GI JOE: Classified 6" Line

Feb 16, 2012
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Washington DC
Lots of rumors and news prior to Toy Fair. One is Hasbro's attempt to create a GI Joe evergreen line. The other obviously is the licensing to Jazwares. I can see them making 3-3/4 figures. I would really like to see a 6 inch line. Only because it might reinvigorate some energy into the brand like Black Series did. This would be my lineup....with an obvious homage to the first series from 1982 making up the first two waves. Not trying to start an argument with the 3-3/4 scale fans. I like both scales.

1 Flash
2 Snake Eyes
3 Stalker
4 Cobra Soldier
5 Cobra Commander
6 Grunt

1 Breaker
2 Short Fuze
3 Rock N Roll
4 Scarlett
5 Cobra Officer
6 Zap

1 Gung Ho
2 Doc
3 Airborne
4 Snow Job
5 Destro
6 Baroness

1 Torpedo
2 Tripwire
3 Wild Bill
4 Storm Shadow

1 Roadblock
2 Covergirl
3 Zartan
4 Major Bludd

1 Mutt/Junkyard
2 Recondo
3 Firefly
4 Buzzer

1 Ripper
2 Spirit
3 Crimson Guard
4 Torch

1 Serpentor
2 Alpine
3 Lady Jaye
4 Beach Head

1 Lowlight
2 Tunnel Rat
3 General Flagg
4 Zarana

1 Airtight
2 Copperhead
3 Croc Master
4 Flint

1 Snow Serpent
2 Iceberg
3 Frostbite

For those that say you won't have the vehicles, I think there are enough Black Series and Marvel Legends examples of larger sets and vehicles (BAFs, Black Widow's motorcycle, Dewback, Landspeeder). And you don't have to pay licensing fees to Lucas.

POLAR Battle Bear
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Plenty of more to be had...

HISS Driver
Wild Weasel
Dr Mindbender
Scrap Iron
Crimson Guard
SGT Slaughter
Keel Haul
Tomax / Xamot
General Hawk
Viper Infantry
Gung-Ho Dress Blues
Law and Order
Tunnel Rat
Destro Gold
Storm Shadow - camo
Big Ben
Oktober Guard - Big Bear
Oktober Guard - COL Brekhov
Oktober Guard - Daina Janeck
Oktober Guard - Dragonsky
Oktober Guard - Horror Show
Oktober Guard - Iron Bear
Oktober Guard - LT Gorky
GI Joe
Action Marine
Action Pilot
Action Astronaut
Action Sailor
Action Soldier
Oktober Guard - Schrage
Oktober Guard - Stormavik
Wonder if they plan on making a 5” line like Star Wars GOA. I like how they have a comic/animated look.
I loved the 3 3/4 line back in the day, but I daresay I'd kill for a 6" line if they can do it in a quality way like the Black series.

Like you said, lots of great character options are available, too. Can't wait to see how this pans out.
Lots of rumors and news prior to Toy Fair. One is Hasbro's attempt to create a GI Joe evergreen line. The other obviously is the licensing to Jazwares. I can see them making 3-3/4 figures. I would really like to see a 6 inch line. Only because it might reinvigorate some energy into the brand like Black Series did. This would be my lineup....with an obvious homage to the first series from 1982 making up the first two waves. Not trying to start an argument with the 3-3/4 scale fans. I like both scales.

1 Flash
2 Snake Eyes
3 Stalker
4 Cobra Soldier
5 Cobra Commander
6 Grunt

1 Breaker
2 Short Fuze
3 Rock N Roll
4 Scarlett
5 Cobra Officer
6 Zap

1 Gung Ho
2 Doc
3 Airborne
4 Snow Job
5 Destro
6 Baroness

1 Torpedo
2 Tripwire
3 Wild Bill
4 Storm Shadow

1 Roadblock
2 Covergirl
3 Zartan
4 Major Bludd

1 Mutt/Junkyard
2 Recondo
3 Firefly
4 Buzzer

1 Ripper
2 Spirit
3 Crimson Guard
4 Torch

1 Serpentor
2 Alpine
3 Lady Jaye
4 Beach Head

1 Lowlight
2 Tunnel Rat
3 General Flagg
4 Zarana

1 Airtight
2 Copperhead
3 Croc Master
4 Flint

1 Snow Serpent
2 Iceberg
3 Frostbite

For those that say you won't have the vehicles, I think there are enough Black Series and Marvel Legends examples of larger sets and vehicles (BAFs, Black Widow's motorcycle, Dewback, Landspeeder). And you don't have to pay licensing fees to Lucas.

