My 2-D Collection- Focus on the 1st 21 characters- Updated 4/22

Apr 3, 2005
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I originally planned to try and add a proof or 2 to complement my MOC figures. However, after getting my 1st proof from Joe Y several years ago, I sold off the majority of the production collection and my primary focus has been collecting 2-D material for the 1st 21 characters. I'd like to thank all the friends who have helped me along the way.

I'll update the thread with more characters as time permits. Enjoy!

SW blank back "back" proof, "Collect all 32" sticker cromalin, SW Offerless 4-character cromalin, ESB 45 full color proof sheet

Starting from top left: SW Offerless cromalin(part of uncut 4-character sheet), SW blank back proof, SW Fett Offer cromalin, ESB 21 mockup, ESB 41 sample proof, ESB 45 full color proof(part of 8-card uncut sheet), ESB 45 sample proof, ESB 47 Sample proof, ESB 48A sample proof, Revenge mockup, Revenge common proof, Revenge Offerless proof, ROTJ mockup, ROTJ offerless cromalin, ROTJ 65A common proof, ROTJ Emp offer sample proof, POTF mockup, POTF common proof, POTF sample proof, 2nd pic photoart

SW Offerless cromalin(part of uncut 4-character sheet), SW common proof, ESB 21 common proof, ESB 31 common proof, ESB 45 common proof, Revenge common proof, ROTJ 65A common proof


SW Offerless cromalin(part of uncut 4-character sheet), SW common proof, ESB 21 common proof,ESB 45 common proof, Revenge common proof

SW Offerless cromalin(part of uncut 4-character sheet), SW blank back proof, SW Fett Offer cromalin, ESB 45 full color proof(part of 8-card uncut sheet), Revenge common proof, POTF 92-back proof cut from sheet, POTF common proof

SW Offerless cromalin, SW blank back proof, ESB 45 full color proof(part of 8-card uncut sheet), ESB 45 common proof, Revenge offerless cromalin, Revenge common proof, POTF 92-back handcut proof, POTF common proof, Proposed/unused 3rd pic photoart


SW blank back proof, Revenge common proof, POTF common proof


SW blank back proof, Revenge common proof, ROTJ 65A common proof, POTF common proof

SW blank back proof, ESB 45 color proof(missing yellow and key/black), ESB 45 color proof(missing key/black), ESB 47 sample proof, ESB 48A sample proof, ESB 48C sample proof, Revenge common proof, ROTJ offerless 1st pic cromalin, ROTJ 65A common proof, ROTJ 2nd pic offerless cromalin, ROTJ Emperor Offer cromalin, ROTJ 65C proof

SW common proof, SW Fett Offer cromalin, ESB 21 common proof, ESB 31B common proof, ESB 45 full color proof(2-card sheet), ESB 45 sample proof w/o punch, ESB 45 sample proof, ESB 45 common proof, ESB 47 sample proof, ESB 48C sample proof, Revenge NN offer cromalin, Revenge common proof, Revenge offerless cromalin, Revenge offerless proof, ROTJ offerless cromalin, ROTJ mockup, ROTJ 65A common proof, POTF 92-back proof cut from sheet, POTF blank back proof, POTF common proof

SW common proof, ESB 21 common proof, ESB 31A common proof, ESB 45 full color proof(part of 8-card uncut sheet), ESB 45 common proof

SW blank back proof, ESB 21 common proof, ESB 31A common proof, ESB 41 sample proof, ESB 45 common proof, ESB 48A sample proof, ESB 48C sample proof, Revenge common proof, Revenge offerless proof, ROTJ 65A common proof, ROTJ Emperor offer cromalin, ROTJ 65C sample proof, POTF common proof, POTF sample proof

SW Offerless cromalin, SW common proof, SW Airbrushed mock-up proof, SW Fett Offer cromalin, ESB 21 common proof, ESB 31B common proof, ESB 41 sample proof, ESB 45 full color proof(cut from sheet), ESB 45 sample proof, ESB 45 common proof, ESB 47 sample proof, ESB 48C sample proof, Revenge common proof, Revenge Offerless cromalin, ROTJ Offerless cromalin, ROTJ 65A common proof, ROTJ mockup, ROTJ carded Q/C, POTF cromalin, POTF mockup

SW proof, Revenge common proof, ROTJ 65A sample proof with Q/C sign-off, ROTJ carded Q/C, POTF cromalin, POTF common proof

SW cromalin, SW proof, ESB 21 common proof, ESB 31A common proof, ESB full color proof(cut from sheet), ESB 45 common proof, Revenge common proof, POTF 92-back handcut proof

ESB 41 sample proof, ESB 45 common proof, Revenge common proof- there's not much out there for this little guy...

