Guide to the Star Wars US Kenner 12 Backs - Variations

Nov 15, 2007
Reaction score
(as at 14 July 2015)


This is intended to be a guide to the many variations of the production Kenner 12 back line – the US release of the 12 backs. I have tried to be as comprehensive as I can with the information in this guide. However, I do welcome constructive comments for inclusion into this guide.

A rarity scale for some of these variations is included in this guide based in part on AFA's population report, from what I have personally seen from the collections of others and the listings on eBay. Insofar as the AFA reports are relied upon, the data is accurate as at the date of this guide. However, do bear in mind that AFA population reports may not updated and there has been instances of omissions (early gradings) and errors made by AFA with incorrect labelling of certain graded items. Possible re-grading of certain items may also have distorted the data obtained from the AFA population reports. In any event, the AFA population reports are not the end all. There is still grading from UKG and also there are still many ungraded carded examples out there – especially in some black hole collections.

Photographs of the items are also included in this guide for reference only. Clicking on the photos will link you to the full size photos. Most photographs are photographs from my own collection. Some are from other collectors – this can be seen from the credits mentioned. I take this opportunity to thank all the collectors who have so kindly agreed / consented to allowing their photos to be used in this guide. Copyright is asserted on all the contents of this guide. As such, please do not steal, copy or use any of the photos in this guide for any form of commercial gain / benefit, to scam anyone or even attempt to do any of the aforesaid without my consent or the consent of the other collectors. If you do, rest assured that you will be found out and the necessary action will be taken.
1.2Summary of variations

There are 4 main types of variations for the Kenner 12 backs line - (1) Cardback, (2) Figure Stand / Footer, (3) Bubble / Blister and (4) Action Figure.

For the Cardback, the variations are in the (1) Print and (2) Applied Stickers.

For the Figure Stand / Footer, the variations are the (1) White Figure Stand / Footer, (2) SKU on Figure Stand / Footer, (3) Inverted-V Figure Stand / Footer and (4) High and Low Inverted-V Figure Stand / Footer.

For the Bubble / Blister, this variation only came with the Jawa, where there was the (1) Small VCJ Bubble / Blister, (2) Small Front Angled Bubble, (3) Large Bubble with Cardboard Tray, (4) Large Bubble with Plastic Tray.

For the Action Figure, the variations were the (1) Double Telescoping Sabers, (2) Vinyl Caped Jawa; (3) Green Crossbow Chewbacca, (4) Taiwan Glossy Pants Luke, (5) White / Grey Hair Ben Kenobi, (6) Small / Large Head Han and (7) Dark Blue R2-D2.
1.3SKU numbers

SKU means “Stock Keeping Unit”. The SKU numbers of the carded 12 backs are the 5 digits found at the top left corner (left when you are looking at the front of the carded figure) of the card front. Each of the 12 action figures has its own unique SKU number. This gives some insight to the order of the release of the 12 action figures in the 12 back line.

Based on the SKU numbers, the 12 action figures were released in the following order:-

Action Figure Name
SKU numberPhoto example
1.Luke Skywalker (Farmboy)38180
2.Princess Leia Organa38190
6.Darth Vader38230
8.Ben Obi-wan Kenobi38250
9.Han Solo38260
11.Sand People38280
12.Death Squad Commander38290

The various variations for each action figure did not affect the SKU numbers – meaning variations for each figure bear the same SKU numbers.

The Cardback variations for the Kenner 12 back line are separated into Print variations and Applied Sticker variations.

There are no significant print differences for the front of the cardback.

The Print variations are all at the back of the cardback. The Print variations gave rise to the 12a, 12b and 12c – the 12a being released first, followed by the 12b and then the 12c.

12a cardback12b cardback12c cardback

The said differences are found at the following parts:-

(a) The top picture of the yellow lightsaber located at left side top half of the back of the cardback – just under the header “How to work Light Saber” (“the Lightsaber Pic”);

(b) The number of lines of text just below the Lightsaber Pic (“the Lightsaber Text”) ; and

(c) The text for the mail away offer for the Collector’s Action Figure Stand found in the bottom half of the back of the cardback (“the Mailaway Offer Text”).

· The standard / usual resource used by the earlier generation of collectors (me included) to find out the differences between the 12a, 12b and 12c variations are found at Star Wars Card Back Variations and 12Back Features: Cardbacks

A further Print variation of the Kenner 12 backs is the Country of Origin (“COO”). There are 2 different COOs for the Kenner 12 backs – Made in TAIWAN (“MITW”) and Made in HONG KONG (“MIHK”).

2.1Print variation
2.1.112a features

The 12a has these following differentiating features:-

(a) The Lightsaber Pic shows a very short tip;

(b) The Lightsaber Text consists of 5 lines, stating:-
Push arm lever forward and pull saber out by tip. To close, push tip of saber in and push arm lever back.”

(c) The Mailaway Offer Text states the exchange of 2 POPs for the mailaway Collector’s Action Figure Stand.
2.1.212b features

The 12b has these following differentiating features:-

(a) Unlike the 12a, the Lightsaber Pic shows a longer and fatter tip;

(b) Same as the 12a, the Lightsaber Text consists of 5 lines, stating:-
Push arm lever forward and pull saber out by tip. To close, push tip of saber in and push arm lever back.”

(c) Unlike the 12a, the Mailaway Offer Text states the exchange of 12 POPs for the mailaway Collector’s Action Figure Stand.
2.1.312c features

The 12c has these following differentiating features:-

(a) Similar to the 12b, the Lightsaber Pic shows a longer and fatter tip;

(b) Unlike both the 12a and 12b, the Lightsaber Text consists of only 3 lines, stating:-
Pull Saber out by tip or push Saber out using slide lever.”​

(c) Same as the 12b, the Mailaway Offer Text states the exchange of 12 POPs for the mailaway Collector’s Action Figure Stand.
2.1.4It is easy to visually spot the difference between the 12a, 12b and 12c

You should be able to easily identify the cardback variation just by simply focusing on the Lightsaber Pic and the Lightsaber Text. So:-

(a) Short tip for Lightsaber Pic always means 12a.

(b) Longer tip for Lightsaber Pic and 5 lines of text in Lightsaber Text always means 12b.

(c) 3 lines of text in Lightsaber Text always means 12c.

Visually, this is how they look in comparison to each other:-

12a features12b features12c features

There are 3 features of the MITW COO 12 backs to note.

First, a matt finish on the cardback of a 12 back is usually associated with the MITW COO 12 back – which is in contrast to the usual glossy finish that you would find with all MIHK COO 12 backs.

Secondly, the MITW COO 12 back can be found only with the following 5 out of the 12 action figures in this 12 back line:-

CharacterSKU number
(1)Luke Skywalker38180
(2)Princess Leia Organa38190
(3)R2-D2 (original)38200
(5)Darth Vader38230

For these 5 action figures, the MITW COO 12 back cardback can be found on all 12a, 12b and 12c cardbacks. For the Luke, there is also a distinct Action Figure variation associated with the MITW COO cardback – called the Glossy Pants Luke (see more details on this below). Here are the photo references of the MITW COO 12 backs:-

Luke Skywalker (SKU 38180)

Luke 12a MITW - frontLuke 12a MITW - backLuke 12b MITW - frontLuke 12b MITW - backLuke 12c MITW - frontLuke 12c MITW - back
Photo from eBayPhoto from eBay

Princess Leia Organa (SKU 38190)

Photo Coming Soon

Photo Coming Soon

Photo Coming Soon

Photo Coming Soon
Leia 12a MITW - frontLeia 12a MITW - backLeia 12b MITW - frontLeia 12b MITW - backLeia 12c MITW - frontLeia 12c MITW - back

R2-D2 (SKU 38200)

R2 12a MITW - frontR2 12a MITW - backR2 12b MITW - frontR2 12b MITW - backR2 12c MITW - frontR2 12c MITW - back

Chewbacca (SKU 38210)

Chewbacca 12a MITW
- front
Chewbacca 12a MITW
- back
Chewbacca 12b MITW
- front
Chewbacca 12b MITW
- back
Chewbacca 12c MITW
- front

From the collection of
James Martin
Chewbacca 12c MITW
- back

Photos provided by James
Martin and used with his
kind permission and consent

Darth Vader (SKU 38230)

Darth Vader 12a MITW
- front
Darth Vader 12a MITW
- back
Darth Vader 12b MITW
- front
Darth Vader 12b MITW
- back
Darth Vader 12c MITW
- front
Darth Vader 12c MITW
- back

Based on the order of the SKUs, it would have been expected that C-3PO (whose SKU is an earlier number compared to Darth Vader) should also have come on a MITW COO cardback. However, I have never seen a MITW COO 12 back C-3PO.

