More Neimoidians!

Well, Mr. Troll, I'm unsure if any official anatomical diagrams of Neimoidians actually exist even in official literature.
Kooshmeister said:
Well, Mr. Troll, I'm unsure if any official anatomical diagrams of Neimoidians actually exist even in official literature.

So do I have to change my avatar and submit an application to the Neimoidian fan club to not be considered a troll on this thread?
no i was not drunk the horse thing the early concept nemdoins and if you guys get more neimodans the I want dare i say in public more figs of ...

jar jar binks and more gungans
LINQ0311 said:
So do I have to change my avatar and submit an application to the Neimoidian fan club to not be considered a troll on this thread?

If you stopped referring to yourself as a troll, it would certainly help your case.
I' like a definitive SA Jar Jar and hey, more Gungans are cool with me. Mesa no got such a Grand Army!



I just learn the joy in liquifying nemdioans in a food proceser then I snaped some pics of gungans drinking it . and titled it "the revenge of the pegwarmers".
THX76924 said:
I just learn the joy in liquifying nemdioans in a food proceser then I snaped some pics of gungans drinking it . and titled it "the revenge of the pegwarmers".

I just can't understand why people like you come in here just to insult the characters we like. You must realize Nute Gunray is a fictional character and will not personally read this, so you must just be trying to make your fellow collectors feel bad. It may seem ironic to say this on a toy collecting message board, but some of you really need to grow up.

In other news, today I am 20 and officially too old to be playing with Star Wars toys, but I just can't give up when Lushros is so close...
DeathSquadron said:
LINQ0311 said:
So do I have to change my avatar and submit an application to the Neimoidian fan club to not be considered a troll on this thread?

If you stopped referring to yourself as a troll, it would certainly help your case.

Actually, someone here called me a troll first, and rather than get mad, I graciously accepted my lowly little nickname handed down to me by the Trade Federation.

DeathSquadron said:
THX76924 said:
I just learn the joy in liquifying nemdioans in a food proceser then I snaped some pics of gungans drinking it . and titled it "the revenge of the pegwarmers".

I just can't understand why people like you come in here just to insult the characters we like. You must realize Nute Gunray is a fictional character and will not personally read this, so you must just be trying to make your fellow collectors feel bad. It may seem ironic to say this on a toy collecting message board, but some of you really need to grow up.

In other news, today I am 20 and officially too old to be playing with Star Wars toys, but I just can't give up when Lushros is so close...

I'm actually endosoring neoidains I need for A invisable hand dio ,theed, and such blending nute was stricly a Diorama purose and I forgot ot add my discolser " no figures or food procesr was harmed in the stuipid act " I tier to once blend a battle driod and my blender for a dio that plan liitarley blow up in my face .
DarthMaulSithLord said:
Rune_Haako said:

Looks more like an Egyptian.


Hey, this picture looks almost as ridiculous as the regular Neimoidians. I think we should talk about how the Chronicles indicate that Neimoidians are distant cousins of Gungans. What a surprise.
I'm not sure about Chronicles, but I was under the impression that the Neimoidians and the Duros were related.
I suspect the Gungan connection was made by people who dislike both the Neimoidians and the Gungans.

But who cares what they think?
I like the Duros because they were cool in KOTOR 2, even though I killed most of them!
Gungans and Neimoidians are just lame. Atleast the Duros are not cowardly like the Neimois.
I just wanted to pop back in since I have not been here for awhile and say that Neimoidians are ****.
LINQ0311 said:
I just wanted to pop back in since I have not been here for awhile and say that Neimoidians are actually kind of cool.

Thanks for bumping the thread.

Bayleef_Commando said:
are you crazy!! weve allready got enough neimodians!! we need more battle droids and clones!

Some things are best not said at all-my opinion only.

Yeah-I would back any Neimoidians being produced-the guys are dudes, legends, wicked, whatever you wish to call tyhem-Hasbro-listen to my voice of reason-Neimoidians sell!

Oh wait a minute, just forget the Warrior!
Lushros_Dofine said:
Oh wait a minute, just forget the Warrior!

