Ideas for Hasbro that could please both Collectors and Kids

Dear Hasbro,

Please, please, pretty please ignore all of the posts above and below this one. The SW fans are deluded and have a sense of entitlement that far surpasses both their knowledge and expertise.

Please keep doing what you’re doing.



Cute... and very helpful. :rolleyes:

Not sure how entitlement figures into this thread, but whatever. This is no different than any wishlist that's been created over the last 40+ years. Congratulations though on being the first person I've seen that thinks Hasbro is right on the money with their lack of distribution and lack of product.
I can't get this 2.5" thing out of my head. WHY? I have to believe that what they have done in 5" and now 2" can't be much more expensive then just supporting the 3.75" line, so what is the game plan for these? I get it that Hasbro feels 6" is the collector line, but why does the line that's been running since 1977 get lumped in with all these 'also-ran' lines?

Is it like the New Coke thing? As in, we give you 'New Coke' and it makes you really want the original back, so when you do bring it back sales go way up? Are they playing some sort of game with their factories? As in, those 3.75" factories are too expensive, so we'll give some work to this other factory in a different scale to spite them and in order to make the others bring their price down? Perhaps they think bigger is always better, like giving people the option to buy a gallon of mayonnaise. I imagine there are a few that buy it that way, but most will stick to how they've always bought it and if it's ONLY available in the gallon size will just not buy it... or will substitute with something else.
The only answer that makes sense to me is that they wanted to lean in more on having a cartoon-y vibe to the figures. And rather than do cartoon-y versions of the main characters in 3.75" (which people would have surely been upset about), they decided to try these other scales instead.

It does hurt seeing a cool and reasonably priced set of the Mandalorian, his speeder, Baby Yoda, and his travel egg...but in a weird scale that I'll never want to collect.

Where have you gone, ol' 5POA? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you...
If this was the first time they had done a smaller 'toddler' or more 'kid-friendly' line then I probably wouldn't think much of it. IN FACT.... I LOVED the Galactic Heroes line and I am not 100% certain, but I think I have ALL of them. Those multipacks for Galactic Heroes in the half circle shaped window packages were absolutely awesome. These were rather innovative Playskool figures in 2002. You saw them remove the Playskool and Hasbro continue this style with Transformers, GI Joe, and Marvel. Superhero Squad even got a Cartoon.

Then they changed because they wanted movable legs and arms (I guess). They were less cute and really not any more playable. It would have actually made more sense had they gone directly to the Toybox or GOA figure style/size... you know.... the figures grow with the consumer.


IN FACT, they did go to the Playskool Jedi Force in 2004. They were bigger 5-6 inch figures in a cute cartoony style, but the smaller figures won out, I imagine because they were cheaper, smaller, and came with 2 in a package. I dare say that should they focus on 2 packs of 3.75" figures they could easily beat out the 6" figures now.
Yeah those Galactic Heroes 2-packs were popular and great sellers, I recall buying many to give as gifts. The 2-packs of 3.75 figures known as Mission Series did well from what I remember, some even being HTF. Those were a great value at $10 for two 3.75 figures - I wish they were back as well, maybe ROS would get some much needed action figure coverage. Sadly, many adult collectors will complain that they are 5 POA like last time. Perhaps if Hasbro increased the articulation slightly and bumped the price there could be a happy medium.
I think the idea of 2 packs is very valid. I saw those Mission Series sell pretty well... at least I didn't see them sit that long. I can't say I bought them because again.... 5POA, but Hasbro certainly could appease with NA (Necessary Articulation). Choose the right characters and quality sculpts and even I will buy. I purchased Siddon Ithano and Quiggold without apprehension. Great sculpts, and while articulation would increase their appeal to me, I can live with a backgrounder like that in 5POA. (elbows and knees for 9POA... maybe... please?)

The quickest way to kill a multipack though is to repack everything. Army builders, new characters and alt versions of mains... YES PLEASE. I look at the Solo 4 pack that came out but was horribly distributed. Solo and Qi'ra in alt costumes, an army builder Range Trooper, and Weazel... a fairly deep dive character of a fan favorite actor. Had that Weazel character had a removable helmet it would have been one of my favorites of the whole year.
Posting this in its entirety below :)
1). Move all SA figs out of brick-and-morter (they’ve been trying to do that anyway); just have 5-poa and movie figs in stores.

2). Make Haslab an interactive website, requiring a username and password; charge people like $8.99 a year for membership. This would annoy people, but it would ensure that only serious suggestions are made, and it would limit the number of trolls.