Thirdly, the White Figure Stand / Footer variation (see more details below) is also generally associated with the MITW COO 12 backs. The exceptions are Chewbacca, Darth Vader and Stormtrooper – which have had examples on MIHK COO 12 backs.

There are 2 features of the MIHK COO 12 backs to note.

First, all 12 action figures of the 12 back line appeared on MIHK COO cardbacks on the 12a, 12b and 12c cardbacks. Here are the photo references of the MIHK COO 12 backs

Luke Skywalker (SKU 38180)

Luke 12a MIHK - frontLuke 12a MIHK - backLuke 12b MIHK - frontLuke 12b MIHK - backLuke 12c MIHK - front

Photos provided by
Eugene Marino -
used with his
permission and consent
Luke 12c MIHK - back

Princess Leia Organa (SKU 38190)

Leia 12a MIHK - frontLeia 12a MIHK - backLeia 12b MIHK - frontLeia 12b MIHK - backLeia 12c MIHK - frontLeia 12c MIHK - back

R2-D2 (SKU 38200)

R2 12a MIHK - frontR2 12a MIHK - backR2 12b MIHK - frontR2 12b MIHK - backR2 12c MIHK - frontR2 12c MIHK - back

Chewbacca (SKU 38210)

Chewbacca 12a MIHK

- front
Chewbacca 12a MIHK
- back
Chewbacca 12b MIHK
- front
Chewbacca 12b MIHK
- back
Chewbacca 12c MIHK
- front
Chewbacca 12c MIHK
- back

Chewbacca (SKU 38210)

C3PO 12a MIHK - frontC3PO 12a MIHK - backC3PO 12b MIHK - frontC3PO 12b MIHK - backC3PO 12c MIHK - frontC3PO 12c MIHK - back

Darth Vader (SKU 38230)

Darth Vader 12a MIHK
- front
Darth Vader 12a MIHK
- back
Darth Vader 12b MIHK
- front
Darth Vader 12b MIHK
- back
Darth Vader 12c MIHK
- front
Darth Vader 12c MIHK
- back

Stormtrooper (SKU 38240)

Stormtrooper 12a MIHK
- front
Stormtrooper 12a MIHK
- back
Stormtrooper 12b MIHK
- front
Stormtrooper 12b MIHK
- back
Stormtrooper 12c MIHK
- front
Stormtrooper 12c MIHK
- back

Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi (SKU 38250)

Ben Kenobi 12a MIHK

- front
Ben Kenobi 12a MIHK
- back
Ben Kenobi 12b MIHK
- front
Ben Kenobi 12b MIHK
- back
Ben Kenobi 12c MIHK
- front
Ben Kenobi 12c MIHK
- back

Han Solo (SKU 38260)

Han 12a MIHK - frontHan 12a MIHK - backHan 12b MIHK - frontHan 12b MIHK - backHan 12c MIHK - frontHan 12c MIHK - back

Jawa (SKU 38270)

Jawa 12a MIHK - frontJawa 12a MIHK - backJawa 12b MIHK - frontJawa 12b MIHK - backJawa 12c MIHK - frontJawa 12c MIHK - back

Sand People (SKU 38280)

Sand People 12a MIHK
- front
Sand People 12a MIHK
- back
Sand People 12b MIHK
- front
Sand People 12b MIHK
- back
Sand People 12c MIHK
- front
Sand People 12c MIHK

- back

Death Squad Commander (SKU 38290)

Death Squad Commander
12a MIHK - front
Death Squad Commander
12a MIHK - back
Death Squad Commander
12b MIHK - front
Death Squad Commander
12b MIHK - back
Death Squad Commander
12c MIHK - front
Death Squad Commander
12c MIHK - back

Secondly, some action figures that had the White Figure Stand / Footer variation are found on MIHK COO 12 backs – Chewbacca, Darth Vader and Stormtrooper.

Thirdly, the Figure Stand / Footer with SKU Number variation (see more details below) is found only with the MIHK COO 12 backs.
2.2Applied Stickers variation
2.2.112d – 12 back with 32 back sticker at the back of the cardback

The 12d variation is also known as the 12/32 back. There is a sticker of 20 additional action figures with the heading “Collect All 32 Action Figures” affixed to the lower half of the back of cardback. This is how the affixed sticker looks like:
The 32 back sticker on a 12 back

There are 9 confirmed characters on the 12d cardbacks. These are found on 12b and/or 12c cardbacks but none that I have seen have appeared on 12a cardbacks.

I have not seen any example of a Stormtrooper, Sand People and Jawa on a 12d cardback. The Sand People and Jawa are not known to exist. The Stormtrooper is however rumoured to exist – although all the Stormtrooper focus collectors I have spoken to have not confirmed sighting an example.

In my opinion, the order of rarity of the 12d variation run is as follows (from rarest to the most common):-

  1. Death Squad Commander
  2. C-3PO
  3. Ben Kenobi
  4. Han Solo
  5. Darth Vader
  6. Princess Leia
  7. Luke Skywalker
  8. R2-D2
  9. Chewbacca
(1)Death Squad Commander 12d

I know of only 2 graded examples and have not seen any ungraded examples. The 2 graded examples are graded AFA75 and AFA80. Both are on 12b cardbacks. This is consistent with the AFA population report.

Here is the example of the Death Squad Commander 12d AFA80_80-80-80:-

Death Squad Commander
12d – front
Death Squad Commander
12d - back
Death Squad Commander
12d – AFA label
(2)C-3PO 12d

I know of 3 examples - 2 graded both on 12b cardbacks and graded AFA80, and 1 ungraded that is a QC sample on a 12c cardback, which is featured in the archives – see Star Wars C-3PO 12-Back Quality Control Sample with 32-Back Sticker - Star Wars Collectors Archive

There is no AFA population report available for the C-3PO 12d.

Here is an example of the C-3PO 12d AFA80_85-80-85:-

C-3PO 12d – frontC-3PO 12d - backC-3PO 12d – AFA label
(3)Ben Kenobi 12d

I know of 3 examples – 2 graded and 1 ungraded. All are on 12b cardbacks. The 2 graded examples are graded AFA70 and AFA85 and are the grey haired variation Ben Kenobi. The AFA population report shows only 1 graded example. The ungraded example appears to be a white haired variation Ben Kenobi.

Here is the Ben Kenobi (grey haired) 12d AFA85_85-85-80:-

Ben Kenobi (grey hair)
12d – front
Ben Kenobi (grey hair)
12d - back
Ben Kenobi (grey hair)
12d – AFA label

Here is the ungraded Ben Kenobi (white haired) 12d:-

Ben Kenobi (white hair)
12d – front
Ben Kenobi (white hair)
12d - back
(4)Han Solo 12d

Based on AFA population report, there are 4 graded examples. All 4 graded examples are AFA75 and are the large head variation on either 12b or 12c cardbacks. No small head variation Han Solo is known to be on a 12d cardback.

Here is an example of the Han Solo (large head) 12d AFA75_75-85-85:-

Han Solo (12b) 12d
– front
Han Solo (12b) 12d
- back
Han Solo (12b) 12d
– AFA label
(5)Darth Vader 12d

There are a few known examples of this – probably about 6 to 10 – with most being in Vader focus collections. There is no AFA population report available for this.

