More Neimoidians!

we dont have that problem, id welcome warriors just not silly "uhhhh dont kill me ones" that have very little play value, hense kids dont want them
Lushros Dofine is a step in the right direction. He's a better-sculpted figure than the past Neimoidians, and he's actually a named character which in my opinion automatically makes him more worthwhile. Most importantly though, Hasbro hasn't been shipping out too many of him and he's gone from most Wal-Marts and Targets I've been to.

So with all that in mind, if Lushroses still "clog the pegs" despite Habsro not shipping them in huge quantities, well, then it does boil down to a dislike of Neimoidians. There's no other explanation for why he's still hanging around in some places despite there not being that many of him (compared to the Warrior anyway).

I look at it like this. If someone goes into a store and sees lots of a certain product and wishes it were gone, they could always cough up the money to assist in eliminating said product by buying one of them. Otherwise, they just need to hush and quit griping if they're not going to actually do anything to help get rid of the pegwarmers.
Jedi_matt_c said:
we dont have that problem, id welcome warriors just not silly "uhhhh dont kill me ones" that have very little play value, hense kids dont want them

Sorry if I did come across as offensive to anyone-I understand both sides of the argument as I am a Clone/Imperial collector and a Neimoidian collector and didn't mean to offend or sound aggressive in tone.
Kooshmeister said:
I look at it like this. If someone goes into a store and sees lots of a certain product and wishes it were gone, they could always cough up the money to assist in eliminating said product by buying one of them. Otherwise, they just need to hush and quit griping if they're not going to actually do anything to help get rid of the pegwarmers.

100% correct. If one doesn't do anything about it, one should not complain. If I were a customizer, I'd buy more Lushros', but alas, I am not so I'm just happy I did my job by just buying one.
Lushros_Dofine said:
Sorry if I did come across as offensive to anyone-I understand both sides of the argument as I am a Clone/Imperial collector and a Neimoidian collector and didn't mean to offend or sound aggressive in tone.

Me too, I'm not trying to ruin anyone's fun. I have absolutely nothing against Neimoidians as characters, and I wish they were more popular and didn't tend to clog pegs and keep new stock from moving out from the back of the stores, but, unfortunately, they aren't, and they do.

If Hasbro wanted to make an online exclusive Battle Pack of the 5 most infamous Neimoidians or whatever, I would be all for it. More new characters is always good, except if they have a proven track record of pegwarming at big-box stores. That's not good for the stores, Hasbro, collectors going to stores and seeing the same stuff over and over again, and kids looking for a clone or General Grievous or whoever but being disappointed by a wall of Lushros Dofines instead.

When my 5-year-old son and I rush excitedly to the toy aisle of a Target, hoping against hope to see something, anything, other than Neimoidian Warriors last year or Lushros Dofine this year, and are disappointed yet again, we actually sing a little ditty:

"Same old stuff,
Nothing new,
What's my little boy to do?"

But the idea that non-Neimoidian fans should shell out our hard-earned money at $7 a pop or more just to clear the Neimoidian pegwarmers is absurd. No, clearing those pegs is the responsibility of those who keep clamoring for even more guaranteed peg-hoggers.
JustOneMore said:
Lushros_Dofine said:
we actually sing a little ditty:

"Same old stuff,
Nothing new,
What's my little boy to do?"

Well the obvious thing would be go to another store or target? Not sing about it like pansies in the toy aisle!
gosh! Second solution would be buy yer 5 yr old kid some matches and let him use his imaginaion in the said Target. Kids are usually good at that stuff and he can't be tried in a court of law
Delta_Clone said:
JustOneMore said:
Lushros_Dofine said:
we actually sing a little ditty:

"Same old stuff,
Nothing new,
What's my little boy to do?"

Well the obvious thing would be go to another store or target? Not sing about it like pansies in the toy aisle!
gosh! Second solution would be buy yer 5 yr old kid some matches and let him use his imaginaion in the said Target. Kids are usually good at that stuff and he can't be tried in a court of law





Kooshmeister said:
Calm down, dude, it was just a mistake.