3). Create “threads” where people can go and review info on certain franchises and intellectual properties (Star Wars, Transformers, GI Joe, My Little Pony, etc.) and discuss/campaign for products (more on that below).

4).Every year, beginning on a certain date (say, for random example, March 1st) and ending a week later (say, March 7th), people can submit figure requests (or vehicles, or beasts, or playsets, etc., under those headings) as potential Haslab projects. ALL submissions are official and automatically get on the ballet (unless for some good reason Hasbro has to veto them). Anyway, after a short review process, they get on the ballet. You have that one week per year to nominate a character. Haslab alerts/reminds members to log in and submit.

5). People then get until a certain date (say, like three months later, like September 1st at 9:00 p.m. or whatever) to “pay” (commit to buy, just like the barge) for certain figures. They could charge absolutely exorbitant prices (like $24.99 or even a ridiculous $39.99) because they would be hand-picked dream figures. If the character gets the required buys (like 6,000 or 10,000 or 12,000 or whatever they need it to be), it gets made. That year’s SA TVC line is made. They get released over the course of the year, in “waves,” if you will, maybe the highest vote-getters going out first (but all successful submissions going out). It essentially replaces Fan’s Choice, with real results.

6). The next year, you can resubmit a guy. So, you submit Ackmena (Bea Arthur’s character in the Holiday Special). So, she’s on the ballet. People aren’t going there to “vote” for her, but to “buy” her. They’ve committed their $24.99. But, she doesn’t get the required buys (let’s say she only gets 1,113 of the needed 6,000). Over the course of the year, you campaign for her (“I’ll buy your Fozec if you buy my Ackmena”). Then, on March 1st, you can submit her again. It would be like a player waiting to get voted into the Hall of Fame.

7). The first year, Haslab would have to make like 20 figures, because the Pietts and Aloos and (whisper it) Jaxxons of the world would all get their buys. Fan would be ecstatic, because they grass-root crowdfunded their dream fig. Hasbro would have to get after it, but hey, they used to make 40 or 60 figs all the time as standard practice. It would be like Fan’s Choice, but we’d get our top 10 or 12 instead of 1 that not everyone agreed on anyway.

8). Hasbro, there’s no risk. People agree to pay upfront; you charge their card on “September 1st” if the required number is met. It is perfectly democratic, and collectors are over the moon. And you make millions.

The idea above I'm really warming up to. I just saw Adam @Galactichunter post that he'd be down with an idea to change Fan Polls into an idea like this where you put your money where you want it and crowdfund figures, which prompted this post. Thoughts?
I’ve been saying this for years! It’s no risk to them.
And things have changed since I first posted that back in 2018. The 5POA and Movie lines are gone, and retail essentially has stopped ordering figures. It makes even more since now. Let us vote with our actual wallets.
And things have changed since I first posted that back in 2018. The 5POA and Movie lines are gone, and retail essentially has stopped ordering figures. It makes even more since now. Let us vote with our actual wallets.

They would need to make sure that this is a worldwide project, then. If they restrict their market to the US (as they initially did with the barge), they may lose a lot of potential customers.

Also, this method would still not solve the primary conflict among collectors: Some want even more of the same character because it's not "definite" enough (and a re-do couldn't guarantee that the new one would be), while others would want to get precisely those never-done-before, never-had-a-chance third-liners that have been dismissed in an earlier post as "couldn't pick them out of a line".

And: Concepts like "I buy your X if you buy my Y" require an amount of personal trust between "members" that is not really there.

Apart from that, I would really love to know what the lowest feasible production run for a figure / a vehicle might be. We know what the barge required; was that a one-off or a general number that can be taken as basis for any other product?
That’s a great question. Ten thousand? It all would come down to what they charged. If it were $24.99 per fig, many collectors would leave in disgust. But many others would be all too happy, as they would be getting EXACTLY what they want. If someone said “Hey, I’ll sell you this brand-new, photo-real fully SA TVC Admiral Piett, Sim Aloo, Solomahal, Farmboy Luke, Velken Tezeri, and Ezra Bridger for $150,” I’d say yes. I’m already spending $84 for a wave of four figures I don’t really want.
They would need to make sure that this is a worldwide project, then. If they restrict their market to the US (as they initially did with the barge), they may lose a lot of potential customers.

