More Neimoidians!

Jun 18, 2005
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North Carolina
Hi, new guy here, and I'm a big fan of the Neimoidian characters with their funny headgear and Mojo Jojo-esque voices, and although the figures of Nute Gunray (both his TPM and AOTC incarnations), Rune Haako, and Lott Dod are pretty neat I would really like to see more. I'm aware of the Neimoidian Warrior from the ROTS line but I have yet to buy him.

Anyway with that in mind, methinks that Hasbro has only three Neimoidian characters left to immortalize in plastic, five if you count Nute and Rune in their ROTS costumes: those three are Daultay Dofine and Tey How from TPM, and Gilramos Libkath from AOTC.

I'm honestly amazed that with the wide variety of obscure characters from TPM that DID get made, Dofine didn't merit a figure, and he was my second-favorite Neimoidian from that film after Rune Haako. Libkath meanwhile would round out the Separatist collection nicely, I think. Plus, out of all the Neimoidians, he had the coolest hat. I could care less about Tey How, though some people seem to be really pining for a figure of her.

So, I'm hoping that, eventually, Hasbro will complete the Neimoidian collection by immortalizing these individuals in plastic.
Frankly, I would love a Tey How figure. I figure we will need a new version of Nute from ROTS too. Other than that I'm cool with what we got. Maybe the pilot from ROTS to round things out...
I'd buy all of those figures if they were made
. And I had no idea the second Nemoidian of AOTC was called Gilramos Libkath (that has a nice ring to it
I'd like,

Daultay Dofine


Nute Gunray - Hologram


Rune Haako - Hologram


ROTS Nute Gunray


ROTS Rune Haako


ROTS Rute Gunnay



AOTC Gilramos Libkath


Neimoidian Ground Crewman : Geonosis Hanger (both versions)



Tey How


Yee Moh and the other Outlander Club Neimoidians



TPM Neimoidian Aides




Trade Federation Financial Officer


Mik Regrap - Trade Federation Diplomat



Hath Monchar


Neimoidian Home Defense Legionnaire


Deluxe Nute Gunray w/ Neimoidian Mechno-Chair and Hologram Projector w/ Mini Darth Sidious Hologram.

I didn't know Daultay and the IH Captain were related
! Are they brothers, father and son, or something else?
The Invisible Hand databank entry only says this,

The esteemed captain, Lushros Dofine, came from one of the most influential and wealthiest Neimoidian families.
Well in Daultay Dofine's bio it says he was "a bootlicker of high birth," so it stands to reason he and Lushros are in fact related then.
I've alawys been a fan of the Nemodians too. I loved ROTS because we got to see so many of them, watching them get killed is somehow cool IMO if you can kill a Nemodian before he runs away then there's some serious action going on right now.

At the very least I think we need Tey How and Donfine, the pilot and Captain from EP1, and then a generic officer from ROTS. I'd shy away from making too many different sculpts (remember Lott Dod's success) but we definitley need more!
I'm glad to see that the Nemodian guard is already in the ROTS line, otherwise that would be first on my list. They kind of remind me of Spanish Conquistadors from the 1600s.
I am a big fan of Nute Gunray and the rest of the Neimodians! So I would like !these Neimodian's made into Figures!
Daultay Dofine
Lushros Dofine : Invisible Hand Captain
Nute Gunray : Hologram
ROTS Nute Gunray
ROTS Rune Haako
ROTS Neimoidian Aide
AOTC Gilramos Libkath / Lott Dod.
Neimoidian Ground Crewman : Geonosis Hanger (both versions)
Tey How
Yee Moh : Outlander Club
TPM Neimoidian Aides (
I didn't know there were Nemoidians on the Outlander Club
! That's something for me to look for next time I watch it.
After how much the Neimodian warrior sold I sincerely doubt that they will be making any more Neimodians.
GeneralGrievous said:
After how much the Neimodian warrior sold I sincerely doubt that they will be making any more Neimodians.

I don't think the Neimodians from the first two prequels sold well either. Which would explain why they didn't show up in the ROTS line. Neimodian fans seem to be in the minority.
it could be but its higley unlikly

although i would like that...
We've got 7 neimoidians counting Lushros. (One's a repaint, and another's a repaint except for the head.)
sir_bayleef said:
are you crazy!! weve allready got enough neimodians!! we need more battle droids and clones!

Don't worry, Rune, this guy doesn't ever have a clue as to what he's talking about.
Rune_Haako said:
We've got 7 neimoidians counting Lushros. (One's a repaint, and another's a repaint except for the head.)

I assume the repaint is the Neimoidian Commander, but who's the other "repaint except for the head?"

And not to pick nits, but in your pic of "Tey How" that's actually Sil Unch from later on in TPM (I can tell because of where Daultay Dofine is standing).
AOTC Nute Gunray. (though his robe is new.)

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font>
And not to pick nits, but in your pic of "Tey How" that's actually Sil Unch from later on in TPM (I can tell because of where Daultay Dofine is standing).


Oops, yeah I forgot, they're different pilots.
It would be great if some Neimoidans would be considered for the upcomming 2-Pack Cinema Scenes line.

Tey How and Daulty Dofine (with commanding chair/ bride base)
Nute Gunray (ROTS) with Mustafar War Room table and Ep 1 Holo Sidious/ ROTS Holo Anakin
If they made every Neimoidian mentioned in this thread, I'd buy them. However, the only one I really want to see is Tey How.
I wouldn't mind a few more repaints of Neimoidian warriors in black/gold, etc. Different ranks.
unless its holo nute or the one with the goggles. please wait. we need a lot of other stuff first