Here is an example of a Darth Vader 12d AFA80_80-85-85:-

Darth Vader (12b) 12d
– front
Darth Vader (12b) 12d
- back
Darth Vader (12b) 12d
– AFA label
(6)Princess Leia Organa 12d

Based on AFA population report, there are 18 graded examples. All graded examples are found on either 12b or 12c cardbacks with the highest graded example of AFA85. There are still known ungraded examples around. This is one of the 4 most common 12d carded characters of the 12 back line.

Here is an example of a Princess Leia Organa 12d (on a base 12b) AFA75_75-85-85:-

Princess Leia Organa
(12b) 12d – front
Princess Leia Organa
(12b) 12d - back
Princess Leia Organa
(12b) 12d – AFA label
(7)Luke Skywalker 12d

Based on AFA population report, there are 22 graded examples with all on 12c cardbacks with the highest graded example of AFA85. There are still known ungraded examples around. This is one of the 4 most common 12d carded characters of the 12 backs.

Here is an example of a Luke Skywalker 12d AFA80_80-80-85:-

Luke Skywalker 12d
– front
Luke Skywalker 12d
- back
Luke Skywalker 12d
– AFA label
(8)R2-D2 12d

Based on AFA population report, there are 31 graded examples. All graded examples are found on either 12b or 12c cardbacks, with the highest graded example at AFA85. There are still known ungraded examples around. This is one of the most common 12d carded character of the 12 backs.

Here are examples of ungraded R2-D2 12d on both base 12b and 12c cardbacks respectively:-

R2-D2 (12b) 12d – frontR2-D2 (12b) 12d - backR2-D2 (12c) 12d – frontR2-D2 (12c) 12d - back
(9)Chewbacca 12d

Based on AFA population report, there are 52 graded examples. All graded examples are found on 12c cardbacks with the highest graded at AFA85. There are still quite many known ungraded examples around. This is the most common 12d carded character of the 12 backs.

Here is an example of a Chewbacca 12d AFA75_75-80-85:-

Chewbacca 12d – frontChewbacca 12d - backChewbacca – AFA label
3.3.212e – 12 back with Secret Figure Offer stickers in front and at the back of the cardback

The 12e variation has 2 stickers affixed to the cardback – 1 in front and 1 at the back.

The sticker at the front is a round red sticker with a yellow starburst having 11 pointed ends. The words inside the yellow starburst states:-

(See back for details.)

This is how the affixed sticker at the front looks like:
The 12e cardback - front

The sticker at the back is a rectangular black sticker covering about half the back of the cardback

This is how the affixed sticker at the back looks like:
The 12e cardback - back

There are only 2 out of the 12 characters that have known 12e variations – namely R2-D2 and Chewbacca.
(1)R2-D2 12e

Based on AFA population report, there are 3 graded examples with all graded examples found on 12c cardbacks. There is 1 AFA70, 1 AFA75 and 1 AFA80.

Here is the R2-D2 12e AFA75_75-80-85:-

R2-D2 (12c) 12e – frontR2-D2 (12c) 12e - backR2-D2 (12c) 12e – AFA label
(2)Chewbacca 12e

For the Chewbacca, only a 12e cardback is known to exist. This cardback is on a base 12c cardback. I have yet to see an existing carded example and there is no known sealed carded example. There is also no AFA population report for the Chewbacca 12e.

Here is the Chewbacca 12e cardback:-

Chewbacca (12c) 12e
cardback only – front
Chewbacca (12c) 12e
cardback only - back

From the collection of James Martin.

Photos used with his kind permission and consent


The figure stand / footer is the small cardboard piece underneath the feet of the action figure which is located inside the bubble / blister. The purpose of the figure stand / footer is to support and keep the action figure upright and balanced, without either of its feet falling into stem of the bubble / blister.

There are a total of 4 kinds of figure stand / footer variations – (1) White Figure Stand / Footer; (2) Figure Stand / Footer with SKU number; (3) Inverted V-shaped Figure Stand / Footer; and (4) High / low Inverted V-shaped Figure Stand / Footer.
4.1White Figure Stand / Footer (“WFS”)

The WFS has only been found on 12a cardbacks. It was the earliest type of figure stand / footer and preceded the Figure Stand / Footer with SKU numbers variation. It was originally thought that the WFS variations were salesman samples but the existence of price stickers on the known pieces suggests that they were available for sale in stores.

The known WFS examples has been found with only 6 out of the 12 action figures of the 12 backs – (1) Luke Skywalker; (2) Princess Leia Organa; (3) R2-D2; (4) Chewbacca; (5) Darth Vader and (6) Stormtrooper. The features that came with the WFS are as follows:-

- The earliest 3 figures (Luke, Leia and R2-D2) were only found on 12a MITW COO cardbacks;
- Chewbacca were found on both 12a MITW COO cardbacks and 12a MIHK COO cardbacks; and
- Darth Vader was only found on 12a MIHK COO cardback and only with the Double Telescoping Saber figure variation; and
- Stormtrooper was only found on 12a MIHK COO cardback.

In my opinion, the order of rarity of the WFS 12a run is as follows (rarest to the most common):-

  1. Darth Vader (Double Telescoping Saber)
  2. Stormtrooper
  3. Luke Skywalker
  4. Chewbacca MIHK COO
  5. R2-D2
  6. Leia
  7. Chewbacca MITW COO

4.1.1Darth Vader (Double Telescoping Saber) WFS

There is no available AFA population report specifically for the WFS 12a Darth Vader (Double Telescoping Saber). I have only seen 1 example so far. I understand that the presence of the WFS or the Figure Stand with SKU Number (see below) is a feature of a genuine carded 12a Darth Vader (Double Telescoping Saber). Here are the photo references for the WFS 12a Darth Vader (Double Telescoping Saber):-

Darth Vader (Double
Saber) 12a WFS - front
Darth Vader (Double
Saber) 12a WFS – back

From the collection of
Carlos Kieffer

Photos used with the kind
permission and consent of

Darth Vader (Double
Saber) 12a WFS –
close up of WFS
Darth Vader (Double
Saber) 12a WFS –
AFA label
4.1.2Stormtrooper WFS

Based on the AFA population report, there are 2 graded examples of the WFS 12a Stormtrooper. The 2 examples are graded AFA85 and AFA60. Here are the photo references for the WFS 12a Stormtrooper AFA60:-

Stormtrooper 12a WFS
AFA60 - front
Stormtrooper 12a WFS
AFA60 – back

Stormtrooper 12a WFS
AFA60 – close up of WFS
Stormtrooper 12a WFS
AFA60 – AFA label
4.1.3Luke Skywalker

There is no available AFA population report for the WFS 12a Luke Skywalker. I know of 3 examples in collections – 2 graded examples and 1 ungraded. The 2 graded examples are AFA80 and AFA60.

Here are the photo references for the WFS 12a Luke Skywalker AFA60:-

Luke 12a WFS AFA60 -
Luke 12a WFS AFA60 –

From the collection of

Photos used with the kind
permissionand consent of
Luke 12a WFS AFA60 –
close up of WFS

Here are the photo references for the WFS 12a Luke Skywalker which had eventually graded an AFA80:-

Luke 12a WFS (pre-grading
of AFA80) - front
Luke 12a WFS (pre-grading
of AFA80) – back

Photos from eBay
Luke 12a WFS (pre-grading
of AFA80) – close up of WFS

Here are the photo references for the ungraded WFS 12a Luke Skywalker:-

Luke Skywalker 12a WFS
- front
Luke Skywalker 12a WFS
– back
Luke Skywalker 12a WFS
- close up of WFS
4.1.4Chewbacca WFS MIHK COO

There is no available AFA population report specifically for the WFS 12a Chewbacca MIHK COO. The available AFA population report for the WFS 12a Chewbacca shows that there are 8 graded examples but there is no differentiation between the MIHK COO and the MITW COO. Most of the WFS 12a Chewbacca have MITW COO.

