Of all the "duh" upgrades from the POTF2 era, this one may be the most needed. On of the few focus/secondary characters from the Cantina, the good doctor is overdue for a modern update. Previously on other rumor lists, it is definitely good to see him on the 2009 watch list!
Reminder this is a LONGER term rumor list that I'm receiving, so much is subject to change. Given that we've got pretty good confirmation of the first four waves for 2009, this one will be next summer or fall at the earliest! And of course, nothing is official until Hasbro says so.
Reminder this is a LONGER term rumor list that I'm receiving, so much is subject to change. Given that we've got pretty good confirmation of the first four waves for 2009, this one will be next summer or fall at the earliest! And of course, nothing is official until Hasbro says so.