and he'd be a lot better off without them. Not to mention that I could make a custom Coleman Kcaj, too!
Not that I want him made before my list of other Jedi upgrades or unmade as yet, but it would be interesting to see how they handle this one.
Probably wont have ankle articulation just like the last figure didn't.:disgusted:
I thought they did a great job on the first figure, but he didn't have much articulation to speak of. He was more or less a statue. I think they could do a great job on him now with the articulation we expect. He's one of my favorite Jedi/alien designs. His upside down face is very interesting.
Hm. Would need to see it first, I like the other one well enough.
Would prefer it if they called him Coleman, then I'd have to buy!
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Once they get Pablo Jill out, it would just be a matter of a different head and we would have Coleman. Maybe he could come in a ressurected Jedi Councel series.
I am looking forward to seeing how much of an improvement this one is over the previous version... Not my first choice for an upgraded Jedi, so only time will tell how good it really is.
Would prefer it if they called him Coleman, then I'd have to buy!

I'd rather they just slap the picture of 'Coleman Kcaj' on the card, but still just call him Pablo Jill. Then hopefully get TCW to retcon 'Coleman' into Pablo Jill as well.

Personally, I think it's very silly calling two aliens from different planets the same first name. It'd be like me going to Mars, and bumping into an alien that introduces himself as Matthew.

Unnecessarily confusing for fans - it's like the whole Eeth/Agen, Adi/Stass mixup which was confusing and also quite needless - they easily could've kept them the same. I mean, a friend of mine who was a massive Star Wars fan around TPM before he kinda read into it less does not have any idea who Stass Allie is, and thought it was Adi in Order 66 - so to the casual audience, these name changes are pointless.

Glad Pablo's getting a redo.
I am happy with the POTC one so when this version comes out I assume it will have an SG cloak so I will just sit him on his lazy *** in the Jedi Council and dub him Coleman Kcaj.
The problem with "pretending" he's Coleman Kcaj is that two different animation models were used, resulting in them having very different heads. This will be an easy way for Hasbro to get out three figures, a headswap for Coleman and a repaint for a holographic figure. I would buy all three.
I'm not so sure, GNT. The main pic of him next to Kit Fisto looks almost like he is, but he showed up earlier in the Jedi Temple, and he is very clearly not bow-legged, as well as Coleman Kcaj in ROTS not being bow-legged either at the Squid Lake performance.
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I'm not so sure, GNT. The main pic of him next to Kit Fisto looks almost like he is, but he showed up earlier in the Jedi Temple, and he is very clearly not bow-legged, as well as Coleman Kcaj in ROTS not being bow-legged either at the Squid Lake performance.

He was at the Squid Lake performance? Where?

Also, I think you're right, his supposed bow-leggedness was just a wide stance.
Yes, when Anakin is running up the stairs you can see Kcaj and Sweitt Concorkill talking in the corner.
I ve been waiting for a rumor since we got a rough confirmation in a Q&A last year, it was the same one that confirmed Cin Drallig and a few other jedi remakes
I wouldnt mind an updated version of this character. Can always use more Jedi Knights.
I used to dislike this character cause of the crappy figure but I had seen this guy's custom and warmed up to the idea of this Jedi character in my collection. Besides I figure the jedi to have all sorts of strange alien creatures as Jedi(look at Yoda).
Definitely would buy a new/better Pablo Jill figure. If it looked like it would be easy to use in non Jedi customs, I would buy several..
Gah! I need a Coleman Kcaj for my council! Maybe this one'll be able to sit and I'll just pretend he's the one I wanted (like I'm doing with my current Pablo.)
I'm not so sure, GNT. The main pic of him next to Kit Fisto looks almost like he is, but he showed up earlier in the Jedi Temple, and he is very clearly not bow-legged, as well as Coleman Kcaj in ROTS not being bow-legged either at the Squid Lake performance.

Bit of a tangent I know, but it always bothered me that you could never make out what was going on in the performance in that scene. Supposedly there are cool Mon Cal dancers that might have even made decent figures stripes in the sky was all we got. :'(
I'm not so sure, GNT. The main pic of him next to Kit Fisto looks almost like he is, but he showed up earlier in the Jedi Temple, and he is very clearly not bow-legged, as well as Coleman Kcaj in ROTS not being bow-legged either at the Squid Lake performance.

Look at his main pic on Wookieepedia and he is very clearly bowlegged. Even the pic in the Jedi Temple you can make out that his gait is a little strange. I am aware that some illustrations of his species aren't bowlegged but Pablo was for sure. They made changes to the Ongree animation model for ROTS and I guess making his legs "humanoid" was one of them unfortunately, as well as removing the beaklike mouth. I agree that creating Coleman Kcaj instead of just elevating Pablo to the council was a stupid move. Typical convoluted Prequel BS.
I just bought Ric olie and the naboo pilot from the same wave and all they did was a head swap and a new helmet. So how hard would it be to release pablo jill for atoc and then release coleman kcaj with a different color robe for rots. For that matter why haven't we got a head swap for adi gallia on a legacy stass allie body by now. Is their a issue with the actress that we have not had an update adi gallia but have had three versions of stass allie (council, speeder bike, legacy). Maybe Curto can help out with it like he did getting us a better Quinlan Vos!
For the bow-leggedness, although I'm not visually seeing it, I stand corrected. I'm reading that the official design actually mentions awkward joints, so GNT is correct
Here you can see how very awkward his joints are. It looks like he has an extra joint below his knee, right above the top of his boots. I always imagine him being like a crab. He also has very long arms.

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