I have only seen 1 MIHK COO graded example so far. Here are the photo references for the WFS 12a Chewbacca MIHK COO AFA80:-

Chewbacca 12a WFS
MIHK - front
Chewbacca 12a WFS
MIHK – back

Chewbacca 12a WFS
MIHK – close up of WFS

Based on the AFA population report, there are 3 graded examples of the WFS 12a R2-D2. The highest graded example appears to be AFA80. Here are the photo references for the WFS 12a R2-D2 AFA80:-

R2-D2 12a WFS AFA80

- front
R2-D2 12a WFS AFA80

– back

R2-D2 12a WFS AFA80

– close up of WFS
4.1.6Princess Leia Organa

Based on the AFA population report, there are 3 graded examples of the WFS 12a R2-D2. The highest graded example appears to be AFA80. Here are the photo references for the WFS 12a Princess Leia Organa AFA80:-

Princess Leia Organa 12a

WFS AFA80 - front
Princess Leia Organa 12a
WFS AFA80 – back

Princess Leia Organa 12a
WFS AFA80 – close up of WFS
4.1.7Chewbacca MITW COO

Based on the AFA population report, there are 8 graded examples of the WFS 12a Chewbacca. The highest graded example appears to be AFA85. There is no differentiation between the MITW COO version and the MIHK COO version in the AFA population report. As the MITW COO version is relatively more common, majority of the graded examples should be the MITW COO version. Here are the photo references for the WFS 12a Chewbacca MITW COO AFA80:-

Chewbacca 12a WFS
MITW AFA80 - front
Chewbacca 12a WFS
MITW AFA80 – back

Chewbacca 12a WFS MITW
AFA80 – close up of WFS
4.2Figure Stand / Footer with SKU number (“SKUF”)

The SKUF has only been found on 12a MIHK COO cardbacks. It was the second earliest type of figure stand / footer and probably came after or at the same time as the WFS.

The known SKUF examples has been found with only 8 out of the 12 action figures of the 12 backs – (1) Luke Skywalker; (2) Princess Leia Organa; (3) R2-D2; (4) Chewbacca; (5) C-3PO; (6) Darth Vader; (7) Stormtrooper and (8) Ben Kenobi.

In my opinion, the order of rarity of the SKUF 12a run is as follows (rarest to the most common):-

  1. Ben Kenobi (Double Telescoping Saber)
  2. Darth Vader (Double Telescoping Saber)
  3. Luke Skywalker (Double Telescoping Saber)
  4. Luke Skywalker
  5. C-3PO
  6. Princess Leia Organa
  7. Chewbacca
  8. R2-D2
  9. Darth Vader
  10. Ben Kenobi
  11. Stormtrooper

4.2.1Ben Kenobi (Double Telescoping Saber)

There is no available AFA population report specifically for the SKUF 12a Ben Kenobi (Double Telescoping Saber). I have only seen 1 example so far. I understand that the presence of the SKUF is a feature of a genuine carded 12a Ben Kenobi (Double Telescoping Saber) and this is a likely feature of all genuine Ben Kenobi (Double Telescoping Saber). If so, then based on AFA population report, there are 8 graded examples with the highest graded at AFA85.

Here are the photo references for the SKUF 12a Ben Kenobi (Double Telescoping Saber) AFA75:-

Ben Kenobi (Double Telescoping
Saber) 12a SKUF - front
Ben Kenobi (Double Telescoping
Saber) 12a SKUF – back

From the collection of Paul Belcourt.

Photos used with the kind permission
and consent of Paul Belcourt.

Ben Kenobi (Double Telescoping
Saber) 12a SKUF – close up of
Ben Kenobi (Double Telescoping
Saber) 12a SKUF
– close up of SKUF
4.2.2Darth Vader (Double Telescoping Saber)

There is no available AFA population report specifically for the SKUF 12a Darth Vader (Double Telescoping Saber). I have only seen 1 example so far. I understand that the presence of the SKUF (like the WFS – see above) is also feature of a genuine carded 12a Darth Vader (Double Telescoping Saber) and these 2 are the specific features of all genuine Darth Vader (Double Telescoping Saber). If so, then based on AFA population report, there would be less than 8 graded examples of SKUF 12a Darth Vader (Double Telescoping Saber) – especially since the Darth Vader (Double Telescoping Saber) appeared on both 12a and 12b cardbacks according to the said AFA population report.

Here are the photo references for the SKUF 12a Darth Vader (Double Telescoping Saber) AFA75:-

Darth Vader (Double
Telescoping Saber) 12a
SKUF AFA75 - front

From the collection of
Anthony Butterworth
Darth Vader (Double
Telescoping Saber) 12a
SKUF AFA75 – back

Photos used with the kind
permission and consent
of Anthony Butterworth

Darth Vader (Double Telescoping Saber)
12a SKUF AFA75 – AFA label
4.2.3Luke Skywalker (Double Telescoping Saber)

There is no available AFA population report specifically for the SKUF 12a Luke Skywalker (Double Telescoping Saber). I have only seen 1 example so far but I believe that there are certainly a few more. A 12a Luke Skywalker (Double Telescoping Saber) will almost certainly have a SKUF. Based on AFA population report, there would be less than 27 graded examples of SKUF 12a Luke Skywalker (Double Telescoping Saber) – since the Luke Skywalker (Double Telescoping Saber) appeared on 12a, 12b and 12c cardbacks according to the said AFA population report. My estimate would be that there are about 10 graded examples of SKUF 12a Luke Skywalker (Double Telescoping Saber).

Here are the photo references for the SKUF 12a Luke Skywalker (Double Telescoping Saber) AFA85:-

Luke Skywalker (Double
Telescoping Saber) 12a
SKUF - front
Luke Skywalker (Double
Telescoping Saber) 12a
SKUF – back

From the collection of
Anthony Butterworth

Luke Skywalker (Double
Telescoping Saber) 12a
SKUF – close up of SKUF

Photos used with the kind
permission and consent of
Anthony Butterworth
Luke Skywalker (Double T
elescoping Saber) 12a
SKUF – AFA label
4.2.4Luke Skywalker

There is no available AFA population report for the SKUF 12a Luke Skywalker – the normal figure. However, I know of the existence of only 2 graded examples, both of which are graded AFA80.

Here are the photo references for the SKUF 12a Luke Skywalker AFA80:-

Luke Skywalker 12a
SKUF - front
Luke Skywalker 12a
SKUF – back

Luke Skywalker 12 SKUF –
close up of SKUF
Luke Skywalker 12a SKUF –
AFA label

Based on the AFA population report, there are 5 graded examples of the SKUF 12a C-3PO. The highest graded example appears to be AFA80. Here are the photo references for the SKUF 12a C-3PO AFA80:-

C-3PO 12a SKUF
AFA80 - front
C-3PO 12a SKUF
AFA80 – back

C-3PO 12a SKUF AFA80 –
close up of SKUF
C-3PO 12a SKUF AFA80 – AFA label

Based on the AFA population report, there are 7 graded examples of the SKUF 12a R2-D2. The highest graded example appears to be AFA80. These does not take into account examples that have been graded by UKG. Here are the photo references for the SKUF 12a R2-D2 UKG85:-

R2-D2 12a SKUF UKG85
- front
R2-D2 12a SKUF UKG85
– back

R2-D2 12a SKUF UKG85
– close up of SKUF
R2-D2 12a SKUF UKG85 – UKG label
4.2.7Princess Leia Organa

Based on the AFA population report, there are 10 graded examples of the SKUF 12a Princess Leia Organa. The highest graded example is AFA90. Here are the photo references for the WFS 12a Princess Leia Organa AFA80:-

Princess Leia Organa
12a SKUF AFA80 - front
Princess Leia Organa
12a SKUF AFA80 – back

Princess Leia Organa 12a
SKUF AFA80 – close up of SKUF
Princess Leia Organa 12a SKUF
AFA80 – AFA label

Based on the AFA population report, there are 11 graded examples of the SKUF 12a Chewbacca. The highest graded example appears to be AFA85. Here are the photo references for the SKUF 12a Chewbacca AFA80 but which was not labelled as having a SKUF by AFA during grading:-