Sorry-I have Skywalker's anger.

Can I appologise to the poster-I understand it was a mistake-I just flipped that was all.

I have hate-I have anger-and quite clearly I do use them!

Delta_Clone said:
Well the obvious thing would be go to another store or target? Not sing about it like pansies in the toy aisle!

What a great idea! Now why didn't I think of that! That's second only to "if there are too many Neimoidians clogging up the pegs, spend your hard-earned money on figures you don't want to get rid of them" as great advice.

Actually, there are four Targets and two Toys R Us that I hunt at. Maybe one of the other stores isn't clogged with Neimoidian pegwarmers....

The first Target had "only" a dozen Lushros Dofines



Hmmm, Ok. Let's try another Target. What do we find? TWENTY-TWO Lushros Dofines



Notice how much room there is on the pegs after I take down all those pegwarming Neimoidians


OK, well, maybe it's just a fluke. Let's try a third Target store. Whew, what a relief, on THIRTEEN Lushros Dofines


How about a fourth Target? Hey, only nine Lushros Dofines, at least we're finally in the single digits!


OK OK, so maybe Target shoppers hate Neimoidians, but how about Toys R Us? Well, they had THIRTEEN Lushros Dofines (sorry, wasn't worth taking a picture of them). But even better, to demonstrate the timeless, enduring, flying-off-the-pegs popularity of Neimoidians, they still had FORTY-ONE ROTS Neimoidian Warriors!! And they are on clearance!!!

If you had trouble finding one last year, here's your chance!!!! No need to pay a scalper on eBay!!

The other Toys R Us had "only" twelve Lushros Dofines, but I think you get the picture.

Kooshmeister said:
I look at it like this. If someone goes into a store and sees lots of a certain product and wishes it were gone, they could always cough up the money to assist in eliminating said product by buying one of them. Otherwise, they just need to hush and quit griping if they're not going to actually do anything to help get rid of the pegwarmers.

NuteGunray said:
Kooshmeister said:
I look at it like this. If someone goes into a store and sees lots of a certain product and wishes it were gone, they could always cough up the money to assist in eliminating said product by buying one of them. Otherwise, they just need to hush and quit griping if they're not going to actually do anything to help get rid of the pegwarmers.

100% correct. If one doesn't do anything about it, one should not complain. If I were a customizer, I'd buy more Lushros', but alas, I am not so I'm just happy I did my job by just buying one.

Hmmm, I see your point. Even though a Neimoidian fan admitted that he bought only one figure, I guess it's very logical that non-Neimoidian fans should pick up the slack and buy all the rest of them, and we should ask Hasbro for even more Neimoidians...

Clearly, buying just one or two is going to have no significant impact on the problem. But since no one else is buying Neimoidians in my area, if I want to clear the pegs you are saying it's all up to me, or else I should just "hush" and "quit griping".

OK, let's see: 12 + 22 + 13 + 9 = 56 @ $6.64 each = $371.84. That will clear them from my local Target stores. Then clearing them from the two Toys R Us stores would cost only 12 + 13 = 25 @ $6.99 each = $174.75.

So the grand total to clear the Lushros Dofine pegwarmers from the six stores nearest me would be only $546.59. Sure, no problem, I probably have that in loose change lying around the house...

But yes, let's have some more Neimoidians!! I'm sure a Daultay Dofine or a Tey How or a Gilramos Libkath would just fly off the pegs, and history would never never ever repeat itself....
I'm not sure what is more sad. Him taking a camera into a store and re-arranging their shelves to prove a point, or myself liking Neimoidians.

Probably myself liking neimoidians...
Well quite frankly, the Wal-Mart in my town had no Lushros Dofines left and there were only two or three at each of the Targets I went to last month so it's a safe bet they're gone by now. The whole overflow of Neimoidians must be something that only happens outside my state because I just haven't seen it. They honestly fly off the shelves pretty quickly here in all the stores I've been to.