Also, this method would still not solve the primary conflict among collectors: Some want even more of the same character because it's not "definite" enough (and a re-do couldn't guarantee that the new one would be), while others would want to get precisely those never-done-before, never-had-a-chance third-liners that have been dismissed in an earlier post as "couldn't pick them out of a line".

And: Concepts like "I buy your X if you buy my Y" require an amount of personal trust between "members" that is not really there.

Apart from that, I would really love to know what the lowest feasible production run for a figure / a vehicle might be. We know what the barge required; was that a one-off or a general number that can be taken as basis for any other product?
It certainly would be beneficial to all if they could figure out a way to deal with all markets...

I think the issue of definitive comes in mainly with the most visible characters. You don't see people asking for a definitive Hem Dazon because there was no body. I also don't think you would see characters like Luke, Han, Anakin, Rey, etc in this format.

I think this would be a limited service in terms of characters. There are clearly a number that I believe would have enough push to get made.
Imperial Dignitary, Tonnika sisters, and maybe some like the TROS training scene Luke and Leia type figures, but depending on what numbers they'd need to 'pre-sell' I'm not totally sure what we should expect.

I mean, I want Zayne Carrick, but some would say "Who's that?" I saw a list above that had names on there that I had to admit I did not know. Would I rather have all figures represented in one 3.75" line available in stores, ABSOLUTELY!!! But we're looking at a reality where you can't get stuff in stores and sometimes even getting them online is a chore, so would I pay a bit of a premium to be sure to get what I want? I'm leaning YES.

Currently waiting on a couple customs I had made... not happy I'm paying too much but they are characters at this point I believe have 0 chance of retail.
I would just be hitting “Buy” left and right. Darth Revan in black? Click. Jedi Revan in white? Click. Bea Arthur? Double Click. It would be more fun than anything.
The first thing I’d do is nominate Zayne Carrick and Griff. Then I’d click for both of them. I would rather have 16 dream figures for $400 than 1 Razor Crest.
That’s a great question. Ten thousand? It all would come down to what they charged. If it were $24.99 per fig, many collectors would leave in disgust. But many others would be all too happy, as they would be getting EXACTLY what they want. If someone said “Hey, I’ll sell you this brand-new, photo-real fully SA TVC Admiral Piett, Sim Aloo, Solomahal, Farmboy Luke, Velken Tezeri, and Ezra Bridger for $150,” I’d say yes. I’m already spending $84 for a wave of four figures I don’t really want.
I'm paying $250 for 4 figures I absolutely want custom sculpt and paint and delivered from Europe. Gailid, Merc Pilot with black helmet, Yotts Orren, Danz Borin. The first 3 for the skiff obvs, but I want Danz Borin to go with my yellow spacer dude that I had painted a while ago.

I would just be hitting “Buy” left and right. Darth Revan in black? Click. Jedi Revan in white? Click. Bea Arthur? Double Click. It would be more fun than anything.
I'd be pretty pumped to pay $25 for the ones I want. Zayne? Check, Rycar Ryjerd? Check, Fozec? Check,
I think the issue of definitive comes in mainly with the most visible characters. You don't see people asking for a definitive Hem Dazon because there was no body. I also don't think you would see characters like Luke, Han, Anakin, Rey, etc in this format.

Fascinating. Tulgah just included a Farmboy Luke in the post before, so... yes, this is definitely a chasm between collectors in terms of expectations.

I mean, I want Zayne Carrick, but some would say "Who's that?" I saw a list above that had names on there that I had to admit I did not know. Would I rather have all figures represented in one 3.75" line available in stores, ABSOLUTELY!!! But we're looking at a reality where you can't get stuff in stores and sometimes even getting them online is a chore, so would I pay a bit of a premium to be sure to get what I want? I'm leaning YES.

Of the figures mentioned in that really long list from some years back - I know them all except one (I think) (although I admit I can't tell who's who in the Naberrie family), and these were all movie figures, so I guess I could add a hundred or so EU figures.

But there's the rub. The EU is slowly sliding into obscurity; although Marvel did a rerun of the Dark Horse material, many collectors will have either never read these comics, or have forgotten about the details so to drum up their interest is difficult. Even though some of my favorite figure candidates are from the EU, I must accept that they are simply not as well know as a movie character. With Disney killing the old EU, this is not improving the situation. (Not to speak of books, where even the look of characters is debatable.)

While the movies are still-present, they are a limited source of figures, and one day they will be exhausted to the last shoddily-clad peasant cantina patron - if no new material is created.

