Even I, someone who throws it all out accepts that the package is part of the product, or we'd see figures in baggies like at the goodwill. Or loose with a price tag and string wrapped around its leg like those cheap toys in the "junk aisle". lol
According to SWTVC, Bossk's Bounty followers there seems to be a pretty decent sized MOC group of fans. But I feel they're simply the vocal minority, and in some case cause more issues for the rest of us. Like these, that I feel are somewhat useless/unneeded.
Now one can argue it harms no one because it was a simple repack slot, but what if this repack slot could have been something actually "different" and useful to the whole community? I mean there's no shortage of more interesting repacks, or even repaints since this could have been any Clone Legion. That said, it was a correction before we got the new one so chances are it still wouldn't have been a good choice to slot in an update to any previous Clones. But when we keep mentioning "smart" repacks, somehow this doesn't come to mind. And I do realize my selections will differ from others, since I tend to lean towards some HTF Legacy figures.
We are also long gone from the days when we'd get cool accessories with figures so even if the packaging changed, I don't see them ushering in anything new and interesting with basic releases, that's still going to be a DLX avenue due to costs. Which I am fine with as long as the accessories warrant it, such as the charging alcove with the Dark Trooper. That's the only one that truly felt was "Deluxe". TBH, I don't even get the appeal of TVC for stuff that's not OT, but some want a consistent packaging them perhaps.
Frankly I don't even know if changing it will help draw in kids, or anyone new, flashy packaging only goes so far in attracting attention. If when you get to the actual contents and don't like what you see you're not going to buy it. Well, unless packaging is all that matters to you. But for the general consumer it does go into the trash, and when most people come across something like Morgan with no play value it gets passed up for something next to it with half a dozen accessories that will get lost upon opening it!
Additionally, and why Epic Hero Series has some appeal is because of budge friendly vehicles to use with your figures. When TVC actually does have a vehicle, it generally runs $80-100, and even the small speeder craft is $45. But with the other line it's only $20ish. At some point TVC has lost some of its "play value" at an actual value. Not to dismiss some cool sets or anything but it is clear that TVC is a collectible now more than the line has ever been, which has possibly helped run off some consumers.
My only criticism of TVC is the limited bubble space for sizable accessories, and the one shot we had at possibly getting true DLX releases have been squashed by the introduction of a wider card and bubble. All due in thanks to Hasbro's "not actually listening" to fans and doing their own thing. If they had paid attention to what the gripes were they could have found a reasonable solution but no, they wanted to keep up the ruse of "bigger package" equals better value for the higher price". What they fail to understand is that it's not 2004 with kids being 75% of the consumer market, it's now made up of adult collectors who can distinguish between the BS.