Hasbro's STAR WARS Bi-Weekly Q&A Session - Part 11

That's weird, cause he in Canada we are seeing the Malgus wave this week and we are usually behind you guys in getting these waves
Well I'm guessing there's no harm in it, if Hasbro shows up they might come here to see what we're asking for.
Otherwise we'll have to resurrect the wishlist thread.
I like what ToyGuru had to say in his latest blog post, regarding the value of the fan channel:

"We first hinted about Teela (well, actually announced her) in a Q & A on a fan site. It is one of the first and almost only times we did this. But we were just starting up our Q & As with fan sites at this time (a project I am very proud to have spearheaded for Mattel -- as a collector myself, I wanted Mattel to interact with collectors the way I always wished toy companies would, and now that I was in a marketing position it was a major priority for me). So by strategically leaking Teela as the “first female” through a Q & A, we really added some needed gravitas to the Q & As, ensuring they would be a nice flow of answers to fans (even though most of the time PR’s answers are a bit bland. Oh well. We do try)."

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I agree....
With the new response that they are on the Fan sites but not talking with us then how do we truly know they are there and REALLY LISTENING to US??? I view it as the person that is talking to you but you are zoned out thinking about something else. Sometimes the message sinks in but not necessarily. The Q&A was the only time we really knew that at least someone at Hasbro was listening to us.
I know w/o the Q&A how do we ask them if they plan to repack the Cyborg Maul, or release a new TCW version to tie in with his appearance in the series.
I am guessing we are not allowed to ask them anything at all anymore...
People would complain about the answers that we got back but it was nice to hear an answer even if it was no. At least then we would know to campaign about a figure or to just give up and not expect it. Sure they may be in various forums to see what we are saying but there is no back and forth which is what is really needed. I would rather take vague answers than no answer at all
Hasbro can't face the truth, they can't HANDLE the truth.

The truth of their mess ups, they can't handle all the same questions pointing at one huge mother of all f ups on their part.

crap distro, crap figure choices, crap case assortments, crap price increases, obi wan in every wave in every line they release, and only recently did we get away from another anakin... Oh wait, no we didn't we got a REALISTIC CW anakin REALLY? It alll points to one reason they don't take part in these any more, they are tired of hearing about their mess ups and not having people praise them for whatever reason. They are tired of hearing it over and over and over again from fans and not doing anything to correct the issues and we all know and see it.

At least thats my theory.
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It's not that they can't handle the backlash it's that shouldn't have had to to the amount that they received. I am not knocking anyone or any site specifically, but in some weeks it was a constant bash over one thing or another. In my view, the Q&A would have been best served to ask about incoming figures/idea or maybe suggesting a figure that we would like to see improved for one reason or another. Constantly raging on Hasbro about why this wave or that wasn't on shelf stores wasn't a productive way to handle the Q&A. If you have a complaint then send it to the complaints department, the Q&A was a way for Hasbro to interact with us about what we want to see going forward in the line.

I am not surprised Hasbro got rid of the Q&A, I am disappointed but not surprised.
Hasbro doesn't have a complaints department. Go to Hasbro's website and show me where. If you do, then EVERYONE will start flooding that as well and then that medium will get ignored just as quick as the Q&A sessions in forums.

The Hasbro Q&A is just that, a Q&A to Hasbro, the company. Otherwise it would be called Hasbro action figure specific Q&A. We need to hold the offender accountable of its actions. Such as distro, assortments, and pegwarmers. That's what this section was supposed to be for is asking the questions that we want answered about Hasbro as a whole. Sorry, you produce action figures and mess up as much as hasbro, then you need to answer to the general public that will ask the questions.
Hasbro can't face the truth, they can't HANDLE the truth.

The truth of their mess ups, they can't handle all the same questions pointing at one huge mother of all f ups on their part.

crap distro, crap figure choices, crap case assortments, crap price increases, obi wan in every wave in every line they release, and only recently did we get away from another anakin... Oh wait, no we didn't we got a REALISTIC CW anakin REALLY? It alll points to one reason they don't take part in these any more, they are tired of hearing about their mess ups and not having people praise them for whatever reason. They are tired of hearing it over and over and over again from fans and not doing anything to correct the issues and we all know and see it.

At least thats my theory.

Have you considered anger management? Or maybe just a different hobby? It's clear you are no longer enjoying collecting Star Wars figures, so why no save yourself the stress and move on to something else?

