I think the issue of definitive comes in mainly with the most visible characters. You don't see people asking for a definitive Hem Dazon because there was no body. I also don't think you would see characters like Luke, Han, Anakin, Rey, etc in this format.
Fascinating. Tulgah just included a Farmboy Luke in the post before, so... yes, this is definitely a chasm between collectors in terms of expectations.
I mean, I want Zayne Carrick, but some would say "Who's that?" I saw a list above that had names on there that I had to admit I did not know. Would I rather have all figures represented in one 3.75" line available in stores, ABSOLUTELY!!! But we're looking at a reality where you can't get stuff in stores and sometimes even getting them online is a chore, so would I pay a bit of a premium to be sure to get what I want? I'm leaning YES.
Of the figures mentioned in that really long list from some years back - I know them all except one (I think) (although I admit I can't tell who's who in the Naberrie family), and these were all movie figures, so I guess I could add a hundred or so EU figures.
But there's the rub. The EU is slowly sliding into obscurity; although Marvel did a rerun of the Dark Horse material, many collectors will have either never read these comics, or have forgotten about the details so to drum up their interest is difficult. Even though some of my favorite figure candidates are from the EU, I must accept that they are simply not as well know as a movie character. With Disney killing the old EU, this is not improving the situation. (Not to speak of books, where even the look of characters is debatable.)
While the movies are still-present, they are a limited source of figures, and one day they will be exhausted to the last shoddily-clad peasant cantina patron - if no new material is created.
Disney is indeed creating new material galore, but it still remains to prove that these TV series, limited to Disney+ subscribers, will be able to create sufficient interest for toys (esp. if we think of the topic here, toys for both collectors and kids). If we mercifully forget about the ancient and not-too-well received Droids and Ewoks series, and skip the newer animated series Clone Wars, Rebels, and Resistance who all came with animated-style figures only, the only example for figures for live action TV series are two new characters from The Mandalorian (and two repaints). There was enough material in the last season to create a dozen figures, but Hasbro seems a bit reluctant to go all-in, even with the next movie years out.
So, the support we must gather for a "figure club" like that needs to cover:
- New movies (maybe - this should go to the brick and mortar stores though)
- New TV series (still unproven - but I would like to see them in the shops as well)
- "Definitive" figures of already done SA figures, as far as desired/necessary
- SA versions of already done 5-7POA figures (when I say SA, I mean 9POA upwards as needed - not overdone)
- Missing second- and third-liners from movies
- Realistic versions of previously done animated-style figures
- Missing animated series figures (in realistic style)
- New EU comics (I am very on the edge about books). Not impossible, Aphra is from that category
- Old (Dark Horse) EU comics (a treasure of figures, but sadly it may be difficult to get Disney/Hasbro to support them)
- Cut scenes figures
- Concept and Art Of figures
- Ancient obscurities (like figures from the old Marvel comics, or the first few books, or the Droids and Ewoks series, or the Holiday special, or the Ewok movies). Hey, this covers Jaxxon at least.
(In order of saleability, as I see it.)