Chewbacca 12a SKUF
AFA80 – front
Chewbacca 12a SKUF
AFA80 – back

Chewbacca 12a SKUF

AFA80 – close up of SKUF
Chewbacca 12a SKUF AFA80
- AFA label
4.2.9Darth Vader

Based on the AFA population report, there are 14 graded examples of the SKUF 12a Darth Vader. The highest graded example appears to be AFA85. Here are the photo references for the SKUF 12a Darth Vader AFA80 but which was not labelled as having a SKUF by AFA during grading:-

Darth Vader 12a SKUF
AFA80 – front
Darth Vader 12a SKUF
AFA80 – back

Darth Vader 12a SKUF
AFA80 – close up of
Darth Vader 12a SKUF
AFA80 - AFA label
4.2.10Ben Kenobi

Based on the AFA population report, there are 16 graded examples of the SKUF 12a Ben Kenobi. The highest graded example appears to be AFA80. Here are the photo references for an ungraded SKUF 12a Ben Kenobi:-

Ben Kenobi 12a SKUF
AFA80 – front
Ben Kenobi 12a SKUF
AFA80 – back

Ben Kenobi 12a SKUF
AFA80 – close up of SKUF

Based on the AFA population report, there are 20 graded examples of the SKUF 12a Stormtrooper. The highest graded example appears to be AFA85. This is the most common character to be found with the SKUF. Here are the photo references for a SKUF 12a Stormtrooper AFA80:-

Stormtrooper 12a SKUF
AFA80 – front
Stormtrooper 12a SKUF
AFA80 – back

Stormtrooper 12a SKUF AFA80 –
close up of SKUF
Stormtrooper 12a SKUF AFA80 –
AFA label
4.3Inverted V-shaped Figure Stand / Footer

9 out of the 12 characters came carded only with flat figure stands / footers. Here is what the flat footers of these 9 look like.

Princess Leia OrganaR2-D2

ChewbaccaDarth Vader
Stormtrooper Ben Kenobi

JawaSand People
Death Squad Commander

3 out of the 12 came with inverted V-shaped figure stands / footers, namely (1) Luke Skywalker; (2) C-3PO and (3) Han Solo. Here are what the inverted V-shaped figure stands / footers of these 3 look like.
Luke SkywalkerC-3PO

Han Solo
Out of these 3, Han Solo also appeared with a flat footer. I have not seen the other 2 characters with flat figure stands / footers. Here is how an example of the Han Solo 12 back with a flat figure stand / footer.

Han Solo with flat figure stand / footer

4.4High / low Inverted V-shaped Figure Stand / Footer

Of the 3 characters that have inverted V-shaped figure stands / footers, each character came high and low inverted V-shaped figure stands / footers.

Here are the high and low figure stands / footers (non WFS) that came with the carded 12 back Luke Skywalker:-

Luke Skywalker with high inverted
V-shaped figure stand/ footer
Luke Skywalker with low inverted
V-shaped figure stand/ footer

Here are the high and low figure stand / footers that came with the carded 12 back C-3PO:-
C-3PO with high inverted
V-shaped figure stand/ footer
C-3PO with low inverted
V-shaped figure stand/ footer

Here are the high and low figure stands / footers that came with the carded 12 back Han Solo:-

Han Solo with high inverted
V-shaped figure stand/ footer
Han Solo with low inverted
V-shaped figure stand/ footer


Only the Jawa came with very unique and different bubble / blister variations. There are 4 different bubble / blister variations.​
5.1Jawa (vinyl cape) – unique bubble shape

The Jawa (vinyl cape) has a unique bubble shape. It is a T-stemmed bubble. The part of the bubble / blister that holds the figure fits the figure snugly and has a flat bubble / blister face. Here is how the bubble / blister of the Jawa (vinyl cape) looks like:-

Jawa (vinyl cape) close up - frontJawa (vinyl cape) close up - side
5.2Jawa (cloth cape) – small bubble with angled front

The Jawa (cloth cape) came on 12a, 12b and 12c cardbacks. The Jawa (cloth cape) 12a with any of the bubble variations is hard to find. If the Jawa (vinyl cape) is “rare”, I would say that the Jawa (cloth cape) 12a is actually rarer. The Jawa (cloth cape) came with 3 different bubble / blister variation for the 12 backs. To find a Jawa 12a with any of the bubble variations is quite an achievement.​

The first variant is a small bubble / blister that is similar to the Jawa (vinyl cape) bubble / blister except that the front of the bubble / blister is angled. This bubble / blister is similar with the bubble / blister that came with the carded Jawa in the ESB and ROTJ lines.​
Jawa (cloth cape) small bubble with angled front – side

This bubble / blister variant appeared with the Jawa (cloth cape) on the 12a, 12b and 12c cardbacks.

Here are the photo references for 12a Jawa (cloth cape) – small bubble with angled front:-

Jawa (cloth cape) 12a small bubble
with angled front – front

Photo courtesy from Allen Fox

Photos used with his kind
permission and consent

Here are the photo references for 12b Jawa (cloth cape) – small bubble with angled front:-

Jawa (cloth cape) 12b small
bubble with angled front
- front
Jawa (cloth cape) 12b small
bubble with angled front
- back

Jawa (cloth cape) 12b small
bubble with angled front
– close up of small bubble
with angled front
Here are the photo references for 12c Jawa (cloth cape) – small bubble with angled front:-

Jawa (cloth cape) 12c small
bubble with angled front
- front
Jawa (cloth cape) 12c small
bubble with angled front
- back

Jawa (cloth cape) 12c small
bubble with angled front –
close up of small bubble
with angled front

5.3Jawa (cloth cape) – large bubble with cardboard tray

The second variant is a large bubble / blister (a R2-D2 bubble / blister) with a cardboard tray.
Jawa (cloth cape) large bubble
with cardboard tray – side

As far as I know, this bubble / blister variant appeared with the Jawa (cloth cape) on the 12a, 12b and 12c cardbacks.

Here are the photo references for 12a Jawa (cloth cape) – large bubble with cardboard tray:-

Jawa (cloth cape) 12a large b
ubble with cardboard tray
- front
Jawa (cloth cape) 12a large
bubble with cardboard tray
- back

Jawa (cloth cape) 12a large
bubble with cardboard tray
– close up of large bubble
with cardboard tray

Here are the photo references for 12b Jawa (cloth cape) – large bubble with cardboard tray:-

Jawa (cloth cape) 12b large
bubble with cardboard tray
- front
Jawa (cloth cape) 12b large
bubble with cardboard tray
- back

Jawa (cloth cape) 12b large
bubble with cardboard tray
– close up of large bubble
with cardboard tray
Here are the photo references for 12c Jawa (cloth cape) – large bubble with cardboard tray:-

Jawa (cloth cape) 12c large
bubble with cardboard tray
- front
Jawa (cloth cape) 12c large
bubble with cardboard tray
- back

Jawa (cloth cape) 12c large
bubble with cardboard tray
– close up of large bubble
with cardboard tray
5.4Jawa (cloth cape) – large bubble with plastic tray

The third variant is a large bubble / blister (a R2-D2 bubble / blister) with a plastic tray.
Jawa (cloth cape) large bubble with
plastic tray – side

As far as I know, this bubble / blister variant appeared with the Jawa (cloth cape) on the 12a and 12b cardbacks. I have not seen a Jawa 12c having this bubble / blister variation.

Here are the photo references for 12a Jawa (cloth cape) – large bubble with plastic tray:-

Jawa (cloth cape) 12a large
bubble with plastic tray
- front
Jawa (cloth cape) 12a large
bubble with plastic tray
- back

Jawa (cloth cape) 12a large
bubble with plastic tray
– close up of large bubble
with plastic tray

Here are the photo references for 12b Jawa (cloth cape) – large bubble with cardboard tray:-

Jawa (cloth cape) 12b large
bubble with plastic tray
- front
Jawa (cloth cape) 12b large
bubble with plastic tray
- back

Jawa (cloth cape) 12b large
bubble with cardboard tray
– close up of large bubble
with plastic tray


There are 2 types of action figure variations – accessory variation and figure variation.