Disney is indeed creating new material galore, but it still remains to prove that these TV series, limited to Disney+ subscribers, will be able to create sufficient interest for toys (esp. if we think of the topic here, toys for both collectors and kids). If we mercifully forget about the ancient and not-too-well received Droids and Ewoks series, and skip the newer animated series Clone Wars, Rebels, and Resistance who all came with animated-style figures only, the only example for figures for live action TV series are two new characters from The Mandalorian (and two repaints). There was enough material in the last season to create a dozen figures, but Hasbro seems a bit reluctant to go all-in, even with the next movie years out.

So, the support we must gather for a "figure club" like that needs to cover:
- New movies (maybe - this should go to the brick and mortar stores though)
- New TV series (still unproven - but I would like to see them in the shops as well)
- "Definitive" figures of already done SA figures, as far as desired/necessary
- SA versions of already done 5-7POA figures (when I say SA, I mean 9POA upwards as needed - not overdone)
- Missing second- and third-liners from movies
- Realistic versions of previously done animated-style figures
- Missing animated series figures (in realistic style)
- New EU comics (I am very on the edge about books). Not impossible, Aphra is from that category
- Old (Dark Horse) EU comics (a treasure of figures, but sadly it may be difficult to get Disney/Hasbro to support them)
- Cut scenes figures
- Concept and Art Of figures
- Ancient obscurities (like figures from the old Marvel comics, or the first few books, or the Droids and Ewoks series, or the Holiday special, or the Ewok movies). Hey, this covers Jaxxon at least.

(In order of saleability, as I see it.)
So, the support we must gather for a "figure club" like that needs to cover:
- New movies (maybe - this should go to the brick and mortar stores though)
- New TV series (still unproven - but I would like to see them in the shops as well)
- "Definitive" figures of already done SA figures, as far as desired/necessary
- SA versions of already done 5-7POA figures (when I say SA, I mean 9POA upwards as needed - not overdone)
- Missing second- and third-liners from movies
- Realistic versions of previously done animated-style figures
- Missing animated series figures (in realistic style)
- New EU comics (I am very on the edge about books). Not impossible, Aphra is from that category
- Old (Dark Horse) EU comics (a treasure of figures, but sadly it may be difficult to get Disney/Hasbro to support them)
- Cut scenes figures
- Concept and Art Of figures
- Ancient obscurities (like figures from the old Marvel comics, or the first few books, or the Droids and Ewoks series, or the Holiday special, or the Ewok movies). Hey, this covers Jaxxon at least.

(In order of saleability, as I see it.)
I'm as big of a cheerleader for the EU as you will find, so bring on all the obscure!!

My point was how many of those would have the 'saleability' to meet a number like the 10,000 barges that were sold. (I'm assuming they'd need to sell more than 10,000 of an individual action figure.)

I feel that there are a lot of figures yet to be made or that could very easily be redone just from the 11 core movies and other movie and TV properties. I don't expect a ton will come from the likes of Droids, Ewoks, Holiday Special, or Books with little visual reference. Clone Wars is rich with candidates though. EU has tons of untapped potential.
Looking at my list I see everything from characters with talking parts like Clieg Lars, Kitster and Wald, to figures with a lot of screen time like a realistic Cad Bane or the Ghost crew, to Simple repaints like Blue Leader or Brethupp.

I feel like there are so many cool aliens and droids that we've missed out on too... ME-8D9, Bobajo, Derrown, Weeteef Cyubee.... :(
I'd love if they could make an updated Dannik Jerriko. I appreciate that they made him at all, but I just don't think the figure looks any good. He's a tad short based on the impression I get from the movie, and the head sculpt is awful (those three pegs in his face certainly don't help). Also, swivel elbows.
Recap for 10/19/20