SW cromalin, SW proof, ESB 31A common proof, ESB 47 sample proof, ESB 48C sample proof, Revenge mockup 4x on ESB 31A proof cards, Revenge common proof, Revenge nameplate mock-up(for ROTJ), Revenge offerless cromalin, ROTJ 65A common proof, POTF cromalin, POTF 92 back handcut proof, POTF sample proof, POTF common proof

SW proof, ESB 21 common proof, ESB 31A common proof, ESB 41 sample proof, ESB 45 common proof, Revenge common proof

SW cromalin, SW proof, ESB 41 sample proof, ESB 45 full color proof(cut from sheet), ESB 45 sample proof, Revenge common proof, ROTJ offerless cromalin, ROTJ 65A common proof, ROTJ mockup, POTF 92 back handcut proof, POTF common proof

SW cromalin, SW Fett offer proof, SW 21 sample proof, ESB 21 common proof, ESB 41 sample proof, ESB 45 full color proof(cut from sheet), ESB 45 common proof, Revenge common proof, ROTJ 65A common proof, ROTJ 77A sample proof with Q/C sign-off

SW cromalin, SW 21 carded Q/C, ESB 21 carded Q/C(Bossk sticker offer), ESB 41 sample proof, ESB 41 carded Q/C, ESB 45 2-color proof(cut from sheet), ESB 45 2-color proof(cut from sheet), ESB 45 3 color proof(cut from sheet-missing black/key), ESB 45 full color proof(part of 8-card uncut sheet), Revenge common proof, ROTJ 65A common proof, ROTJ 77 carded Q/C, ROTJ 77 sample proof with Q/C sign-off, POTF cromalin, POTF common proof, photoart

ESB 45 2-color proof(cut from sheet), ESB 45 full color proof(part of 8-character uncut sheet),Revenge common proof, Fett offer/Kenstruct proof, Rocketfett photoart, ROTJ Desert Scene photoart, Droids conceptual hand-drawn art
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Awesome! Or no, that's an understatement :) I love the Ben stuff, it is really good to see Adam's old run almost intact. Do you have it on display?

Can't wait to see the rest :)
About time!!! I've been eagerly awaiting to see the progress you've made on the focus and can't wait for you to post more pictures!!

B.Rgds/Derek :)
Tim im glad your finally decided to share your incredible 2D run on here.Its by far the best 2D run ever put together.Congrats bud.
All I can say is WOW! Amazing runs you have going on there. I'm looking forward to future updates. Thanks for sharing. :)

What an outstanding 2-D display! Just amazing. Well worth the wait and can't wait to see the rest!
I'm not commenting until you get the rest of the pic's of the ACME museum up and running...

This is about to become one of the most incredible limelights ever. I'm eagerly awaiting the rest of the group to show up.
Your Star Wars cromalin 4 character sheet is a thing of beauty and one of the best pieces I've seen
Wow, that is incredible! Saving the best for last I suppose... of course I am biased, but I can't wait for #21 B)
Very cool way to document your character runs. "AZ Inner Circle" has it made getting to see this collection live every month or two. Truly amazing if you go for that kind of stuff, lol. Thanks for sharing Tim.
That Ben-run is amazing. At first I thought why the MOC's among those nice proofs, but it took a while to realize that they were mock-ups. Wow!
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Hey Timboland!!!!

like many here,having bought a few of your production pieces,I had heard rumours of your 2D run(s) on the old grapevine.

Man you DON'T DISAPPOINT!!!!!!

putting the fizzle in the Shizzle.....ABSOLUTELY!!!!


Putting together a deep and comprehensive 2D run for a single SW character is hard enough. The fact that you're doing it for all 21 and appear to be doing a good job at it is pretty amazing. I'm looking forward (and afraid at the same time) to see what you've done with Power Droid. :)
A seriously nice focus. I love the Ben photo Art. Thanks for sharing and keep it coming.

That's more like it Timbo, now where is the rest LOL, your holding back on us...:)
Thanks for the kind words everyone:) The 1st 12 are up, but that's probably it for this weekend. Too many Easter eggs to hide...
I think Colpar changed his name to Tim. LOL

Tim..amazing cant even describe it. I was wondering where some of my stuff disappeared to..I can't wait to come to AZ and see it in person one August ;)
Been in shock for about 3 days now Tim. Thanks for that! :p

Amazing, thanks so much for sharing with the rest of us! That Ben run is killer, can't wait to see the rest!
Outstanding run, Tim!!!

Loving the 32 back sticker chromalin ... and just about every other thing in the limelight. Simply out of this world....

Cheers, Mark
I still have my mouth wide open. Would be interesting to hear the background story of how to grab those rare and hard to find proofs in such a limited time. Are you rich ? :p
I've been holding off posting until all 21 characters were posted. I can't really say much that hasn't already been stated by so many others... but seriously, this is one of the most impressive runs of 2D material ever assembled and for probably the most difficult collective set of characters a collector could try to tackle. Kudos to you my friend for putting it all together in one place. Just goes to show that patience and hard work go a long way in this hobby. Thanks for sharing!