I have said this before, I am passionate about collecting. I am not angry when I type this, although it might come off that way. It's hard to express how you feel at the moment you are typing on a computer. I love collecting, I love the thrill, what I don't love is the countless posts here about lack of inventory/selection, distro issues, and one companies refusal to address or correct these issues. It's sad really. I love this hobby, and when the Vintage line ends, I will stop collecting as well. But not because I don't love it, because I will not support Hasbro any longer for their lack of action when problems are identified by us the fans of their products.

I have a dream that one company will give the people what they want, and in the quantities they want on a timeline that they said they would provide said product. I don't think that's too much to ask. It's how business SHOULD be done. And right now, Hasbro is not doing that. I am posting here because this is a place to vent frustration along with other collectors that feel the same. Obviously you do not feel this way and that is just fine. You are entitled to your POV. But I want to see people get what they want, when they want it. I would like Hasbro and their figures to stock pegs the way Hot Wheels stock pegs. You NEVER find an empty Hot Wheels peg. It's just a dream and I realize that these are 2 completley different lines, but when is the last time that you saw a bin of star wars figures at your local wally filled to the brim for weeks? NEVER. Or if you did, it was the opening day of a release and that was quickly picked apart with no restock in sight.

I keep saying this, but I want people to get the figures they deisre, in a timely manner in the quantity they desire, and delivered when a company said they would deliver. That is it, plain and simple. Bottom line. I want that for everyone else, and I want that for myself.
They may not have a department label, complaints department but that doesn't stop you from mailing or emailing a letter complaining to the Hasbro. That is your choice, as it is theirs to read it or not. They are a company that is about making money, just as any other company in the business is. That said, they offered to talk to it's customers openly and allow us to ask them questions (hence why it's called Q&A). Just because the company has opened itself up to the customers to ask them questions doesn't give the customers the right to constantly try and belittle the company and tell them what they are doing wrong. It is there company that they make the decisions, just because we don't agree doesn't mean we are right and they are wrong. They are doing what they think is best for their company, it's their choice, not ours.

Yes we can be frustrated, annoyed or even furious. But if you get that way, maybe it's time to step away and rethink your hobby. I do it because I enjoy the bits of Star Wars to display and love every piece I have. If I don't like a figure they make, I don't buy it. Are their figures I would love to see them make, sure. However it's their business, and while I did appreciate when they took time to listen to us I am disappointed it's now gone because some thought they knew business better than the company running the business.
Why can't we hold a company accountable? Why shouldn't we hold a company accountable? The combination of the consumers and producers wanted a Q&A, and these are the issues we brought up because these are issues a majority of us want answered. So we have spoken. And then the company decided to stop listening. Instead of fixing a problem, they chose to ignore our voice by not participating.

If they didn't want these sort of questions, then they shouldn't have let the issues continue and therefore let us ask the questions they didn't like. Seems like common sense, identify a problem, or have it brought to your attention then take action to fix it to keep your customers happy. I don't think its rocket surgery or brain science.

I like collecting as well, I said this already. Why do you all think I should stop collecting or "rethink your hobby"? I am rethinkign my hobby, I am thinking it could be better if they listened and took action on issues that matter to us. Call me old fashioned, but that's the way I believe business should be done.
While I don't disagree with you that they probably got tired of hearing the same thing over and over, which was basically the truth.
Bad case packs, bad distribution , and idiotic carry forwards.
But I wholeheartedly disagree with you about choice of figures, IMO we have had some stellar figure selections!

Sure we get some duds like Nom Anor or Ceremony Han, not to mention upteenth release of Qui-Gon and Obi-wan.
Other than a few choice I think there have been great coverage to fit everyone's collecting niche!
And that is why I am passionate about collecting and want to get these figures out to the people who collect them by fixing issues. I love collecting because of the great figures we have gotten. I am just frustrated that I can't find these figures and others share my frustration. So I think we need to keep hasbro accountable.
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The way you keep Hasbro accountable is by not buying their product. You can scream at a wall until your blue in the face doesn't mean it's going to change anything. I fully well believe that Hasbro got tired of the Q&A because it seemed more like a bash session so why would they continue that? I talked with Curto before when he would submit the questions from this site and I know my input was to always ask about future figures or clarification on a figure. There was never a point to constantly point out what YOU think Hasbro is doing wrong. The thing is, even though you think they are doing something wrong, without all the facts you really have no idea if they truly are doing something wrong.
My only proof of something wrong is no new vintage on the pegs = somethiing wrong. There should be 2 waves in abundance out ther now, and its not there.
If you want to make your comment known to Hasbro, I have one word for you.