But you know what? In the end, I don't care whether or not Neimoidians pegwarm. I admit that my call for people to buy them even if they don't like them was misguided and rude of me, but in the end, I just don't care. I like Neimoidians and I want more of them, whether or not they clog the pegs, it's just that simple.
JustOneMore said:
But yes, let's have some more Neimoidians!! I'm sure a Daultay Dofine or a Tey How or a Gilramos Libkath would just fly off the pegs, and history would never never ever repeat itself....

Wow, this guy's got problems.
WOW,i have never seen that many of one figure!
Your stores have huge Star Wars Departments!
Mine have small sections for them,and there is usually no figures on the pegs.

The most Lushros i have ever seen at one store were 11.

Youm ust live in a place where no one buys Nemodidians,cause ive never seen that many of one figure on the pegs.

Well,at Target i did see 29 N. Warriors before.
And KB has 19.
DeathSquadron said:
JustOneMore said:
But yes, let's have some more Neimoidians!! I'm sure a Daultay Dofine or a Tey How or a Gilramos Libkath would just fly off the pegs, and history would never never ever repeat itself....

Wow, this guy's got problems.

It's called sarcasm...

While some might try to claim that I am suffering from some isolated Neimoidian infestation, judging from the Warming the Pegs thread it is a national problem:

SonoftheBoss of San Antonio said:
All Poggles and Lushros Dofine in my neck of the woods.

DELuke of Florida said:
Lushros,Vader,all of the HaV W:1 except the clones,Holo Ki-Adi-Mundi and all the VTSC except the Scout Trooper, warming here.

Clone_Commander of Los Angeles said:
Theres about 18 Lushros at my target, 4 HaV Chewies, 8 Holo Ki-Adi, and one Carkoon Han and Carkoon Chewie

MK17 of Mesa said:
The only problem in this neck of the woods are Holo Ki Adi and Lushros; I am sick of seeing them. Everything else seems to be doing okay though.

BoomBot of OKC/Edmond said:
I visit one Target store regularly, and Coruscant cases come in constantly. Holo Ki-Adi, Lushros, and Vader are the ones that sit. There's still one or two Bib figures too, but everything else usually doesn't sit that long.

Blue_Knight of North Carolina said:
MK17 said:
The only problem in this neck of the woods are Holo Ki Adi and Lushros; I am sick of seeing them. Everything else seems to be doing okay though.

I am seeing those, and a lot of VTSC. The Target exclusives are still being stocked regularly also, no shortage at all of Grievous and the Senate pack.

Lord_Atmo said:
Ki Adi holograms dont move at all over here. there's always a few vaders too. as well as Lushros and even poggle.

Since1978 of Atlanta said:
Lushros is the number one offender here in metro Atlanta, Holo Ki-Adi is second, after that Vader is probably a distant third - it really seems to be only those two that are warming. H&V has sold through - you'll find one here two there - but never quantities.


Habs98 of Northfield said:
Holo Ki Adi and Lushros are everywhere as are the H&V Wave. VSTC are still everywhere also.

Darth_Anton of San Fernando Valley said:
Lots of Neimoidians and Holo Ki's around here as well. Han and Greedo are keeping them company.

notanerd said:
Out in SoCal it tends to be Lushros, Vader, Poggle, Sun, H&V Chewie, the Skirmish Battlepack, and Yoda...

Anakin21 of Washington said:
Poggle, Derlin, H&V Chewbacca, Lushros and Holo Ki Adi - all warming pegs around here.

OOM9 said:
Hem Dazon and Garindan are offically peg warmers around here. (Whittier, California area)

We also have the Lushros problem, but he's teaming up with Bren around here.

OleeStarstone of Indianapolis said:
Lushros Dofine, Vader, holo Ki-Adi-Mundi, geonosians. Yoda, Chewbacca...