I just wanna say, once and for all, that no matter what I'll never understand why the Neimoidian Warrior never sold well. Prior to ROTS, a big complaint about the Neimoidians was (and still is, post-ROTS) that they were very cowardly characters. Logic dictates that fans would actually appreciate the Warrior, the first example of a Neimoidian who can fight and is packing a huge weapon. But no. For some reason, the existence of a Neimoidian capable of defending himself only makes them dislike them even more. Life's funny like that sometimes.

Anyway, with regards to unmade Neimoidians, although I like Rune's list of wants I think that only a few of them actually stand a chance of ever being made. Daultay Dofine, Tey How and ROTS Nute and Rune are at the top of most fans' lists for Neimoidians who need figures pronto, so count on them being immortalized in plastic sometime in the not-too-distant future. Considering how well both pairs compliment one another, it's entirely feasible they'd make good two-packs or something along those lines.

Beyond them, I really think the only unmade Neimoidian character who needs to get made, or will ever get made period, is Gilramos Libkath. I gotta wonder why Gilramos isn't higher up on people's wantlists, especially Neimoidian fans. Not only does his unique, almost gothic headgear cry out to be sculpted, but the AOTC Nute needs a movie-accurate sidekick so collectors can quit having him either alone at the war table or being abetted by Rune Haako or Lott Dod in their TPM outfits (as I have seen numerous diorama builders do).

Rute Gunnay, despite the interesting and funny story behind his name, is a character I could honestly care less about. If Hasbro makes him, I'll buy him, but if they don't, I probably won't lose sleep over it. Which brings us, finally, to what I consider the Holy Grail of Neimoidian lovers, the eternally postponed Holographic Nute Gunray. As everyone knows, Holo Nute was supposed to be in the Episode I line along with Lott Dod, only to have both be held back due to poor sales of Rune and regular Nute. And although Lott eventually saw release later down the line, poor Holo Nute has not.

In the end, I blame the poor sales of Neimoidians on a number of factors, beyond their unpopularity with a good many fans. main problem is they don't have much play-value with kids, which is apparently why EP1 Rune and Nute didn't sell well despite being two of the best figures in the line in terms of sculpt. And where adult collectors are concerned, aside from Lushros none of the Neimoidians released since Episode I have been of particularly interesting-looking Neimoidians. AOTC Nute was a good figure, but part of a three-pack and therefore not a figure many could buy on a whim; Lott Dod was a lame character to begin with, and his figure was a lame and poorly-made holdover from 1999; the Warrior was just bland-looking, and the Commander shared this problem being a mere repaint of him. In short, I think Neimoidians haven't sold well because of Hasbro's poor choices in what Neimoidians they actually release.

Hopefully, Lushros will sell well enough to persuade Hasbro to make the remaining Neimoidians. Considering the unmade ones have some of the most interesting, eye-catching outfits of the entire bunch, it's reasonable to assume they'll sell a lot better than their poorly-chosen pegwarming ancestors.
Kooshmeister said:
I gotta wonder why Gilramos isn't higher up on people's wantlists, especially Neimoidian fans.

Gilramos!! I forgot him. What a dude!

I personally think that out of the remaining Neimoidians, Hasbro should make;

1) Daultay Dofine-this guy needs to be made-he is important and more significant than some figures made (Boshek for instance)
2-Gilramas Libkath-we need him-as the previous post said-he is vital to any decent AOTC diorama
3-Tey How-we have a generic battleship officer (Lushros Dofine) now we need his partner in crime, the communications officer to go with him.
Anyone else got any cool rare pictures?

Hmm...I'd love to see all the ones come out from that list. Wishful thinking. :\
Incidentally can anyone furbish me with scans of the Neimoidians from the three Visual Dictionaries? I have all three but lack a workable scanner.
Rune_Haako said:
Would anyone want early concept Neimoidians?








I really dig the concept neimoidians, like an organic battle droid, I woud kill for some figuress of them.
Hopefully there'll be at least one in TPM Wave if there's going to be a TPM Wave.

Or maybe we'll get a new one in a Battle Pack.
Rune_Haako said:
Hopefully there'll be at least one in TPM Wave if there's going to be a TPM Wave.

Or maybe we'll get a new one in a Battle Pack.