Whether Hasbro Inc or Hasbro UK. They notice! No one likes certain views posted on a public love in site!
My only proof of something wrong is no new vintage on the pegs = somethiing wrong. There should be 2 waves in abundance out ther now, and its not there.

But as I have said, how do you know that is Hasbro's fault? Maybe the stores only ordered so much product and it's gone, maybe it had something to do with a shipping company, maybe it's in the back of the store and they haven't put it out.... Like I said before, just because there may be a problem doesn't automatically mean it's Hasbro's fault. You are placing blame without knowing all the facts. All you know is there are supposed to be waves out but you don't see them so you blame the people that make it and it could be something not in their control.
All you know is there are supposed to be waves out but you don't see them so you blame the people that make it and it could be something not in their control.

That's all I need to know.

Why do you defend them so much? I just don't understand why. It's because you either have all the figures already and don't care, or you like to be right all the time. Sure, I don't know all the facts, but in my previous example in this or another thread (im having this conversation across multiple threads now) you don't see lack of hot wheels. They must be doing something right (Mattel) that Hasbro needs to look into figuring out what the heck their problems are.

This problem of product out there shouldn't even be an issue. I can go across COUNTLESS product lines and see them in stores when they are supposed to be. Look at Wal-Mart every tuesday, the newest releases of DVD's are out there. IF this was a company thing, then wouldn't those DVD's that are supposed to come out that day just not show up for weeks at a time? NO They are there EVERY tuesday like clockwork. Just another example.

So after this post, I'm done. Have the final word (Because I know you want to) but I'll stop bashing your beloved company. But I leave you with this... if hasbro was doing everything right, why have so many in our collecting community have abandon the Targets, Wal-Marts and other big retailers and gone to buying cases online? Because they are sick of the issues of not fiding product on the pegs. New, fresh product on the pegs when it's supposed to be. And with that I'll stop posting about my frustrations with Habsro.

(EDIT: I am not going to stop now, because I need something to do for 8 hours)
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This is a super-simplified example of a retail chain:

Hasbro would be the Manufacturer and collectors would fall into the category of End Customers. Big retail outlets like Walmart, Target, TRU, etc. would obviously be in the Retailer category. The Suppliers would supply the raw materials (plastic, paint, fabric, etc.) that Star Wars figures are constructed from. Distributors are the link in the chain between Hasbro and the Retailers. From my understanding, Hasbro actually sells their product to the distributors, based on quantities that the retailers have ordered in advance, then those distributors sell that product to the retailers (also known as "resellers" because that's essentially what they do), finally the retailers sell the product to us, the customers, with the appropriate price markup.

The chain for Star Wars figures would obviously be more complex because of Lucasfilm's involvement and the fact that the toys themselves are actually being produced in multiple overseas factories. Obviously, the more links in the chain, the more of markup on the price, since each link has it's own operations costs and each link is primarily interested in making a profit.

So, claiming that your inability to find the figures you want is 100% Hasbro's fault would not be accurate. I'm not saying that they don't deserve some of the blame, but there are factors completely beyond Hasbro's control between the point when the toys leave the overseas factories and when they arrive on store shelves.

Some people might argue that Hasbro then needs to put the hammer down and force the retailers to make their product more available; but it doesn't work that way. The retailers are Hasbro's primary customers and they wouldn't "put the hammer down" on their customers any more than your local Walmart would "put the hammer down" on the people walking around their aisles with shopping carts. Making ridiculous demands on your customers is the best way to ensure that you have no customers. Once Walmart buys a case of action figures from Hasbro, then those toys are the sole property of Walmart. Hasbro can only suggest what Walmart does with the case from that point on. The only real restrictions Hasbro could put on Walmart would be in the instances of returns for defective or damaged merchandise, similar to how Walmart can put restrictions on it's customers at the returns counter.

Now you might argue that the Distributors are nothing more than middle-men who only serve to further inflate the already high prices of product and I would probably agree with you. Unfortunately, the system has so much momentum going now that it would probably take nothing short of an economic cataclysm to stop it completely.