Idea 1: - Simplify = 1 big(ish) vehicle, a couple of normal size vehicles or playsets or beasts, and figures in regular waves. It doesn't have to be so hard.
Idea 2: - Kitbash = figures are not completely perfect for kitbash, but new heads are easy.
Idea 3: - Standardized connectors = collectors can kitbash their own if the parts are slightly interchangeable. Not exactly build-a-figure, but similar.
Idea 4: - Give us quality diorama pieces = Take what Lego does and apply it to playsets. Not necessarily by bricks, but there are a number of places where 3D printing is getting out pieces that collectors want and could easily be made as a buildable or connectable environment. Think Moisture Vaporator which came with a Luke figures not so long ago. Probably the best pack in ever.
Idea 5: - Toys to Life = I know the Skylanders / Disney Infinity / Lego type of toys interacting with tech is questionable, but there has to be a way to get the young people to peek out from behind their screens once in awhile.
Idea 6: - Figure Subscription = Not a HUGE fan of this idea, but a 'put your money behind the figures you want' sort of crowd-funded figure line is interesting. I don't want to force anyone to buy something they don't want.
Idea 7: - Rotation of Main Characters = Only thing I need to say is ANH Princess Leia. A decent version of that figure hasn't been in circulation since 2004. This should get more obscure characters out there in my opinion because it should release some pressure to get mains out there.
Idea 8: - Multipacks = Probably the most obvious one but also the hardest to execute or so it seems. We've gotten good (Mace Windu's Attack Battalion, Ambush on Illum, Joker Squad) and bad (Jyn, Cassian, K 5POA 3 pack & Skywalker Saga Commemorative GOLD 2 packs) so striking the sweet spot between wanted and unwanted is key. Include accessories, kitbashing, or repainting and it gets better.

I was thinking of other things to add a new idea but the best I could come up with was just to have people that KNOW your product. I have to assume they do have people working for them that can tell you stuff like ANH Leia is needed in TVC and AOTC Padme is not.... but you gotta wonder. The only other thing I can say is get your products out there. Too many exclusives and release dates and secrecy and just missed opportunities and bad distribution. When discount stores get your stuff before collectors see it in stores you have a huge problem.
I agree, and will say that #3 is a good idea. Make all head interchangeable with each other which should be easy now with that tiny rod and ball technique versus the old style. It just seems more uniformed now but the don't. They have essentially done the dame thing they did with Joe figures before the end concerning customizing, making it twice as difficult.

I'm probably the last person who wants to see main line characters in constant rotation, I've just been too burnt out over the years on those. A certain few definitely need updates ANH Leia & Luke for sure, but I can wait on the rest until others have been made.

More Diorama sets on par with Tantive IV would definitely be welcome!

Figure subscription seems like it's the only way to get certain figures, which I thought Pulse was created for. And given the fact I am unable to find figures in stores anyways, it might as well be online only.
I agree, and will say that #3 is a good idea. Make all head interchangeable with each other which should be easy now with that tiny rod and ball technique versus the old style. It just seems more uniformed now but the don't. They have essentially done the dame thing they did with Joe figures before the end concerning customizing, making it twice as difficult.

I'm probably the last person who wants to see main line characters in constant rotation, I've just been too burnt out over the years on those. A certain few definitely need updates ANH Leia & Luke for sure, but I can wait on the rest until others have been made.

More Diorama sets on par with Tantive IV would definitely be welcome!

Figure subscription seems like it's the only way to get certain figures, which I thought Pulse was created for. And given the fact I am unable to find figures in stores anyways, it might as well be online only.
I understand why some ball joints are different, but it really doesn't make sense with a number of them. I imagine Hasbro doesn't want us to make our own figures and not buy theirs, but I see this as people buying more of theirs to have the extra parts to interchange....

As far as the main characters or subscriptions... I just want figures that make sense. The Anakin peasant and black Queen figures are just ridiculous. I believe if they have a plan to get the mains out there in some form then they can focus on getting some of the other figures out without feeling the need to get another Darth Vader or Sandtrooper out there.

I'm talking about figures with multiple iterations: Luke, Leia, Han, Chewbacca, Lando, Vader, Maul, Anakin, Padme, Obi Wan, Rey, Poe, Finn, Kylo, Emperor and probably R2 and 3PO. All have been in multiple properties. Do some box sets with them and occasional single releases from different scenes. Easy enough I say. Obviously troops (various clones and stormtroopers, Endor, Hoth, Tantive, Imperials, Ewoks, etc) will be necessary also, but I see years of potential for figures. There are 100's of characters from Clone Wars and Rebels alone.
Idea 1: - Simplify
Idea 2: - Kitbash
Idea 3: - Standardized connectors
Idea 4: - Give us quality diorama pieces
Idea 5: - Toys to Life
Idea 6: - Figure Subscription
Idea 7: - Rotation of Main Characters
Idea 8: - Multipacks
Idea 9: - Hire some people that know the product

I'm throwing Idea 10 out there today.
10: Fan First Friday Features Freakin' Faulty Filler. Flaunting the Fumbling Failure to Foresee Favored Figures and Fails to Fit the Following with Few Fresh Flashes of Features to Fire up the Faithful. That's just how I Feel.