POLAR Battle Bear

A six inch scale VAMP would be sweet. I want to see a return to the 3.75 inch Joes however.
A six inch scale VAMP would be sweet. I want to see a return to the 3.75 inch Joes however.
I'd totally welcome 6 inch classic joes, because face it the character offerings got lame after 1988. And I mean LAME. Figures so bad they made Chuckles look like Storm Shadow. So more classic scale joes would probably clutter up collections with more garbage rather than help.also hated multiple versions of characters save a few like Hawk, Snake eyes 2 and Storm Shadow 2. Oh and arctic Stalker. The rest were garbage.
Probably doubt it but hoping they make the figures look based on the comic or original Joes. I really don’t want a Dwayne Johnson Roadblock looking figure.
Pork Chop Sandwiches!!!


WhaTTA You Keeds Doin on my FOOOOGIN LAWN? Don't Look at me when I'm talking to yooooooo....

These figures are all I require from a Hasbro GI Joe Black Series... I already have Snake Eyes and Quick Kick thanks to Shang Chi and Articulated Icons
Some pictures here and here. Nice but very animated looking, I kind of wish the figures were more realistic in tone.
Just saw the pictures of the forthcoming 6" Scarlett, Duke, and Roadblock; and, I had seen Snake-Eyes previously. All of these look excellent! As a huge fan of the ARAH-only Joe characters (from roughly 1982-1987), these new renditions of those '80's characters are spot-on. They combine the ARAH-era outfits & a more modernized "look" for the perfect retro combination. Scarlett looks especially impressive; she does have an anime look re: her face, but I think that really fits. They slightly remind me of the the underrated Joe cartoon Renegades (from the early 20XX's), but I know they're not based on that look specifically.

As an old-skool ARAH fan of both the '80's figures/vehicles & the Marvel comic, these are some of the most impressive Joe figures that I've seen. And, they're renewed my interest in the franchise...which had definitely been waning in the last 5-6 years (with the lack of new product).

Re: the future of the line, I would definitely be onboard for more characters. I'd especially like to see: Stormshadow '84, Gung Ho '83, Cobra Commander '82, Jinx, Dusty, Low-Light, the first three Dreadnoks, Rock & Roll '82, Flint, Kwinn the Eskimo, Blowtorch, Doctor Venom, Zartan, Tomax & Xamot, Airborne, Doc, Snow-Job, Techno Viper....and too many others to list ;)

If they make vehicles in this scale that would be great, too - but I'm not sure I would be able to collect all of them due to the price & size. But, I hope at least some are made for those that do want them. I definitely would be onboard for at least the '83 Battle Bear, Sky Hawk, Cobra C.L.A.W., The Vamp, and maybe even a MOBAT in this scale.
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Yeah, they do look cool. Though Scarlett looks kind of IDK... Anime/cartoonish, perhaps styled like the Forces of Destiny?

And Roadblock looks eerily similar to Wayne Brady.
Just saw more detailed pics. from Toyfair on the HISSTank website. Duke looks great; again, the outfit/appearance reminds you a lot of the original, but with a more modern vibe/tone.

Also, the packaging?! for the line includes a drawing of Gung-Ho, along with SE, Duke, Scarlett, and Roadblock; I wonder if this is hinting at a future wave?!
I like the look of these. I plan to pick up at least Duke and Scarlett in store when they release. Preordered Snake Eyes (but I'll cancel him if the regular version comes with timbre). Roadblock.... we'll see. Honestly because of the gold more than anything else.
So curious to see what happened with the "Evergreen line" - I guess the 6 inch were in the works, but since the Evergreen line and Jazwares partnership were just announced, nothing's been prototyped. Excited about the Classified Series but also excited to see if Jazwares does a 3-3/4 inch line like Fortnite. We shall see.
I expected we would see something from Jazwares' Joe's line. Wouldn't they have had to show something to Hasbro to show they can make a convincing product to get the partnership with them? They could have showed that, even if it was one of two figures only. I guess we'll see later on.
I like the look of these. I plan to pick up at least Duke and Scarlett in store when they release. Preordered Snake Eyes (but I'll cancel him if the regular version comes with timbre). Roadblock.... we'll see. Honestly because of the gold more than anything else.
The fact that the heavy machine gunner comes with a Rail Gun from quake just ensured the money stays in my pocket for this line. In the 80s the realistic guns were part of the allure to me. Uzis, Brownings, AK-47, M-16... These gave the figures credibility.
Growing up I wasn't huge into Joes. I had a handful and I liked the articulation, and a few figures stuck out to me for really random reasons. Never the weapons, regardless of what it was. But on the other hand, some people say they were really into the fantasy/sci-fi weapons some of them had.
The fact that the heavy machine gunner comes with a Rail Gun from quake just ensured the money stays in my pocket for this line. In the 80s the realistic guns were part of the allure to me. Uzis, Brownings, AK-47, M-16... These gave the figures credibility.

I agree, although I still want to support this line. Having realistic military gear was always the primary appeal of GI Joe. If they push it too far into science fiction then it just becomes yet another generic sci-fi franchise. Obviously, GI Joe needs to have some elements of sci-fi in there, mainly to explain the existence of Cobra, but it should be firmly grounded in reality with a few sci-fi bits sprinkled here and there.