Hopefully not. What a waste of battle pack space. Just like during last year with ROTS, again this year my store shelves have absolutely nothing but Neimoidians. What a surprise, they didn't sell last time, and they are not selling this time. Hasbro is retarded.
LINQ0311 said:
Rune_Haako said:
Hopefully there'll be at least one in TPM Wave if there's going to be a TPM Wave.

Or maybe we'll get a new one in a Battle Pack.

Hopefully not. What a waste of battle pack space. Just like during last year with ROTS, again this year my store shelves have absolutely nothing but Neimoidians. What a surprise, they didn't sell last time, and they are not selling this time. Hasbro is retarded.

I don't know if I've posted in this thread before and I'm too lazy to check but I also want more Neimoidians. I like their hats.
Lushros_Dofine said:

Rune Haako Voice: Have you ever encountered a Neimoidian hater before, sir? That won't be enough, sir. WHERE ARE THOSE DROIDEKAS?!
Lushros_Dofine said:

L0L! Good one! Dare I ask if you know all of the Neimoidian quotes???

Kooshmeister said:
Rune Haako Voice: Have you ever encountered a Neimoidian hater before, sir? That won't be enough, sir. WHERE ARE THOSE DROIDEKAS?!

I'm definitely guilty of being a Neimoidian-Hater. What amazes me more is that they have their own fan base, which leaves hope for Jar-Jar to one day have his own fan base!
Well it shouldn't be that amazing. There's a fanbase for pretty much everything. No matter how much you hate something, there's always someone else who loves it just as much. After all, one man's trash is another man's treasure.

EDIT: And yeah, we do know all the Neimoidian lines, methinks.
Actually, some of us could identify any line with its speaker. There are probably even people who could recite the whole movies by heart. Not that hard to believe that we know the Neimoidian lines. ^_^
More Neimoidians!!! There is always a special place in my heart dedicated to spineless, cowardly, backstabbing and greedy Neimoidians...
The way they talk, the way they skulk around, the way they pittifully beg for mercy.... Aww... You gotta love 'em!
The problem is-is that most people like Clones-(Don't get me wrong-I love clones-I love Imperials even more) and because of that-they feel hard done by when Hasbro actually releases another figure-like a neimoidian-so they feel they have to hate the figure and the species.

I hate ever so much...but I don't clutter the Chirpa thread with my hatred of them...well...

I hate Tusken Raiders-the most ridiculous species ever IMO. So why did Hasbro make a vintage one?! But I don't moan-well I just have-but that's beside the point.

The problem is-is that there are a lot of intolerant people-(only a minority) and like in the real world-these intolerant people feel they have to complain about things (In this instance-Neimoidians) Everyone has their pet love-and mine is neimoidians-not because I think they are cool-but because they are cowardly, stupid, poofy and the rest-what legends!

So-hasbro-maybe give us Daultay Dofine-I'll make a compromise and say only a Daultay Dofine-because any more might well get too much-but I think that a Daultay Dofine would be a seller-because unlike Lushros Dofine-he actually looks unique and has a larger part.

Collectors would love a Daultay
Diorama builders would love a Daultay
Customisers would love a Daultay
Kids might love a Daultay-because he looks unique, he doesn't look boring-and if he was given ample articulation-he might even be a seller to kids-which is why Hasbro make these in the first place
Lushros_Dofine said:
...when Hasbro actually releases another figure-like a neimoidian-so they feel they have to hate the figure and the species.

The problem is-is that there are a lot of intolerant people-(only a minority) and like in the real world-these intolerant people feel they have to complain about things (In this instance-Neimoidians)

It has nothing to do with loving clones or being intolerant or hating a species, it is simply the fact that more than any other species they don't sell!

Because they don't sell (Neimoidian Warrior anyone? How about a Lushros Dofine?), they clog the pegs.

Because they clog the pegs, there is physically no room to put up other figures.

Because of that, every time I go to Target or TRU, I'm greeted by a wall of Neimoidians.

Come back the next day, same thing.

Come back the next day, same thing.

Go to a different Target, see yet another group of pegs cluttered by a gaggle of unsellable Neimoidians.

Repeat ad nauseum.

It has nothing to do with their personalities, it has everything to do with their proven track record of clogging pegs like a logjam and keeping other figures from being put on the pegs.

In my opinion, the last thing we need is a new reinforcement for the Pegwarming Federation.