Forget the Fan First Friday and how about a new Forum For Fans instead of this Feckless Farce.
Idea 1: - Simplify
Idea 2: - Kitbash
Idea 3: - Standardized connectors
Idea 4: - Give us quality diorama pieces
Idea 5: - Toys to Life
Idea 6: - Figure Crowdfunding
Idea 7: - Rotation of Main Characters
Idea 8: - Multipacks
Idea 9: - Hire some people that know the product
Idea 10: - F Fan First Fridays which are neither the first time we've seen these items, nor for the fans

Ok, so I'm seeing more talk of the Figure Subscription so I'm going to put the information here that I dug up about GI Joe's FSS Collectors Club figures. Not saying this is the way to go at all, but it's out there. Changing the #6 idea to Figure Crowdfunding as that seems more 'current'.

The figures are listed with some reviews here:

At the 2011 G.I. Joe Collector’s Convention, the Collector’s Club unveiled plans to expand their figure offerings beyond a single membership incentive figure and the annual Joe Con sets. Dubbed the “Figure Subscription Services” or “FSS”, the GIJCC would offer members the opportunity to sign-up for a subscription that delivered two new G.I. Joe figures directly to their door each month for six months. In addition, subscribers would also receive a “surprise” 13th figure whose identity would not be revealed prior to shipping. The initial line-up would consist of several previously-shown-but-unreleased figures as well as a few unique Club creations. Initial figure reveals began in the Fall of 2011, with the first sign-up occurring several months later. The Figure Subscription Service figures started shipping in early 2013. Since that time, the G.I. Joe Collector’s Club has continued to offer an annual Figure Subscription Service with the roster typically announced during the Club’s Round Table Discussion Panel at Joe Con.

The cost of the twelve-figure subscription service was initially $294 if Paid In Full (plus shipping) or three Installments of $98 (plus shipping). By the 8th and final FSS selection, the cost was $384.00 (+ shipping for 6 shipments). Upon subscription completion, you received a bonus carded 13th mystery figure with the last shipment.

I would say the GI Joe collector's club was pretty much the death of GI Joe. It made it extra expensive and forced you to buy what they offered. All offerings were really quite nice albeit kitbashed and repainted with some new sculpting.

I don't know that Star Wars even COULD go this route. They could do some kitbashing, but that wouldn't take them very far and then we'd just get into repaints which I don't think anyone wants. IF they were to do this, collectors would expect deep backgrounders like Tzzvzt, Cane Adiss and Cloud Riders OR EU characters like Jacen, Jaina, Zayne Carrick, or Kiro OR very specific characters like Lt. Sheckil, Lt. Connix, or Gilad Pellaeon... and while some of that could be kitbashed, pretty much ALL will need some sculpting to meet expectations.

ALSO GI Joe had NO licensing fee... Star Wars fees would likely double the cost of the subscription at least. Are you willing to pay almost $60 per figure? The GI Joe subscription cost about $30 per figure (PLUS shipping)
Are you willing to pay almost $60 per figure?

Here in Germany, a 6" Deluxe Figure costs about 40€, which is currently $47.92 ... not that far away, for a single figure, and if I remember Jar Jar correctly, there is not much deluxe about it. Yet collectors are still buying them. Go figure.

Personally, I can't afford $60 per figure; I have to pick and select at the current 3.75" price of 21.99€ ($26.35) per figure, especially with the amount of repaints and kitbashes. I have given up on 6" completely.

You are right of course, as a long-time collector, I'd expect exclusively new, long missing characters or brand new ones from recent shows instead of what we currently get on the average. I'd also need to see some completeness in the scenes (not just the three mains from a whole show), more aliens (who also have the advantage that they don't tweet sh*t), and a coverage of movie speaking roles. Which seems to be a problem for Hasbro right now.

I keep wondering whether 3.75" even has a future. Now if Hasbro is going to cancel that scale, then I would be forced to settle for a last selection... maybe, maybe I would pay an extra for that last hurrah if the figures round off the collection. But if this half-a**ed effort is continuing like before, just as an even more overpriced exclusive/subscription, then that's that.
Seems to me like a international distributor agreement would solve a lot of the issues with Europe/Asia. But I guess there is more to it than meets the eye.

I would crowdfund groups of related figure packs. Churn out certain groups that May not make the cut at retail.
I personally will not pay $60 for one figure, that way too much for any character. Like I've said previously $20 is my max.

