Dr. Evazan - VC57

Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
North Metro Atlanta
Of all the "duh" upgrades from the POTF2 era, this one may be the most needed. On of the few focus/secondary characters from the Cantina, the good doctor is overdue for a modern update. Previously on other rumor lists, it is definitely good to see him on the 2009 watch list!

Reminder this is a LONGER term rumor list that I'm receiving, so much is subject to change. Given that we've got pretty good confirmation of the first four waves for 2009, this one will be next summer or fall at the earliest! And of course, nothing is official until Hasbro says so.
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

I remember when I first got this in the Cantina Cinema 3 pack...

glad to see that he is going to be coming soon, because yes, he is a "duh" update...maybe a Ponda Boba to go with him??
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

It'd be nice to finally get this character right -- earlier sculpt really missed the mark and repaint was lipstick on a pig.
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

I just gave a giant box of all my POTF2 guys to my 2 year old son to play with. I found the old Doc when I was going through the box. What a total turd. His zombie repaint still lives in my cantina display and I'm waiting to rerire him. Hasbro ought to be able to nail this one now.
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

Long overdue. Most needed. Most welcomed. Thumbs up from me on this one.
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List


Beyond a general new sculpt, Doc Ev needs a new blaster since the Myo/BoShek one is too small. That's the major thing I want outta him, besides decent articulation.
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

darthbr3tt said:
Definitely overdue. The POTF2 figure was pretty bad even in 1997.

Better late then never, thankfully we've hit a point where they can make one hell of an articulated figure to knock our socks off. Now the old one can be tossed out.
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

Bought damn time, cause the POTF version might be the worst figure ever made, next to Uncle Owen.
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

Finally! i have wanted a new sculpt for years
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

Latest PMs seem to indicate that this is one of the two unspecified Cantina figures that are coming in the ANH wave this fall.

No confirmation yet - but I've received the same news from three different sources, so the chips are starting to stack up in favor of seeing this one come out this fall.

Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

Oh God, this HAS to be done, a total resculpt of this guy has been long overdue. It's hard to think that the only guy with understandable dialog int he Cantina hasn't had a good sculpt done yet. I say we wait on any new aliens and finally pin this guy down for good.
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

"..he doesn't like you.."

I don't like him either.

Not one I'll be getting, never dug the character, his buddy was the star in my books.
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

Hasbro had better make this one worth the wait.

These are just horrible...

There is plenty of reference material around, and the sculptors at Hasbro have been able to work magic before.

Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

VintijDroidGutzz said:
What exactly is he a doctor of??

He has a PhD in both Psychology and Parapsychology.

Seriously, what the heck has taken so long to get this guy made?

He better be up to par with the rest of the recently released Cantina denizens.
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

"Doctor Death" is more than overdue.

I just can't understand why they were holding him off so long - or maybe I can.

Because he looks so ugly.
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

He is really, really, extremely f'ugly!!! A perfect addition to anyone's cantina diorama or Star Wars collection. Just like Ponda, this guy hasn't been re-done in almost 12 years. Even if Hasbro half-a$$ed this figure it would still be 10 times better than the POTF2 figure was.
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

Since1978 said:
Latest PMs seem to indicate that this is one of the two unspecified Cantina figures that are coming in the ANH wave this fall.

I sure hope so. Honestly, once Evazan, Ponda Baba, Uncle Owen get updated, and we have a short Luke Stormtrooper, anything else ANH based is gravy for me. And I realize full well that an Old Uncle Ownen will probably never happen.

I'm not against background characters at all. The more the merrier. However, I'd prefer a character like Evazan, who has lines and is part of an action sequence, gets updated before we get to come of the pause and seek backgrounders.
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

AlrikFassbauer said:
"Doctor Death" is more than overdue.

I just can't understand why they were holding him off so long - or maybe I can.

Because he looks so ugly.
I don't know, just look at Wioslea, she tops Evazan and was made recently, or even Hermi Odle...
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

No, Wioslea isn't looking ugly.

She looks interesting.

She doesn't have any scars, for example.

Her only "ugly" thing is her mouth.
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

Dr Evazan really is long overdue, so I do hope that they get to him soon
Hopefully they can successfully convey his ugly mug
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

I would gladly buy Evazan even though I'm happy waiting a couple of years and keeping my OTC one as a stand in. There's alot of aliens I'd prefer to get before him. UNKNOWN SPACER FOR 2010!!!
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

Evazon is going to be mine. I wish he came with a bucket of organs though.
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

I find it funny how people expect Hasbro to stuff this guy up. There last 5 cantina guys have been very, very well done. From TAC Elis and Onith to the 3 new ones in TLC. Everything before these are just no good compared to them. I think the Good Doctor and Ponda will be brilliant additions. I also think Ponda will be a hit with the kids as they can recreate the scene nicely. Now we just need a good Cantina Luke as the new Ben is fine.
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

Glad to hear this. The figures Hasbro has put out for him have really looked nothing like him. However, their sculpting has finally become really great the past few years, so a new fig of Evazan is sure to be a great addition to any cantina dio (especially MINE!)
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

While I usually don't buy resculpts of figures I already own (honestly I am perfectly satisfied with most POTF2 stuff), a new Roofoo Evazen will be most welcome. I don't understand how the past offering was even released like that.
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

darthconlan said:
There last 5 cantina guys have been very, very well done. From TAC Elis and Onith to the 3 new ones in TLC. Everything before these are just no good compared to them.
What about Myo, Dannik Jeriko & Feltipern Trevagg?? All three of those guys are fantastic.
Hem Dazon, although not one of my faves, is nicely done & save articulation, Momaw Nadon's a nice sculpt too. The rest are dated though.
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

VintijDroidGutzz said:
darthconlan said:
There last 5 cantina guys have been very, very well done. From TAC Elis and Onith to the 3 new ones in TLC. Everything before these are just no good compared to them.
What about Myo, Dannik Jeriko & Feltipern Trevagg?? All three of those guys are fantastic.
Hem Dazon, although not one of my faves, is nicely done & save articulation, Momaw Nadon's a nice sculpt too. The rest are dated though.

VDG Yep you are right. Not so sure about the saga guys. Mowman is pretty cool but Hem I havent seen in the flesh yet so I will have to wait and see.
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

Cant wait for a new Evazan. I was so excited when the ol one came out. But it was TERRIBLE even for 97 standards. SO this will be much needed and I think they will do an amazing jon with this figure.
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

Like Ponda Baba, Stan has reported that he's now seen the prototypes for this figure, and that it's definitely a high quality release, great detail, great articulation, the works!

Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

Wow, even more good news. Thanks, Since1978!
Re: Dr. Evazan - 2009 ANH Rumor List

Why does he have to be that articulated? Its not like he did much in the film. Are people planning on having him do the Macerena? I say cut back on the articulaton on figures that don't need it and it might lead to lower figure costs.