There are 3 accessory variations, namely:-
(1) Double Telescoping Sabers;
(2) Vinyl Cape Jawa; and
(3) Green Crossbow Chewbacca.​

There are 4 figure variations, namely:-
(1) Taiwan Glossy Pants Luke Skywalker;
(2) White / Grey Hair Ben Kenobi;
(3) Small / Large Head Han Solo; and
(4) Dark Blue R2-D2.

6.1Double Telescoping Sabers (“DTS”)

This is the most famous and expensive accessory variation of the 12 backs. The 3 characters that had DTS are (1) Luke Skywalker; (2) Darth Vader and (3) Ben Kenobi.

The rarity scale of the 3 DTS action figures is as follows (rarest to most common):-

  1. DTS Ben Kenobi (blue DTS)
  2. DTS Darth Vader (red DTS)
  3. DTS Luke Skywalker (yellow DTS)

6.1.1DTS Ben Kenobi

The DTS Ben Kenobi appeared only on the 12a MIHK cardback.

All genuine DTS Ben Kenobi 12a MIHK have a SKUF.

Based on the AFA population report, there are 8 graded examples of the DTS Ben Kenobi 12a MIHK. The 2 highest graded examples are graded AFA85. Here are the photo references of a DTS Ben Kenobi 12a MIHK AFA75:-

DTS Ben Kenobi 12a AFA75
– front
DTS Ben Kenobi 12a AFA75 –

DTS Ben Kenobi 12a AFA75 –
close up of DTS
From the collection of Paul
Above photos provided
by Paul Belcourt and used
with his kind permission and

6.1.2DTS Darth Vader

Based on the AFA population report, the DTS Darth Vader appeared on the 12a MIHK and 12b MIHK cardbacks. However, the AFA population report does not differentiate between the 12a and 12b cardbacks. As far as I am aware, there is no DTS Darth Vader on a MITW COO cardback.

All genuine DTS Darth Vader 12a MIHK have either a WFS or a SKUF.

It would not be expected that a genuine DTS Darth Vader 12b MIHK to have either a WFS or a SKUF since the WFS and SKUF are unique feature of only the 12a cardback.

Based on the AFA population report, there are 8 graded examples of the DTS Darth Vader 12a MIHK and DTS Darth Vader 12b cardback. The highest graded example is an AFA80.

Here are the photo references of a DTS Darth Vader 12a MIHK AFA75 (with SKUF):-

DTS Darth Vader 12a
DTS Darth Vader 12a
– back

From the collection of
Anthony Butterworth

DTS Darth Vader 12a
– AFA label (which does
not record it as a SKUF)

Above photographs provided by
Anthony Butterworth and used
here with his kind
permission and consent
Here are the photo references of a DTS Darth Vader 12a MIHK AFA70 (with WFS):-

DTS Darth Vader 12a
– front
DTS Darth Vader 12a WFS
– back

DTS Darth Vader 12a WFS
MIHK AFA70 – c
lose up of DTS
DTS Darth Vader 12a WFS
AFA label (which does
not record it as a WFS)
From the collection of
Carlos Kieffer
Above photographs provided by
Carlos Kieffer and used here with
his kind permission and consent

I have not personally seen a DTS Darth Vader 12b MIHK example and would be grateful if a collector who has one to let me know and to allow me to include write ups and photographs in this guide.

6.1.3DTS Luke Skywalker

Based on the AFA population report, the DTS Luke Skywalker appeared on the 12a MIHK, 12b MIHK and 12c MIHK cardbacks. As far as I know, there is no DTS Luke Skywalker on a MITW COO cardback.

All genuine DTS Luke Skywalker 12a MIHK have a SKUF.

Based on the AFA population report, there are 27 graded examples of the DTS Luke Skywalker. The AFA population report does not differentiate between the 12a, 12b and 12c cardbacks. The highest graded example is an AFA90.

Here are the photo references of a DTS Luke Skywalker 12a MIHK AFA85 (with SKUF):-

DTS Luke Skywalker 12a
SKUF MIHK AFA85 – front
DTS Luke Skywalker 12a
SKUF MIHK AFA85 – back

From the collection of Anthony Butterworth
DTS Luke Skywalker 12a
close up of SKUF)

Above photographs provided
by Anthony Butterworth and
used with his kind permission
and consent

DTS Luke Skywalker 12a
AFA label (which does not
record it as having a SKUF)
Here are the photo references of a DTS Luke Skywalker 12b MIHK AFA80:-

DTS Luke Skywalker 12b
MIHK AFA80 – front
DTS Luke Skywalker 12b
MIHK AFA80 – back

DTS Luke Skywalker 12b
MIHK AFA80 – close up of DTS
DTS Luke Skywalker 12b
MIHK AFA 80 – AFA label
(which wrongly records this
as a 12c cardback)
Here are the photo references of a DTS Luke Skywalker 12c MIHK AFA90:-

DTS Luke Skywalker 12c
MIHK AFA90 – front
DTS Luke Skywalker 12c
MIHK AFA90 – back

DTS Luke Skywalker 12c
MIHK AFA90 – close up of DTS
DTS Luke Skywalker 12c
MIHK AFA 90 – AFA label
From the collection of Paul Belcourt
Above photographs provided
by Paul Belcourt and used
with his kind permission and

6.2Vinyl Cape Jawa

The Vinyl Cape Jawa (“VCJ”) is perhaps the most notorious and well-known variant of the 12 back line. It is most known for being “rare”.

Based on AFA population report, there appears to be 223 graded examples (which could be a result of re-grading from single tier AFA grades to the 3-tier grading) ranging from AFA40 to AFA95. There appears to be a total of 2 AFA 95s, 26 AFA90s, 90 AFA85s and 45 AFA80s. This would mean that there are possibly 163 examples that are graded AFA80 and above. I personally know of a few pieces that remain ungraded todate. Looking at the statistics and data, the carded US Kenner VCJ 12 back is relatively not that rare compared to the other variations of the 12 back line– although the carded VCJ remains desirable and hence its price point is where it is.

The VCJ came on 12a and 12b cardbacks. No VCJ 12c example is known or recorded. This is confirmed by the AFA population report. However, the data in the AFA population report does not differentiate between the VCJ 12a and the VCJ 12b so I am unable to provide an estimated number of VCJ 12b examples or to provide a comparison of the VCJ 12b examples compared to the VCJ 12a examples. From what I have seen over the years, the VCJ 12a appears to be far more common compared to the VCJ 12b. In fact, I have only seen 1 example of a VCJ 12b so far. Based on the aforesaid, it is my belief that the VCJ 12b is far rarer compared to the VCJ 12a.

Here are the photo references for the VCJ 12a AFA85:-

– front
– back

– AFA label

Here are the phot references for the VCJ 12b AFA80:-

– front
– back

VCJ 12b MIHK AFA80 – AFA labelVCJ 12b MIHK AFA80 –
mirror shot
From the collection of Randy
Above photographs provided
by Randy Fiels and used
with his kind permission
and consent

6.3Green Crossbow Chewbacca

Based on AFA population report, the Green Crossbow Chewbacca appeared on the 12a, 12b and 12c cardbacks – having 42 graded examples with the highest graded example being an AFA85. The Green Crossbow is a slightly lighter coloured translucent blue / green while the normal Crossbow is darker blue / black. The difference is quite subtle and is not easy to spot.

Based on AFA population report, the Green Crossbow Chewbacca also appeared with the SKUF on the 12a cardback with 6 graded examples and the highest grade being AFA85.

Assuming no overlap between these 2 AFA population reports, there would be a total of 48 graded examples of the Green Crossbow Chewbacca. With no differentiation between the 12a, 12b and 12c cardbacks in the AFA population report, it is difficult to rank rarity amongst the 3 cardback versions for the Green Crossbow Chewbacca.

Here are the photo references for the Green Crossbow Chewbacca and the darker coloured Crossbow Chewbacca:-

Chewbacca with darker coloured
Crossbow – close up
Chewbacca with Green Crossbow
– close up
6.4Taiwan Glossy Pants Luke Skywalker

The Taiwan Glossy Pants Luke Skywalker is the variation to the Blonde Hair Luke Skywalker.