Idea 3: - Standardized connectors
This if anything should be happening now more than ever with the current figure construction, just look at how Boba is put together and imagine how easy it would/should be to make new parts that just "snap" onto it thus creating a whole new figure/character. I forget where it was but the breakdown pic by a forum member show great spots for connecting at the hips to totally swap out for new legs, and the same goes for the arms. So I feel that they could essentially reuse his gauntlets, torso and pelvis area to make Cobb Vanth, they just need to tool up new head/helmet, legs/boots and upper arms. Or go with swappable head like Walmart Din.

It also would come in useful for all new figures when creating background characters to mix and match parts rather than having to tool up all new one to fit the old sculpt.

I simply cannot fathom why they cannot seem to understand that, or it it that they don't want it to be that easy or for use to be able to make our one characters? After all they totally ruined 3.75" Joe figures at the end.
I personally will not pay $60 for one figure, that way too much for any character. Like I've said previously $20 is my max.

Recent announcements of figures have been pretty good. Finally getting an announcement of Kuiil and Bo Katan along with some nice upgrades like Bib Fortuna make me feel better about The Vintage Collection as a whole, but then they go and put out a selection of repainted clones under the Bad Batch name and baffle everyone. It's similar to how we got a TFA Han in a coat he wore for 10 seconds, but not the character everyone lost their minds cheering for (the "Chewie, we're home" moment).
Seeing Black Series continue to get figures like Koska Reeves, Mayfield, Zero, and Jaxxon really make be alternately jealous, angry, and hopeful, but the more time passes, it always seems less likely we'll see these figures that we really want in 3.75".

I highlighted your comment because I think most would agree that $20 is actually really high for a 3.75" figure. I've never paid over that except for a few customs I had made. E-bay prices right now are insane and make me consider selling all of it... I can't imagine this stuff being worth more than it is right now. We have a perfect storm right now. High demand for product. Low production. High nostalgia for collectibles. I love this stuff, but I wouldn't mind the $40-60 per figure I'm seeing online...
Yeah I don't recall ever seeing the level of craze we are now, it's almost the same feel the Housing market has and at some point it will crash. Which also has me thinking about cashing in all my chips now and just having fond memories of a great collection I once had. The maker knows I could certainly use a downsize as I'm just not into Army building anymore and have a tone of Clones from the good old days. As well as Troopers from Hoth, Endor. I somehow got talked into it or caught that bug and now I simply do not have the room for it all anymore, especially not with new stuff always coming. I guess I'm lucky that they don't make everything I want and that I am able to pass on 50% of the line or I'd be in worse shape.

Pricing it really out of whack at Hasbro recently though as it seems we pay more for a repack than an all new mold by about $2, then as cool as that Clone Set is, it felt a bit on the high side at $63 for 4 repaints. Considering that the latest TVC singles repacks are $14 each, I mean if that's the case it shouldn't be such a problem to see 4 all new molds in a 4 pack since those are only $13.99 as well.

And don't get me started on the GG repacks/repaints that are $16 each!! I mean really, if that's the kind of BS they want to pull just make every figure $15 across the board and start putting more investment back into the line so we can see more new unique characters.
I don't think a subscription service is viable at $30 for a 3.75 SW figure, let alone $60, the plan would be DOA. I believe they could get away with $25 for some obscure characters that would otherwise never be produced, but that's still pushing it. The Jocasta Nu exclusive was $25, but came with a number of extra accessories and deluxe packaging to increase the perceived value. That was released nearly a decade ago, and many balked at the pricepoint, but I think it would be more sustainable in limited quantities now. If they did something brand new, like fan favorite Cane Adiss, I'd buy it for sure. They could do a couple each year to see how it pans out, but I don't see a subscription service working if you're buying a bunch of mystery figures ahead of time.
Jocasta Nu was an anomaly though due to her being a Brian's Toys Exclusive, if it had been any other vendor I feel she would have only been $15 at that time due to prices for other Exclusives at that time. Although the larger box likely added unneeded costs, and while the extra accessories were cool I really only wanted her since EP2 in 02. So I'd have been fine with just a basic carded release without the column and cube.

Heck she wouldn't even be $25 today!
With the original question of this thread in mind to please kids and collectors alike, something I think might be a fun idea is to make some 3.75" figures like model kits to be assembled and painted.
I've enjoyed putting together and painting some of the 3.75" scale stuff I've gotten from Hole in the Ground, lots of collectors like to make custom figures, kids like to make and personalize stuff, and as LEGO proves, you can be really successful offloading constructing the actual product to the consumer and convincing them it's a feature.
There's probably some issue with separate licenses for model kits and 3.75" scale where this idea can't happen, but it would be a fun extension to the line if Hasbro (or someone else) could make it happen.
Idea #11:
Pre-orders are awful. If you want to show us what is coming, show us a few months in advance and then make them available to order when there is a reasonable amount of time before delivery.