Darth_Huntarr of Copperas Cove/Killeen said:
Poggle, Derlin, Rieekan, Lushros, Holo. Ki-Adi, MOST of H&V1( except Clones ), & the biggest stinker of them all: Hoth Vader, standard release.

Tlaloc of Texas said:
Mr. Dofine and HV Chewie in most areas...

Asharad_Hett of Southern California said:
I haven't gotten out in the past couple of weeks do to no new product but Lushros Dofine, Holo Ki, Darth Vader, and Foul are all pegwarming. (mostly at wal-mart.)

DSIILuke of Detroit said:
To name specifics, H&V Chewbacca and Lushros are the biggest pegwarmers around these parts

sambuca of New Mexico said:
Lushros and Poggle in the local stores now mainly, but oddly enough....

GALACTIC HEROES are pegwarming en masse at my nearest Wally...

Avenger of Michigan said:
Lushros, H&V Chewie, Holographic Ki-Adi Mundi and Hoth Vader are clogging my Target's BF pegs...

SonoftheBoss of San Antonio said:
NuteGunray said:
Anyone else plagued by VTSC? All of them, even the Biker Scout!

my 2 walmarts are dripping with them, but havent seen scouts in a while. at least 70-100 of just the other 4 figs. everytime i see them i think of all that peg space that could be filled with sandtroopers and scorchs.

oh who am i kidding, that space would be filled with 70 lushros dofines and 30 ki adi's.

LINQ0311 of SF Bay Area said:
Usually my local Target does not have pegwarmers very long, but last year they did have a lot of Neimoidian Warriors pegwarming. Now this year they have been pretty good, but the last couple weekends all I am seeing are surprise- Neimoidian peg warmers.

God they suck.

Dan_Cziraky said:
Lushros Dofine is still the biggest pegwarmer in the Carolinas...

TheRock88 of San Jose said:
Went into Walmart today and they had about 20-25 figures. ALL of them were either Lushros or Holo Ki-Adi.

CobraKaiDojo of Pennsylvania said:
For some reason, my TRU, which has gotten Tatooine wave a number of times, still get shipments of Coruscant. So needless to say on any given day, it's a sea of Lushros Dofines and Holo Ki-Adi's.

Jmacq1 said:
Most stores around here in the DC Metro area have a pegwarming mix of Lushros, Major Derlin, Hoth Vader, Holo-Ki, Poggle, and Sun Fac...

Jolu_Zonng said:
Four pegs full of the H&V assortment, with a couple clones, a pilot, and an R2....quite a few Lushros as well...

But again, let me repeat, the only thing I have against Neimoidian figures is that they don't sell and they tend to clog the pegs, crowding out other, more popular figures. I think asking Hasbro for even more Neimoidian basic figures that are likely to be even less popular (if that's even possible) doesn't make sense.

Again, I think they should be available online as or or exclusives to satisfy the handful of Neimoidian fetishists, er I mean fans out there. Even I would buy them if they were sold that way, just to keep my collection complete. But please, as I first posted, when it comes to retail basic figures: NO MORE NEIMOIDIANS!
If you don't like neimoidians. Don't keep posting in a thread where neimoidian lovers post.

Start up a new thread; Dear Hasbro; Please no more Neimoidians.

I promise I wouldn't post in there-so if you don't want more neimoidians-don't post in here.

Actually, I'm not sure if I could keep that promise. eh. forget that!
Re:No More Neimoidians!

Woah,I'm on the list of known Nemoidian dislikers!Sweet!
Re:No More Neimoidians!

Rune_Haako said:
You dislike Neimoidians?

Of course not. But this list seems fictional-so I imagined I'd be on there as well.

I love neimoidians. My photonovels are a testiment for their race.

Wait for it-any credibility my photonovels have had has now gone down the karzy!
Re:No More Neimoidians!

If hasbro has learned from previous mistakes, there wont be any other neimodians.

