Dagobah Luke and Yoda mini bust

I think we need to see it in different lighting. Nice offering if it actually resembles Luke.
Although not looking as he should, likeness-wise, it looks better than the Bespin Luke Mini Bust and the Luke Stormtrooper statue. It would be great to see other pictures where the lighting does not affect so much the contour of his face. Yoda looks better.
The sculpt isn't horrible but his paint applications need some weathering.
I'll probably add this at some point. But at 3000 pieces , I'm in no hurry to pay $150. for it.

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Did anyone get a PGM discount on this?

It didn’t show up in my cart so I didn’t order.
They're still having an issue with this. If you order, just email them afterwards. They have the following message posted on the top of their page:
If you are experiencing an error with Select Free Shipping, Premier Guild discounts, or Coupons, please reach out to webcustomerservice@diamondselecttoys.com.
There's never been an issue with Yoda as far as sculpting goes with GG, so I won't go there. As far as Luke, well, this one looks better than the Bespin mini bust and the Luke Stormtrooper statue, but not as far as likeness; it just has a prettier face thus being more appealing to the eye. Nothing out of the ordinary about it.
Yeah, I noticed that. Upon closer inspection, it appears his eyes and Yoda's are red. Maybe they've been up in smoke at Yoda's place? :)

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So... let me get this straight... they show us a Thrawn-bust with red eyepupils only, instead of fully red eyes... yet they manage to give Luke and Yoda fully red eyes... I reckon, someone's been smoking something, at their design department...
But so is this one! It looks absolutely nothing like Mark Hamill. I honestly can't believe anyone would give this a free pass.
But you're the one paying for it, so as long as you are happy I guess that is all that matters.

I think he only collects Boba Fett and Mandalorian stuff. People with a mask, which is a safe bet. He's not buying this. Lol
But so is this one! It looks absolutely nothing like Mark Hamill. I honestly can't believe anyone would give this a free pass.
But you're the one paying for it, so as long as you are happy I guess that is all that matters.
Easy pass for me. Yoda's likeness looks good, but if it comes down to Luke's likeness... Well I've said it before and will say it again; beauty is in the eye of the beholder.😉