The Taiwan Glossy Pants Luke Skywalker appeared on the 12a MITW COO, 12b MITW COO and 12c MITW COO cardbacks. It is unique only to the MITW COO cardbacks and did not appear on the MIHK COO cardbacks. As the name says, there is a glossy sheen on the pants of Luke Skywalker.

Based on AFA population report, there are 15 graded examples of the Taiwan Glossy Pants Luke Skywalker with the highest graded at AFA85. With no differentiation between the 12a, 12b and 12c cardbacks in the AFA population report, it is difficult to rank rarity amongst the 3 cardback versions for the Taiwan Glossy Pants Luke Skywalker. In comparison, there appears to be 123 graded examples of the more usual Blonde Hair Luke Skywalker, which also appeared on the 12a, 12b and 12c cardbacks.

Here are the photo references for the Taiwan Glossy Pants Luke Skywalker 12a (ungraded):-

Luke Skywalker 12a MITW
– front
Luke Skywalker 12a MITW
– back
Luke Skywalker 12a MITW
– close up

Here are the photo references for the Taiwan Glossy Pants Luke Skywalker 12c AFA80:-
Luke Skywalker 12c MITW
AFA80 – front
Luke Skywalker 12c MITW
AFA80 – back

Luke Skywalker 12c MITW
AFA80 – close up

Luke Skywalker 12c MITW
AFA80 – AFA label
6.5White / Grey Hair Ben Kenobi

Ben Kenobi came with 2 different hair colours in the Kenner 12 back line – white hair and grey hair. By comparison of the data and statistics, it appears that the Grey Hair Ben Kenobi 12 back is generally harder to find than the more common White Hair Ben Kenobi 12 back.

6.5.1White Hair Ben Kenobi

Based on the AFA population report, there appears to 201 graded examples of the White Hair Ben Kenobi which appeared on the 12a, 12b and 12c cardbacks. With no differentiation between the 12a, 12b and 12c cardbacks in the AFA population report, it is difficult to rank rarity amongst the 3 cardback versions for the White Hair Ben Kenobi.

Here are the photo references of a White Hair Ben Kenobi 12a AFA80:-

Ben Kenobi White Hair 12a
AFA80 – front
Ben Kenobi White Hair 12a
AFA80 – back

Ben Kenobi White Hair 12a
AFA80 – close up of hair

Here are the photo references of a White Hair Ben Kenobi 12c AFA85

Ben Kenobi White Hair 12c
AFA85 – front
Ben Kenobi White Hair 12c
AFA85 – back

Ben Kenobi White Hair 12c
AFA85 – close up of hair
6.5.2Grey Hair Ben Kenobi

Based on the AFA population report, there are 104 graded examples of the Grey Hair Ben Kenobi with the highest graded at AFA95. The Grey Hair Ben Kenobi appeared only on the 12a and 12b cardbacks. There is no known Grey Hair Ben Kenobi on a 12c cardback.

Here are the photo references of a Grey Hair Ben Kenobi 12a AFA85:-

Ben Kenobi Grey Hair 12a
AFA85 – front
Ben Kenobi Grey Hair 12a
AFA85 – back

Ben Kenobi Grey Hair 12a
AFA85 – close up of hair

Ben Kenobi Grey Hair 12a
AFA85 – AFA label
Here are the photo references of a Grey Hair Ben Kenobi 12b AFA80:-

Ben Kenobi Grey Hair 12b
AFA80 – front
Ben Kenobi Grey Hair 12b
AFA80 – back

Ben Kenobi Grey Hair 12b
AFA80 – close up of hair

Ben Kenobi Grey Hair 12b
AFA80 – AFA label
6.6Small / Large Head Han Solo

Han Solo came with 2 different head molds in the Kenner 12 back line – a small head mold and a large head mold. The Small Head Han Solo was released first followed by later release of the Large Head Han Solo.

6.6.1Small Head Han Solo

Being the first released mold of the Han Solo action figure, the Small Head Han Solo can be found on the 12a, 12b and 12c cardbacks.

Based on the AFA population report, there appears to 590 graded examples of the Small Head Han Solo 12 back with 6 examples graded at the highest AFA95. With no differentiation between the 12a, 12b and 12c cardbacks in the AFA population report, it is difficult to rank rarity amongst the 3 cardback versions for the Small Head Han Solo 12 back.

Here are the photo references of a Small Head Han Solo 12a AFA80:-

Han Solo Small Head 12a
AFA80 – front
Han Solo Small Head 12a
AFA80 – back

Han Solo Small Head 12a
AFA80 – close up

Han Solo Small Head 12a
AFA80 – AFA label
Here are the photo references of a Small Head Han Solo 12b (ungraded):-

Han Solo Small Head 12b
– front
Han Solo Small Head 12b
– back

Han Solo Small Head 12b
– close up
Here are the photo references of a Small Head Han Solo 12c (ungraded):-

Han Solo Small Head 12c
– front
Han Solo Small Head 12c
– back

Han Solo Small Head 12c
– close up
6.6.2Large Head Han Solo

This is the second released mold of the Han Solo action figure in the 12 back line.

Based on the AFA population reports, there appears to be 103 graded examples of the Large Head Han Solo with the highest graded at AFA90. The Large Head Han Solo appeared only on the 12b and 12c cardbacks. There is no known Large Head Han Solo on a 12a cardback.

Here are the photo references of a Large Head Han Solo 12b AFA75 (but with a 32 back sticker):-

Han Solo Large Head 12b
AFA75 – front
Han Solo Large Head 12b
AFA75 – back

Han Solo Large Head 12b
AFA75 – close up

Han Solo Large Head 12b
AFA75 – AFA label (with the
labelling of having a 32 back sticker)

Here are the photo references of a Large Head Han Solo 12c AFA80:-

Han Solo Large Head 12c
AFA80 – front
Han Solo Large Head 12c
AFA80 – back

Han Solo Large Head 12c
AFA80 – close up

Han Solo Large Head 12c
AFA80 – AFA label
6.7Dark Blue R2-D2

Based on AFA population reports, there appears to be about 21 to 27 graded examples of the Dark Blue R2-D2 which appeared on the 12a, 12b and 12c cardbacks. The uncertainty of the exact number is due to the possibility of overlap between the AFA population report for the Dark Blue R2-D2 simpliciter (21 graded examples) and that for the Dark Blue R2-D2 12a with SKUF (6 graded examples).

Here are the photo references (close ups) to show the difference between the Dark Blue R2-D2 and the usual R2-D2. The difference lies in the darker blue colour of the large round “eye” of the R2-D2 figure.

R2-D2 (normal) – close upR2-D2 Dark Blue – close up

This concludes the guide :grin:. Use it well. All errors and omissions are mine. :p

My huge thanks to those collectors who have helped me to make this possible. :awesome:

MTFBWY - Mark Yeo​

Last edited:
Hi Mark, great guide, looking forward to the next part.

I just like to say that in the white footer part, you list DT vader as (6), but in the pictures, you show another chewbacca as (6) and no pictures of the DT vader (not that i never saw one before).
Mark, this is such a great resource. So many interesting variations in what is the most crucial line in the whole series. I love your R2 12e!!!!!
Wow Mark!! Really appreciate the time and effort you put into this and your willingness to help the community. Kudos B)
Updated as at 9 October 2014

Further bubble variation included for the Jawa, and additional pics and information for the DT Luke and DT Vader.
Drops the mic and walks off stage. o-o:disgusted: I give up Mark!!! Wow. You just made history. Thank you for sharing this with us and yes....let's make this sticky.
great work mark. I see some familiar pieces by the way:hmm:

That is so true. You contributed many of the rarer 12 backs variants that are featured. Ur work in collating them at the time was most impressive and industrious. I am still regretting not getting your afa85 example of the 12a cloth cape jawa with the esb bubble.

Btw do u still have pics of that piece? It would be a great addition to the guide.