I, for one, am sick of seeing lushros, AND the warrior just sit there.

NO MORE NEIMODIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have seen two, count them TWO Neimoidian figures in my entire life, one Lott Dod and one silver-clad Neimoidian Commander. Both are now in my collection and I never saw any other green lizard-guy. Seeing all those Lushros Dofines and Neimoidian Warriors out of my reach is very annoying, especially with everyone bashing the hell out of them.
Rushie said:
I have seen two, count them TWO Neimoidian figures in my entire life, one Lott Dod and one silver-clad Neimoidian Commander. Both are now in my collection and I never saw any other green lizard-guy. Seeing all those Lushros Dofines and Neimoidian Warriors out of my reach is very annoying, especially with everyone bashing the hell out of them.

To tell you the truth-I have only ever seen Warriors and Lott Dod in retail.

Damn wish I could find Lushros in retail as well.

I actually had to resort to ebay for mine
Went to a brand-new, just-opened Target here in Knightdale near where I live. I only saw one lonely little Lushros on the pegs amidst a varied bunch from the Mis Eisley wave. People must love Neimoidians here in my neck of North Carolina.

I've seen all the Neimoidians at retail except for the Commander. They were never in huge bunches, always just one or two of them amidst various other figures. Yes, even the Warrior never pegwarmed hugely around here. And back when I was living in Mississippi, Nute and Rune didn't stay on the shelves long themselves. I'm not sure how to explain this but either way, I have honestly never seen huge bunches of Neimoidian figures like everyone else is claiming. I'm sure it happens, as the photographs prove, but I've never experienced the phenomenon personally.

DeathSquadron said:
JustOneMore said:

Well, I'm convinced! I hope they never make the figures I want, and I'm going to stop talking about them!

Noooooo, DeathSquadron, don't do it! Think of The Unmade! Think of all the potential Neimoidian goodness yet to be had!
To be honest with you guys. When Episode 1 came out-I was eleven. And for me the greatest find was actually finding Nute Gunray and Rune Haako in retail.

My dad brought them for me. I loved them-I always wanted them.

And to be honest-I actually prefer the Imperials to neimoidians so take that into account-even a young child loved the neimoidians.

I have seen kids as well screaming because they couldn't find a Nute Gunray -No kidding.

Basingstoke Toys R Us-neimoidian lovers haunt-I have seen warriors being sold there-I have never seen Lushros there-nor commander-

So here in Britain-Neimoidians are actually quite popular-forget what anyone else says.

Us British love Imperials and Neimoidians.
But we all hate Rebels...don't we!
Rushie said:
I have seen two, count them TWO Neimoidian figures in my entire life, one Lott Dod and one silver-clad Neimoidian Commander. Both are now in my collection and I never saw any other green lizard-guy. Seeing all those Lushros Dofines and Neimoidian Warriors out of my reach is very annoying, especially with everyone bashing the hell out of them.
You could gladly have the 20 or so Lushros Dofines that are pegwarming at my Walmart...

I'm actually a big Neimoidian fan, and if I could find a Nute or Rune fig, I'd gladly buy them...but seeing as I only started collecting earlier this year, all I can find is Lushros Dofine(who I didn't even know who he was until I looked him up...) I'd definitely rather have Hasbro realease a couple more good Nute figs than Neimoidians who are barely in the movies at all.
Well by that logic they should've already made Daultay and Gilramos by now as well as ROTS Rune and Nute. In any event, Lushros did actually have a fairly sizable part during the beginning of the movie. He just had nothing to do with the main plot.
Okay you know I asked about more female characters, but even this is pushing it a bit far...
Kids screaming cause they couldn't find nute gunray????

Here in the states any Neimodian is a peg warmer...I do hate rebels, but I guess i am alone in saying please hasbro, no more of these guys!
The only 2 unmade Neimoidians that I think deserve to be made are Nute Gunray from EP3 and Daultay Dofine from EP1 since they both had a decent amount of lines in the film(s).