I can't wait to get the new Legacy figures! They certainly do look pretty awesome, just hoping their eyes and paint aren't wonky. Love the realistic accessories, but it's a little weird that we get all the figures with compys? They are clearly from JP2, a movie none of the those characters are in aside from Malcolm. And Grant comes with a flare pistol, which he used in JP3 in an entirely different outfit. I guess it's a way for us to get all the classic movie stuff in one line, but I'd have much preferred that instead of a dino, Grant and Ellie would come with more movie-specific accessories. I'd love to see Grant with a lit flare, SPAS12 shotgun like Muldoon, and maybe a hatched egg and raptor claw. These would have been AMAZING accessories. As for Ellie, she needs her walkie with belt clip too, that could be inserted into her waist. The Flashlight is awesome, but she should come with a yellow rain slicker that you can put over top of her, like a cloak. Same with Muldoon, and he should also have a flashlight. As for Ian Malcolm, he should come with a replaceable battle damaged leg, and non-glasses headsculpt so you could have him in both scenarios. I think Malcolm does come with a lit flare. Just seems weird they didn't go all out like that for collectors level stuff. The basic JW2 toys look great for what they're trying to do and certainly work well being simple but with awesome articulation. Just wish we'd have gotten more practical stuff for the Legacy Collection. Still buying all 4 and the big Rex and Jeep. Would love to see the Explorer done in the future!