Cantina denizens project
Here are my first 2 projects
Danz Borin and Baniss Keeg
Banis is just the Obi Wan figure from the series with a sculpted in under shirt with the modal nodes head and hands swapped out.
Danz Borin is one of the Jabba Skiff guards with an outer rims traders spacer helmet. I sculpted in the pockets and top part of the jump suit that meets up with the helmet. Yes I do realize that it is not accurate but I am sorry that outfit from the movie is horrible. It looks like a guy that buys his Halloween costume 30 minutes from the party and gets whatever is on clearance. I took what I liked and did a spin on it. Anyway it is a start. I have a year to get them done. I will have to make 2 of everything though; one for my cantina that I made and 1 for the haslab one that is coming.