So, I agree that the retail chain has turned into a big, bloated machine that is slow to act and resistant to change. But we have to remember that Hasbro is a company with thousands of employees (not counting the freelance sculptors and overseas factory workers) and the Star Wars design team is just a small portion of that company. I truly believe that the Hasbro SW team is made up of fans just like the rest of us for the most part. However, they are answerable to managers and CEOs, just like everybody else, and they are constrained by budgets that have been set by accountants. Then there is are the restrictions set upon them by Lucasfilm and their own legal departments. Oh yeah, let's not forget the oh-so-helpful federal government who seems to place new restrictions on the toy industry every year because they are soooooo concerned for our personal safety. :rolleyes:

My point is that it was the Star Wars design team that opened the floor up and took time out of their schedules to run the Q&A for years. It was a goodwill gesture that was always completely unnecessary. However, in return they became the targets of fans' rage, insults and attacks for decisions and factors completely beyond their control. I think that started to happen when fans began to take the Q&A for granted and believed that it was something they were entitled to as "loyal customers."
Good God bigbarada... get off your high horse. We know how retail works. We all know you LOVE hasbro, so why are you giving me an economics lesson?

So riddle me this, why do we not have issues with other toy brands, but have all these issues with Hasbro? Mattel is just fine, Hot Wheels is just fine, there are always RACKS of WWE figures,Why is it that Joe, Avengers, Star Wars, etc... are all EMPTY or lacking in quantity? What's the common denominator? They are produced by HASBRO!

And of course they should be targets of our rage, they can't get it right. They need to pass the license off to someone who can run the lines properly. I wanted to get away, but your economics lesson made me post again. IF you want me to shut up and stop bashing hasbro, then stop feeding me the ammo I need to continue to bash them.
Hasbro can't ship product that retailers don't buy. Maybe they have unfilled orders and they just can't get the product out fast enough, but that seems unlikely. I think the biggest issue that can be blamed on Hasbro (at least for SW and Marvel) is the terrible case assortments.
Good God bigbarada... get off your high horse. We know how retail works. We all know you LOVE hasbro, so why are you giving me an economics lesson?

So riddle me this, why do we not have issues with other toy brands, but have all these issues with Hasbro? Mattel is just fine, Hot Wheels is just fine, there are always RACKS of WWE figures,Why is it that Joe, Avengers, Star Wars, etc... are all EMPTY or lacking in quantity? What's the common denominator? They are produced by HASBRO!

And of course they should be targets of our rage, they can't get it right. They need to pass the license off to someone who can run the lines properly. I wanted to get away, but your economics lesson made me post again. IF you want me to shut up and stop bashing hasbro, then stop feeding me the ammo I need to continue to bash them.
You're wasting your time with him mate. His replies go off on such a tangant, he's start blabbering on about something completely different. He even felt the need to correct my spelling in another post, and normally when you have someone do that, they've lost the argument, because they don't have much else to back it up.

I'm in retail, so I know how it works. And Hasbro's case assortments are a ******** joke. Four different Obi Wans in a few months. All peg warming. Notice he chooses what he replies to in detail, missing out the main points. He's an Hasbro employee or a Hasbro apologists. ******** boring either way.

The fact most other companies get it right most of hte time, and Hasbro mess it up most of the time is neither here nor there to people like that.

Just speak to the trade, or wholesalers and mention the work Hasbro. Normally gets a one word reply.

Star Wars figures are badly distributed. FACT. (One example the latest, one wave in UK in 7 month, and now 3 or 4 waves arrving in a couple of weeks apart. Not the first time this has happened)

Star Wars figures are poorly packed. FACT. Check the pegs and you'll see the same out stuff hanging around, and this year we're lucky enough to have Qui Gon packed in nearly every wave, and the new sort after figures in short supply. Check out this year nugget, Imperial Navy Commander. You watch him fly on ebay!

Star Wars Figures are over priced. FACT. *******s to any argument that costs are rising blah blah bloodly blah.

If Diamond can make A Marvel Select figure and retail it for £/$20 than Hasbros $/£9-10 is taking the ****.

If Hasbro themseleves can make a NERF gun (do you have them in the States), and sell a model around (The maverick) the same price as a 3 3/4 inch figure, then the price of the figure is way over the top. Consider the moving parts, packaging, shipping of a Nerf and compare it to a Vintage figure. Value for money... the nerf is, and before boring barry goes on about licences, diamond pay a license yet keep their prices for Select under control. Hasbro paid more for the Star Wars licence, because the license sells more merchadise, as boring Barry rightly told us in another thread (again going way of topic to try and prove his point, but missing the point in his blind love for Ha$bro)

Its not worth arguging with some people mate, as they are blinded in their opinion.

And Boring Barry, if I've made a spelling mistake in this reply..... get over it mate. It aint the end of the world!
Hasbro can't ship product that retailers don't buy.