Sure, GI Joe strayed into science fiction pretty heavily in the late 1980s through early 1990s; but that's also why I lost interest in the line and walked away completely, by 1987. It's not that I hate science fiction, I just don't see GI Joe as a science fiction franchise. It had it's own unique identity and then they just kept diluting it and diluting it, until there was almost nothing left of the brand's original appeal.
Duke, Roadblock, and Scarlett were not my fav characters, but I completely understand why they would start there. Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Zartan, Destro, Baroness, Stalker, and Wild Bill because of the Helicopter. I am very interested in these 6" .... I will not start another collection.... I will not star..... I ugh.
Mutt and Junkyard.... Spirit... AUUAHHA.... I like these. I wish I could feel this way about Star Wars 6" but after 1000000s of purchases in 3.75 I just can't. I sold my old GI Joes..........
I may be one of the few on here who would like to see Baroness in the original blue-ish outfit that she was wearing in the original Marvel comic G.I. Joe: ARAH #1 (1982); AFAIK this version has never been made into a figure. But, I know this is unlikely - so, I would definitely be onboard for the later & more iconic black outfit.

Would also like to see Spirit, Mutt/Junkyard, Stalker '82, and Destro in this 6" scale.

I can agree to disagree with those who don't like sci-fi elements in ARAH. I was also around in the '80's and though I agree the 1987-on figures & the Marvel comic at that time featured more fantastic elements - I still liked the franchise (both the comics & the toys/vehicles). Part of why the toy- line was so interesting to begin with was that it wasn't a purely military action figure line - at least not as time went on & the line progressed. Some of the later characters especially were at times outlandish & unusual looking; the toy/character designers definitely created characters that were "outside the box".

Some of the more unusual characters that I liked included: Chuckles, Psyche-Out, Sci-fi, Dr. Mindbender, The Cobra-La characters, Croc Master w/croc, etc.
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I may be one of the few on here who would like to see Baroness in the original blue-ish outfit that she was wearing in the original Marvel comic G.I. Joe: ARAH #1 (1982); AFAIK this version has never been made into a figure. But, I know this is unlikely - so, I would definitely be onboard for the later & more iconic black outfit.

Would also like to see Spirit, Mutt/Junkyard, Stalker '82, and Destro in this 6" scale.

I can agree to disagree with those who don't like sci-fi elements in ARAH. I was also around in the '80's and though I agree the 1987-on figures & the Marvel comic at that time featured more fantastic elements - I still liked the franchise (both the comics & the toys/vehicles). Part of why the toy- line was so interesting to begin with was that it wasn't a purely military action figure line - at least not as time went on & the line progressed. Some of the later characters especially were at times outlandish & unusual looking; the toy/character designers definitely created characters that were "outside the box".

Some of the more unusual characters that I liked included: Chuckles, Psyche-Out, Sci-fi, Dr. Mindbender, The Cobra-La characters, Croc Master w/croc, etc.
Not a huge fan of those oddball characters, but I could get behind some Toxo-Zombies :)
ThallJoben, if this line gets as deep as Marvel Legends, you'll get Baroness in every color eventually.
I like these so far. Predictable choices, but it does make sense. I'll definitely be picking up Roadblock and moving forward I'll treat these like I (now) treat Black Series: buy the ones I like if and when I see them but don't drive myself too crazy trying to pick up everything.

My biggest wants: Mutt and Junkyard, Ripcord, Recondo, Rock n Roll, Flint.
There's still at least 2 unannounced series 1 figures. If you look through ToyArk's GI Joe TF display gallery, the boxes are numbered on the bottom left side (complete opposite side of, but same size as the Black Series figures). I think Duke and Scarlett were 2 and 3 and Roadblock was definitely 5. Exclusive Snake Eyes is also 00.
Yeah on bigbadtoystore they have wave 1 as 5 figures with 2 named as secret. I saw a YouTuber that got Snake Eyes already from Thailand and In the comments he said Storm Shadow is next up for review. so I’m anxiously waiting to see more figures.
I also saw that Jazware is making weapons packs for their Fortnite 6” figures. One looks like Roadblock’s old school gun.
I preordered 2 of Destro on Target. He looks pretty much perfect to me. I like how they manage to get some gold on him, lol. I just want to see the other figures.
Destro looks great! They didn't re-do him as much as the other characters.

Wow, I'm really looking forward to getting this line. However, because of COVID-19 - I doubt I'll be picking these up in stores; I'll probably get them all online.
I bashed this initial wave, and think only Snake Eyes looks cool. But Destro is done right. Just enough to update him without destroying his classic look. Bravo. Now bring on a color changing Zartan.
I think if they just rescaled and resculpted them with their original look and acessories it would have been an instiant hit. Box should have been black, with the logo on top,explosion on interior backer and a giant filecard on back. Shooting fish in a barrel....