Cheers, Mark
Excellent guide. Hope to see a guide to 20 and 21 Backs soon, they're my favorites from the first film.
This is really interesting. I'm especially curious about the short vs long inverted tray. Looking at my own collection now, I see that I have 2 C-3POs one with a long tray and one with a short tray:

Both are 12back -B
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Great write up Mark! Thanks for sharing this info with the community.
What a great reference guide Mark. I was staggered by the 223 graded examples of vinyl caped jawas - not to mention all the non graded ones. That is a LOT more than I expected.

Hey Guys

Updated the guide with some additional pics of DT Vader MOCs and a 12b VCJ. Check them out.

Hi Mark, great guide, looking forward to the next part.

I just like to say that in the white footer part, you list DT vader as (6), but in the pictures, you show another chewbacca as (6) and no pictures of the DT vader (not that i never saw one before).

Hi Dennis

Thanks for the comments. I have amended the guide accordingly and added the pics of the DT Vader with white figure stand that comes from Carlos' awesome collection.

This is really interesting. I'm especially curious about the short vs long inverted tray. Looking at my own collection now, I see that I have 2 C-3POs one with a long tray and one with a short tray:

Both are 12back -B

I have amended the part of the guide to include this clarification on the inverted v footers for both the Luke and the C3PO. Thanks for the comments and the pics.

Excellent guide. Hope to see a guide to 20 and 21 Backs soon, they're my favorites from the first film.

LOL, the 20 and 21 backs guide will be an undertaking that will be more formidable than a 12 back guide. I am too old to handle such a demanding task ... :) Hopefully one of the 20 ad 21 back collectors can step up to the plate to do that.

Cheers, Mark
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AND a limelight is added

Added a pic of the 12a cloth caped Jawa with an ESB bubble to update the guide.

AND also shamelessly:grin: threw in a limelight of all my US Kenner 12backs (just the front pics).

Cheers, Mark
Awesome job, Mark. I just had time to read your whole writeup and must admit I learned quite a few things. Keep the information coming. It is good to know this resource exists and is easily accessible for future reference. If there was only some way to include all of this information in the much anticipated Kellerman book update...that would be amazing.
Excellent information. Saved this one for later.

Also, I could have skimmed over it, but did Kenner not put footers (factory error) on some MOCs... has that been recorded?
Sorry guys, I am re-organising the guide and the pics and its taking me a while. I will try to get the pics all linked up again soon. Apologies...
Bump - revamped this Guide with all new information and photos.

All constructive comments welcomed - for addition and inclusion in the guide.

All views, errors or omissions are mine.

Cheers, Mark
Great guide Mark.

edit* I asked a question but figured it out.
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Outstanding work, Mark! Who knew there could be so much variations on the first 12 backs! A great resource for the community.
Awesome work Mark !! it would even deserve a treatment as a small leafleft / booklet which you could distribute as PDF or sell printed on glossy paper at various events :weeabooface:

There's also a noticeable variant on the 12-back Han Solo which I noticed over the years: depending on the card 12a/b/c, the colors on the front picture really differs from blue/brownish, blue, and greenish... it's even more obvious when comparing cardbacks next to each others... such color variants are not so marked on other characters...

this is n amzing guide , although im a loose collector ive always wondered what 12a b c etc means ........... great work
Great job Mark. This is awesome and excellent. Differentiating 12 a b and c is so much easier now. I never knew a DT Vader was supposed to exist on a 12b. Are there other differences or variations that you debated on trying to cover in this guide? Do you think there are other areas or details within 12 backs to look at more in depth? Weapons, capes, Coo's, seals? Or do you think it would be an exercise in futility? Do you plan to venture to the 20/21 back arena?
Awesome work Mark !! it would even deserve a treatment as a small leafleft / booklet which you could distribute as PDF or sell printed on glossy paper at various events :weeabooface:

There's also a noticeable variant on the 12-back Han Solo which I noticed over the years: depending on the card 12a/b/c, the colors on the front picture really differs from blue/brownish, blue, and greenish... it's even more obvious when comparing cardbacks next to each others... such color variants are not so marked on other characters...


Thanks Stephane

Coming from you, that means a lot. :awesome:

Yes, there are some colour printing variations to the cardfront for various characters which I considered including in this guide but found that it was not very consistent across the board on the 12a, 12b and 12c variations to, in my opinion, qualify as a recognised variation for collecting purposes. I most certainly do not have sufficient empirical data to dare to put it out in this guide as a variation. Moreover, I do not think that it will ultimately matter to 99.9% of the 12 back collectors and it would most probably be just considered as a factory printing anomaly rather than a variation per se. As such, I decided not to include them in the guide. I think that it might be confusing rather than helpful to the general community at large. But I certainly value the suggestion on this and if I do get sufficient consistent data in the future, I will certainly include this print "variation" in the guide.

What I have noticed though is that apart from Han, there are quite pronounced colour printing variations for the Chewbacca 12 back as well - where there is a slight faded look to some of these 12 backs.:whistling:

Great job Mark. This is awesome and excellent. Differentiating 12 a b and c is so much easier now. I never knew a DT Vader was supposed to exist on a 12b. Are there other differences or variations that you debated on trying to cover in this guide? Do you think there are other areas or details within 12 backs to look at more in depth? Weapons, capes, Coo's, seals? Or do you think it would be an exercise in futility? Do you plan to venture to the 20/21 back arena?

Thanks Snag :grin: I am glad that the guide will be helpful to collectors just like you.

Honestly, I did not know about a DT Vader on a 12b cardback. :eek:This information is extracted from AFA's population report. I personally have not seen it and will be verifying this with the resident DT Vader expert in due course.

Apart from the colour print variation mentioned by Stephane (see above), I did consider including some anomalies or errors which I have seen or own. But I think that they are quite uncommon and that it would probably just end up elevating factory / QC errors (which are human errors) to the realm of variations - which I eventually felt was not quite justified. In my collection, I do have a Leia 12a that was packaged without a gun and a Stormie 12c packaged without a blaster. But such errors are not unique to the 12 back line with similar examples riddled throughout - in the ESB, ROTJ, POTF and more commonly the Trilogos - hence my reluctance to call it a variation.

There were cape colour anomalies that were probably a result of degradation. I have a very cool looking Sand People 12b that has a very neat dark brown striation on the cape which actually made the figure look closer to the character but that is clearly a result of vinyl degradation that seems to commonly occur for the Sand People.

For the 12 backs, there were some production examples that had seals without the usual waffle pattern associated with authentic MOC. One collector (which I will not name) apparently has a carded DT Ben that has a smooth seal for the bubble. I believe that this piece is still being authenticated by the experts and AFA. Again, a smooth seal carded 12 back can be authentic. There are a few such examples around and probably came about when the seals were not pressed hard for that particular carded item - again likely a factory / QC error (aka human error) which I felt should not really qualify as a variation. Moreover, such smooth seals have surfaced in numerous examples in the ESB and ROTJ line as well. More curiosities rather than variations.

I won't go so far to say that documenting them would be an exercise in futility but it would require sufficient empirical data for accuracy and I do not unfortunately possess or have access to such data - at the moment. Until such time that I do, I do not want to unintentionally mislead the community. It would not be fair to do so. B) I fear that I would lose all sense of legitimacy if I allowed my enthusiasm in documenting such "variations" without hard evidence to support them.

Doing a guide for a 20 / 21 backs would be a far more monumental task that a 12 back guide - way too many kinds of variations. I would have to leave that exercise to the next better player. Moreover, with limited exposure to them, I do not think that I would do any justice to such a guide. There are a few 20 / 21 back focus collectors who can probably do a much better job of a Kenner 20 / 21 back guide. Cal Evans .... u are up :D

For all who view this guide, do remember that with every guide, there are exceptions and it always pay to do as much research as possible rather than taking whatever is stated in the guide as the gospel truth. Remember - it is a guide. It ain't the bible of 12 back collecting. :weeabooface: And of course, have fun in the process - it is meant to be fun, so don't forget that.

Cheers, Mark