I think the biggest issue that can be blamed on Hasbro (at least for SW and Marvel) is the terrible case assortments.
And there in two sentences, the situation is summed up perfectly.

A stores computers will not reorder stock all the time they show stock on the shelf. You put the same old crap out that isn't selling month after month after month, the pegs get even more clogged up, Hasbro loses sales, produces less quantites, price increases, sales drop, pegs get more clogged, sales drop, price increases, and Hasbro ***** up the best license there is.

If Hasbro insist on over producing character liek Obi Wan Qui Gon Sandtrooper, Clone Trooper the list can go on and one, at least stick them in case assortment waves apart and not one after the after the other. At least plan to sell through the figure, before you replenish it. Doesn't take Einstein to work out a case assortment, unfortunately whoever does it at Hasbro is way of the mark time and time again over the past few years.
Its not worth arguging with some people mate, as they are blinded in their opinion.

Well, at least we've found something that we can agree on. B)

Since you have clearly allowed your emotions to cloud your reason and have started to resort to personal attacks and name-calling, then there is no point in continuing in this debate. Otherwise, it will begin to escalate into something uglier that it already is.
so why are you giving me an economics lesson?

Because your comments show that you clearly do not understand the basics of retail economics. I'm trying to help your cause here, because mindlessly raging against Hasbro is going to accomplish nothing. You need to educate yourself on how this all works so you can start asking the right questions, instead of just throwing around insult-laced accusations and conspiracy theories. What you are basically doing now, by allowing your emotions to take control, is shooting spit wads at a brick wall. You need to change your tactics if you want to start seeing some results. Step one is to stop approaching this as if Hasbro owes you anything.

If you want to have a real say in how Hasbro runs their business then start buying stocks, not action figures.
I agree....
With the new response that they are on the Fan sites but not talking with us then how do we truly know they are there and REALLY LISTENING to US???

By reading here, I assume.

Please don't forget : There were several suggestions here in the past that came true !

If you want to have a real say in how Hasbro runs their business then start buying stocks, not action figures.

I have an philosophical approach, and I've found people admitting that I'm more or less right with it :

"A game is a game as long as what defines it to be a game is retained.
If it doesn't it isn't a game anymore.

Looking at games as tools for generating company income/profits let's the game cease to be a game; instead, it is then merely a tool for generating income.

and because thoughts and concepts and philosophies manifest themselves through the way we work, or just do, the thought of a game being nothing more than a tool for generating income manifests itself through how it is handled : Cost reduction, packaging, lay-offs of associated workers, ways of placing it in shops [Exclusives come here to mind], etc. .

And the more sensitive ones among the customers ver oon notice this lack of "love" for a product - yes, then it has become merely "a product", when it is treated by the management (not the actual workers !) as nothing but a tool for generating money for a company."

I wrote this rather for video games, but it can be ported to almost every business.

And my impression is, that companies have more and more become tools for the highr management levels to generate money for their pockets,
simply, because the managers usually own the greatest part of the stocks.
Hence they are *personally* interested in things the company poduces to generate not small income.
And that's the place where greed kicks in.
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Because your comments show that you clearly do not understand the basics of retail economics. I'm trying to help your cause here, because mindlessly raging against Hasbro is going to accomplish nothing. You need to educate yourself on how this all works so you can start asking the right questions, instead of just throwing around insult-laced accusations and conspiracy theories. What you are basically doing now, by allowing your emotions to take control, is shooting spit wads at a brick wall. You need to change your tactics if you want to start seeing some results. Step one is to stop approaching this as if Hasbro owes you anything.

If you want to have a real say in how Hasbro runs their business then start buying stocks, not action figures.

I sure don't have my doctorate in Business Economics but I work every day in CUSTOMER SERVICE!

Customer service is CRUCIAL to a business. First word of that being customer, that means us the buyer of Hasbros product. Service is the business side of something and in this case Hasbro. So, in my field, when a customer does not have dial tone, I have to fix it. And unlike Hasbro, I don't have the luxury of blowing off my customers like hasbro does. So, in my scenerio, I am hasbro (the business) The individual without dial tone is the customer, I can't just say "Well, I have no idea. The price of oil is up, and that is why I am charging you more for your dial tone. Additionally, we can't keep your dial tone going because of some phantom in our dial tone logistics area". And in NO way is it ok to just stop listening to my customers. NOOOOOOOO, that is not ok at all. And that is exactally what hasbro has done.

