For each time I've bought an extra figure to keep in the packaging - I'd have done the same regardless of whether it came on a TVC card or not.
Collecting what you like, especially if it makes you happy (regardless of why it makes you happy) isn't dumb at all.Honestly, I feel dumb for saying this, but I'm really just getting this for the Anzellan (And maybe the Grogu, since the photos do show him in his "BABY NO SQUEEZY" pose). It's just something cute to throw in the display.
Exactly. I remember having full cases of each line carded util it simply got to be too much, then I stopped with TAC. Just recently I went through and sold them all off, well the one's I didn't want spares of for fodder. AOTC, TSC, ROTS and TAC the last two pretty much all figures ever release while TSC I cherry picked. TPM I never really got into collecting card aside from a handful. And with TVC I only buy an extra to keep card for OT characters that might actually be worth something one day, again. Or a niche character like HK-47 & Jedi Revan, the Ewoks & Droids, or mural Rebels. Everything else is an opener. I may buy multiples of TVC but it's generally for trop building or custom fodder not to have them all carded, and a few instances of needing to complete several scenes like with Leia and Vader, and soon to be Luke.For each time I've bought an extra figure to keep in the packaging - I'd have done the same regardless of whether it came on a TVC card or not.
Yep, it just boils down to personal feelings on whether it's "worth the price". If I thought, I could get enough back selling off IG-11 & Grogu I'd be tempted to buy this just for the Anzellan. After all the only reason I bought DLX Ahsoka was for the owl and lamp. I once even bought a whole ship just for the figure, then sold off the ship! Anyon remember Crynyd's A-Wing? lolCollecting what you like, especially if it makes you happy (regardless of why it makes you happy) isn't dumb at all.
We are also long gone from the days when we'd get cool accessories with figures so even if the packaging changed, I don't see them ushering in anything new and interesting with basic releases, that's still going to be a DLX avenue due to costs. Which I am fine with as long as the accessories warrant it, such as the charging alcove with the Dark Trooper. That's the only one that truly felt was "Deluxe". TBH, I don't even get the appeal of TVC for stuff that's not OT, but some want a consistent packaging them perhaps.
Frankly I don't even know if changing it will help draw in kids, or anyone new, flashy packaging only goes so far in attracting attention. If when you get to the actual contents and don't like what you see you're not going to buy it. Well, unless packaging is all that matters to you.
Probably the only saving grace about it. But by that time the 4-pk had seen pretty decent sales so I think most people would have already picked it up, $40 for four figures is still a very good price! Frankly, if I had known there was a new Clone sculpt coming, I'd have never purchased it. I'd have just waited to see what plays out. I may have bought it on sale to swap out the legs on Howzer, and Grey. I wound up getting a few simply for the head sculpts, talk about crazy. lolI just wanted to piggyback onto a few of these points (although I appreciated the Howzer repack because that's the only one out of the 4 pack that I wanted and was glad to not have to buy the others for him)
How many of those situations can the line handle? And if people prefer singles then should Hasbro even bother doing carded multipacks anymore? Because one could argue that they would rather just buy Tessek by itself and be done. Granted, there's nothing to "fix" with Tessek like thee was for Howzer. Well, maybe a better/accurate skin tone!