6 months of preorders has officially caused me a problem now with a number of these charging unexpectedly ... when I had just paid an amount for my car... which then gets me an overdraft fee and gets me in the dog house with the wife (understandably) and that is NOT cool. It is IMPOSSIBLE to keep track of when these will actually charge and ship and the whole pre-order thing is just punishing your faithful with release dates and times that aren't followed and are a scalpers dream.

Some of it isn't Hasbro, but WHY is it so hard to take people's money? I have preorders coming from Gamestop, Entertainment Earth, Walmart, Target, and HasbroPulse that may not arrive until MAY! Exclusive used to mean exclusive to a specific vendor... now it's more Exclusive to only those that obsessively check links and keep track of release dates. It's like a Toy Hunting Escape Room... if you can figure out the code you are allowed to spend your money on toys.

INSANE!!!!! and it has to stop. I'd rather see nothing announced until May so this can get caught up, then see any more stuff that I have to set on my calendar in order to pre-order and then wait 6 months. Shame - SHAME.
Idea #11:
Pre-orders are awful. If you want to show us what is coming, show us a few months in advance and then make them available to order when there is a reasonable amount of time before delivery.

6 months of preorders has officially caused me a problem now with a number of these charging unexpectedly ... when I had just paid an amount for my car... which then gets me an overdraft fee and gets me in the dog house with the wife (understandably) and that is NOT cool. It is IMPOSSIBLE to keep track of when these will actually charge and ship and the whole pre-order thing is just punishing your faithful with release dates and times that aren't followed and are a scalpers dream.

Some of it isn't Hasbro, but WHY is it so hard to take people's money? I have preorders coming from Gamestop, Entertainment Earth, Walmart, Target, and HasbroPulse that may not arrive until MAY! Exclusive used to mean exclusive to a specific vendor... now it's more Exclusive to only those that obsessively check links and keep track of release dates. It's like a Toy Hunting Escape Room... if you can figure out the code you are allowed to spend your money on toys.

INSANE!!!!! and it has to stop. I'd rather see nothing announced until May so this can get caught up, then see any more stuff that I have to set on my calendar in order to pre-order and then wait 6 months. Shame - SHAME.

You'd also think that when pre-orders are so far out, it would be pre-order to actual wants and demands, not a specific number set by them, which also always appears to be too low.
I wouldn’t mind preorders if I was garrenteed the product (they make x amount more if demand is high) but that is not how it seems to be working.

I order in the blessed 5 minutes before selling out a preorder or try again at random times. Maybe I get it maybe it’s canceled & I get it on sale from the same store a month later? Because they didn’t really sell out??

I know it’s not H fault but these orders dropping early does play havoc with the budget especially at Christmas when the money is for everyone else in the family.
You'd also think that when pre-orders are so far out, it would be pre-order to actual wants and demands, not a specific number set by them, which also always appears to be too low.
That's one of the big issues. I'm not one that blames scalpers for all scarcity, but clearly if stuff is selling out in minutes and there are hundreds online for double the price shortly after... 2 + 2 = 4.

Online sales now have an MSRP markup and a second 'middle man' markup on the secondary market.
I wouldn’t mind preorders if I was garrenteed the product (they make x amount more if demand is high) but that is not how it seems to be working.

I order in the blessed 5 minutes before selling out a preorder or try again at random times. Maybe I get it maybe it’s canceled & I get it on sale from the same store a month later? Because they didn’t really sell out??

I know it’s not H fault but these orders dropping early does play havoc with the budget especially at Christmas when the money is for everyone else in the family.
I've been pretty lucky to get pretty much everything I've wanted, but this pre-order 'whack-a-mole' game is tiresome. The charge-when-they-ship model is fine if you know when they'll be taking that money.

You're right that it's not all Hasbro as I said above also, but imagine if this was anything else...

Sorry, you didn't get here at 1PM PST so you gotta hope your baby formula comes back online eventually.
This went online at 5AM EST ... I know it was supposed to be 8AM but it released early. Sorry you don't get your insulin order but check back.

**edit - Yes I realize there is no correlation between toys, insulin and baby formula so the keyboard warriors can just relax.