No, If someone is unhappy (us customers of hasbro) then the business (Hasbro) needs to fix the issues and make us happy. Otherwise, how can we keep their business afloat if there is no product to buy? Happy customers = larger profit margins and sales. That is the way it works. There you go Mr. economics major.

And buy stocks? REALLY?? Help a failing company by buying a different product and not the product they are selling? That's not the way to change their policies. All that does is make their stock worth more to put more money in the cooporate pocket and guess what, we still don't have product in stores. That is a flawed theory.

So what else do you have to lecture me on bigbarada?
If you want to have a real say in how Hasbro runs their business then start buying stocks, not action figures.
That is the most incredile statement you have come up with so far..... and its had some good competetion!

Don't like the service you get, buy stock? Are you for real, or just on one mighty wind up?

Do you think companies like Hasbro listen to their stock holders, any more than they listen to their customers.

Or are you suggesting we buy tens of millions of dollars worth stock just so we hold enough so we can be heard.

You really need to think before you post some of your dribble on here, because its really is patethic at times.

I'll give you a very simple way for collectors to have Hasbro sit up and take notice of them. Flood their facebook page. Trust me, it makes them take note.

The problem is you will have too many people not see the wider picure, and just moan because the figure they and half a dozen others want, isnt getting made. But stick to the real issues on Facebook, and they will have to take notice, or lose one of their main sources of contact with customers across all their lines, and they are not going to like that.

But the real issues are

a)distribution - Not much point in moaning about a products price/content if you can't find it to buy it in the first place.

2) Content - Case assortments are patethic. if you don't think so, start your own club, because you're probably the only one. It's a widely accepted thing in the trade, that case assortment haven't worked since 30th Anniversary collection. If you disagree with that, I'll debate it with you all day, and give you a huge list of examples, including waves 2 and 3 this year to start with. Releasing "B" class characters in consecitive waves is never going to work and doesn't work, hence the drop of in sales, and higher prices. If you have to produce a container full of Qui Gons or Clones, fine do it, but release them waves apart, don't flood the pegs with them. Don't release an average selling figure in four different forms in three months across three lines, like they have with Obi Wan! You claim Hasbro knows what they sell better than us. Do they? Do they really? I would strongly dispute that.

If they produce a factory full of Obi Wans they will sell them. They pack the cases whether people want them or not, so as far as they are concerned they've sold them. The fact the stores have to sell them in a sale at a loss to clear them, doesn't bother Hasbro. It should because sales are falling because of it, but it doesn't bother them, because they keep over producing a lot of figures and forcing them down our throats.Why do you think they stop producing solid cases of their figures?

I'm only a small business that orders around 70-80 cases of each wave. A crap wave like wave 3, that includes for the lack of a better word a load of ****, I could do without. If it wasn't for the Navy Commander, I would not order that case, as apart from Navy Commander all the figures are found in the next two waves over and over again, and all wave 3 if going to produce for me is about 40 cases of phantom menace crap to go with the rest sitting on the top shelf. I've already stopped taking pre-order for wave 3, because I cannot afford to have too much stock sitting in my warehouse for the next 2 years. I like every other business needs turnover, so I'm losing sales, thus Hasbro are losing sales. Wave 4 on the other hand has some superb repacks that people actually want and haven't seen for a while, so I order 130 cases of these. So with Hasbros superb cases assortments, if it wasn't for the Navy Commander, I have skipped wave 3.

Now if little old me can potenitally drop 70 cases, or order an extra 60 cases of a wave just because it has a decent mix, imagine what the numbers big boys like Target and Walmart can drop when sales slow. You're probably taking thousands. All because of Hasbros case assortments, because if whole cases like wave 4 sell through as soon as they hit the shelves, stores reorder, and stock flows. Stick waves 2 and 3 on the shelves, the handful of new figures the wave contains fly off the shelves, and the rest sits and stops the reorders, and stock doesn't flow and is stagnet, as it is today and has been for a few years now. So if you think case assortments are not an issue, you are completely and utterly wrong. If you think Hasbros case assortments have work over the past few years, then you are simply wrong. What happens is your average collector cannot find figures in stores so turn to online. Online retailer have to charge more for the new figures, as they need to sell the repacks in most cases at cost or a loss, so need to make the profit on the new ones. This drives the prices of the new figures to an unacceptable level, and people stop collecting. ITS HAPPENING. ACCEPT THAT IF NOTHING ELSE. Ask any of your US etailers, and I am sure everyone of them would be happier to charge a lower set price for every figure, rather than $20 for the new ones and $7 for the repacks. There will also be the surprise figue that bucks the trend, but if each and every new figrue in an assortment is charged at a premium, then I would suggest to you Hasbro have got it badly badly wrong.

