BlindJedi's Custom Work: 3.75 scale

Mar 13, 2017
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Hello all,

after a long time lurking I have finally started long planned projects. For my own organizational purposes they will fall under four/five categories: New Republic (soldiers, pilots, politicians, and Jedi), Imperial Remnant (Stormtroopers, Imperial Army, officers, and leaders), New Alderaan (my own take because I love Alderaan, so mostly fanon), and Final Order (fanon inspired, vs. Sequel Trilogy). So, if you want more fanon lore let me know.

I am thrilled to get this started, and here is my first project which is a sword:
Nice detail work! As a Disney trilogy detractor I heartily approve of creating an alternate post-ROTJ Empire 😁
Nice detail work! As a Disney trilogy detractor I heartily approve of creating an alternate post-ROTJ Empire 😁
Thank you for the compliments.

As for the rest, oh I still will be utilizing ideas from the ST. SO, maybe you'll be happy?
I love your categories! Keep us posted on what you’re up to!
Pretty cool, I almost picked up that Fortnite figure just for custom potential, seeing it again makes me regret not getting it!
I love your categories! Keep us posted on what you’re up to!
Thank you! I had to organize it or nothing would get done lol

Currently have two in process. It's been so hot here that separating figures has been a lot easier ;)
Pretty cool, I almost picked up that Fortnite figure just for custom potential, seeing it again makes me regret not getting it!
I am pretty certain I won't use the base figure, as the head is a hinge joint and I don't like working with them. Not sure it fits with my ideas so if it's of interest let me know.
Well, it's been a while. This custom is a simple one, but one that I was glad to use in a combination with a good army builder figure:
Body: Migs Mayfeld.
Head: Solo (Mimban)
E-11 of course.

So, I had to get a little creative with boiling the barbell joint out of Mayfeld's head and found that Solo's head fit the joint fine.

New Imperial Order Army Regular Trooper: Within in the Imperial Remnant Worlds along the Mid and Outer Rim these troopers are standard presence in Imperial controlled cities and bases. With stormtrooper ranks diminished by less resources, and conflicts with the New Republic, New Imperial Order leadership uses the stormtrooper as the face of their forces, the spearhead for regular troopers.


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Work in progress civilian attire Rey. Not sure I like the arms.
I got that Jurassic Park figure and am trying to figure out what to do with it. The head will probably be a background Jedi on Geonosis, but the body sorta looks like a jedi robe so maybe this figure just needs paint and a cloak?
I got that Jurassic Park figure and am trying to figure out what to do with it. The head will probably be a background Jedi on Geonosis, but the body sorta looks like a jedi robe so maybe this figure just needs paint and a cloak?
Thinking about that. I am painting the undershirt, which did well with basic model paint. Debating on painting the arms to match the top. But, a cloak could help too.
Thinking about that. I am painting the undershirt, which did well with basic model paint. Debating on painting the arms to match the top. But, a cloak could help too.
I sorta thought I might make it look like this jedi got some damage and the short half was burned off ... but not sure how I'd pull that off :unsure:
Working on my Imperial Army ranks.

While not a fan of the helmet design I did want to utilize it in some way. The paint ended up darker than I wanted but I think it offers some variation for Imperial Army calvary support crew.


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Happy New Year! I present a random AU Anakin that I have wanted to do since the TVC release of Anakin in clone wars armor.

I present Naboo Sector's Jedi protector, General Skywalker. A simple head swap with TVC Anakin and TLC Captain Typho. If you look at the two figures the color palette they are quite similar, if reversed with the blues and the maroons from Anakin to Typho. The head swap is a little tight, and the color is too high to have a lot of range of motion. But, I absolute like the outfit with Anakin.


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I always felt George Lucas missed out on so many merchandising opportunities by not switching up all the Jedi outfits.

Jedi robes should have only been worn in the temple as formal dress. Let them dress for battle, stealth, and negotiations differently.

I use the comparison of Samauri versus ninjas, versus farmers in Japanese culture.

Great job on capturing that feel in this figure!
Thank you. It's funny to me to look back on various figures over the years, as there was the two Jedi training figures for Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon that had very different outfits. I thought that reflected the utilitarian nature of Jedi work vs. just robes.

I agree that there is a small missed opportunity that unfortunately got doubled down on with newer eras.
I got that Jurassic Park figure and am trying to figure out what to do with it. The head will probably be a background Jedi on Geonosis, but the body sorta looks like a jedi robe so maybe this figure just needs paint and a cloak?
Unfortunately, the joints aren't as compatible with SW as they could be, but JP figures do offer some decent attire and head sculpts at least!
I found that removing the "cloak" if you will is far easier than trying to swap out the arms. it does look neat as a non traditional Jedi robes.
Unfortunately, the joints aren't as compatible with SW as they could be, but JP figures do offer some decent attire and head sculpts at least!
I found that removing the "cloak" if you will is far easier than trying to swap out the arms. it does look neat as a non traditional Jedi robes.
Thank you for the tip. The trench coat look was really fun to play around with. The head sculpt from Star Wars figures looks way better than the JW head sculpts.
Real life keeps me from doing more regular work. I have a custom in progress that isn't working out. Hoping to salvage it.

In the meantime here is a random head swap for prisoner Mayfeld. Joytoy body and VC head.


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Pffft! Real life always gets in the way of our art (customizing).

Great job!

Head swaps are a great way to keep the creative juices flowing.
Been working on a couple of customs, and paint color has been a bear. I've done different layers and not getting the color I want.

So, I'm on to my next possible paint which is Krylon color master paint/primer mix. Color still isn't what I want but it's adhering.

Fun fact I learned today is that the flight stand for Hot Wheels Star Wars vehicles will fit the torso peg for a figure for painting and drying.


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Fun while server's update.

Imperial stormtrooper officer coordinates with Imperial Army drivers.


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Monthly update with some Imperial Army Troopers preparing to load up.


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Little fun before work: two of Luke's students provide assistance to a New Republic ship being boarded by stormtroopers.


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I love the story line......I thoroughly wished they had made the sequels around Luke's Jedi Academy. It could have been epic and they could have passed the torch to a younger set of heros to attract younger audiences.
I love the story line......I thoroughly wished they had made the sequels around Luke's Jedi Academy. It could have been epic and they could have passed the torch to a younger set of heros to attract younger audiences.

Working on some Jedi student customs. I have way too many Anakin/Luke lightsabers though haha
Nice, as he is, he reminds of one of the M.A.S.K figures from long ago.
Not as familiar with those. I recall some of them.

I'm still debating on the helmet but I think I'll use same blue and white combination. And possibly blue gloves.

Once this one is done I am hoping to make more New Republic troopers. But, it's been challenging. I found an artist design I like and trying to figure out the parts:

I’ve always wondered (okay, not always) what constitutes a “sniper” in the context of energy weapons… Couldn’t imagine gravity or wind being factors. Seems like it’d be a less demanding skill set. 😄