D!) Price - Cost of oil is a bit of a mute argument when you consider what Diamond can produce for twice the price with their Select line. Cost of plastic isn't going to continually drive up the price for a 20 gram figure. When Diamond can reguarally produce a figure that weighs around a kg for twice the price of a hasbro one, Hasbro's excuse of rising oil/plastic price is a bit lame. It's plastic they use, not gold. $10 for a figure or £9/$15 in the Uk is not because oil price are higher, or labour, its greed. If its not greed then its because they are producing so few, and that's because poor distribution and slow moving stock is causing slower sales... see point B.

I'm in the business. I can see how it effects small fry like me. So christ knows what impact it has on the big boys. Hence why in the UK, apart from Toys R Us (who have stores full of Phantom Menace figures, and are still now taking delivery of Wave 1, six months later), none of the big chains will touch Star Wars figures at the moment, because all they end up doing is clearly them. (I'm talking of supermarkets Asda (Walmart) Tesco, Sainsburys. All the big players in the UK will not go near a £9 4 inch figure.

So you can go off on your speeches and post all the diagrams you like. But you are wrong. Accept it. You are wrong. Someone who deals with the stuff as his living and source of income and has a very successful business selling action figures, is telling you are are wrong. Accept you cannot always be correct in everything you say.

But please don't tell people to buy stock if they don't like it. Because you are just insulting peoples intelligence now, and making yourself look a little bit silly.
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I sure don't have my doctorate in Business Economics but I work every day in CUSTOMER SERVICE!

Customer service is CRUCIAL to a business. First word of that being customer, that means us the buyer of Hasbros product. Service is the business side of something and in this case Hasbro. So, in my field, when a customer does not have dial tone, I have to fix it. And unlike Hasbro, I don't have the luxury of blowing off my customers like hasbro does. So, in my scenerio, I am hasbro (the business) The individual without dial tone is the customer, I can't just say "Well, I have no idea. The price of oil is up, and that is why I am charging you more for your dial tone. Additionally, we can't keep your dial tone going because of some phantom in our dial tone logistics area". And in NO way is it ok to just stop listening to my customers. NOOOOOOOO, that is not ok at all. And that is exactally what hasbro has done.

No, If someone is unhappy (us customers of hasbro) then the business (Hasbro) needs to fix the issues and make us happy. Otherwise, how can we keep their business afloat if there is no product to buy? Happy customers = larger profit margins and sales. That is the way it works. There you go Mr. economics major.

And buy stocks? REALLY?? Help a failing company by buying a different product and not the product they are selling? That's not the way to change their policies. All that does is make their stock worth more to put more money in the cooporate pocket and guess what, we still don't have product in stores. That is a flawed theory.

So what else do you have to lecture me on bigbarada?

Wow.. that just sums it all up... You work in customer service but yet you can't grasp the idea of business...
First and foremost, you show your complaints with a company with your wallet. You aren't happy with them you don't give them your over but yet you are still buying Hasbro products so you aren't that upset.

Secondly, you are on one of your assumptions again. So how do you know Hasbro has stopped listening???

As for being Hasbro supporters, yes I will agree with that. I want my Star Wars figures and the odd Joe or Marvel figure, so yeah I will support the company. Agree with everything they do? No, but again I am not in charge so I don't have a say. It's their company they run it how they see fit. Obviously they have been making money doing it their way and that is what they are supposed to do. You don't like it then stop buying their items.
One thing I find really funny about this whole thing. Bigbarada, you and I never agree on things so for us to both agree on this must mean that anyone arguing against us must be wrong ROFL :grin:
Secondly, you are on one of your assumptions again. So how do you know Hasbro has stopped listening???

I know they stopped listening because they don't show up for the Q&As, they don't reply to facebook posts, they haven't changed ANYTHING and are still having fans royally mad at them due to not finding product, so all that indicates that they are not listening. They have not changed case assortments after 2+ years of back lash, they have not fixed distro issues after 2+ years of customer inquaries, and the fact that they love to flood the market with useless lines indicates they are clueless and have not listened to ANY of the fans out there (minus the annual Hasbro Fans Choice which is subjective... Fans have been voting the twins for years and still nothing). So if you ask me, Hasbro listens to fans once a year and on a topic that helps them determine which figure to underproduce and mispack in case assortments annually.

I haven't given hasbro any of my money recently so technically I am voting. But that's because there is NO PRODUCT to purchase. NONE! I can post a picture of my local wally, target and anything else that has the "Vintage" tags and they are EMPTY! And they have been empty for months. If that doesn't say something, then I don't know how else to prove that something is wrong!

(You may now chime in with the logicstics/economics lecture and I will reply with the customer service lecture and we will go in circles, so go ahead if we want to post pad with the same arguements over and over).
They should at least offer individual figures online and in mass. . They're isn't really much reason why they can't have new cases with only new figures get shipped to the HTS shipping center.
Obviously you haven't listened to economics since still don't believe it but it's simple economics you could learn in high school. As for customer service, you seem to still think that Hasbro owes you something. That is wrong with today's society, you aren't owed anything for nothing. Hasbro puts out a product and you can buy it or not, you have no say in how they do their business. You may not agree with it and that is your choice but you have no right to say they how to run their business the way you want them to. We have already gone over the lack of product might not be their choice, but what if it is their choice and they want to limit how much of their product they produce, it is their right to do that, not yours. When you own Hasbro you can make whatever changes you want, but until then you have no say in how they do their business.

You do mention one thing that had me almost fall off my chair laughing at though...
I love how you say fans have been voting for the twins for years and still nothing made. Really, to use any form of logic in this conversation you resort to the Tonnika twins? You really are out of touch if you think they should have been made now. The Tonnika sisters are not even on the table to be made and that comes directly from Lucas. You hold a company responsible for a decision they can't even make even if they wanted to.

Any logic you may have had going for now is completely lost. So you might as well just move.
Obviously you haven't listened to economics since still don't believe it but it's simple economics you could learn in high school. As for customer service, you seem to still think that Hasbro owes you something. That is wrong with today's society, you aren't owed anything for nothing. Hasbro puts out a product and you can buy it or not, you have no say in how they do their business. You may not agree with it and that is your choice but you have no right to say they how to run their business the way you want them to. We have already gone over the lack of product might not be their choice, but what if it is their choice and they want to limit how much of their product they produce, it is their right to do that, not yours. When you own Hasbro you can make whatever changes you want, but until then you have no say in how they do their business.

You do mention one thing that had me almost fall off my chair laughing at though...
I love how you say fans have been voting for the twins for years and still nothing made. Really, to use any form of logic in this conversation you resort to the Tonnika twins? You really are out of touch if you think they should have been made now. The Tonnika sisters are not even on the table to be made and that comes directly from Lucas. You hold a company responsible for a decision they can't even make even if they wanted to.

Any logic you may have had going for now is completely lost. So you might as well just move.

Have the Tonnika twins not been on the top of every dream sheet of fans for years? That means the fans have been asking for it.

And you didn't even address the main point of my comment, Are they listening... The answer is no. Your right, I have no say in what they do. That doesn't mean I can't try to bond with other fans that see the flaws that are happening in their supply chain and point them out to a company. And you are absolutely right, what if hasbro wants a lack of product out there. Makes perfect ECONOMIC sense... "Lets not put any product out there because we don't want any out there. We are a company that doesn't want sales" You're absolutely right. That could be what they are saying. But that would be idiotic. A company that doesn't want to increase profits? Isn't that how economics works? Supply and demand? They supply the product we demand (although obviously not well or we wouldn't be having these typing contests in this thread). Or if there is a demand (which there is according to EVERY freaking post here) then they should supply it. Simple ECONOMICS right? And guess what, I learned that in High School.

And I am not telling Hasbro how to run their business, I am giving them constructive criticism. All of which would help out EVERYONE involved in the supply and demand chain. It would help them gain money, it would help us get what we want, but you're probably right, that's not what Hasbro wants. :rolleyes: But they have taken away our way of interacting with them and that tells me that the 2way communication between them and us have disintegrated. And that brings me back to my other point Customer Service, or lack thereof.

And another point I made, I can't buy their product BECAUSE THERE IS NO PRODUCT TO BUY! Any way you shake it, you have not addressed my main points.

And where should I move to? I already moved once in the last 3 months, and Not a big fan of it. Kind of a pain in my rear end and I ended up having about 1K of damage because of it. Not a fun experience. And once the move is complete, I had to fit a house worth of stuff in a small 2 bedroom apartment until I can buy a house. With me, my wife and 2 dogs, it's a bit cramped.
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