Battle Droids - 4 Pack


May 18, 2000
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Hasbro have revealed the latest 4 Pack featuring Battle Droids:

STAR WARS The Vintage Collection Battle Droid 4-Pack​


Hasbro Pulse

  • STAR WARS: THE PHANTOM MENACE™: This battle droid 3.75-inch scale action figure 4-pack (9.5 cm) is inspired by the first film in the prequel trilogy -- a great gift for collectors and fans ages 4 and up
  • PREMIUM DESIGN AND ARTICULATION: STAR WARS™ fans can display these 3.75 inch figures – featuring movie-accurate deco and multiple points of articulation -- in their collections
  • FILM-INSPIRED ACCESSORIES: This troop-building pack comes with removable backpacks, droid antennas, and blaster rifles for each figure
  • CLOSED BOX PACKAGING: Display your fandom on your shelf with the unique character art on the closed box outer package with Kenner branding
  • INCLUDES 3 BATTLE DROIDS AND A COMMANDER: The soulless ranks of Separatist armies are dominated by tall, thin B1 battle droids built as mechanical imitations of their Geonosian designers
  • BUILD OUT YOUR TROOP: Reimagine favorite scenes with other Vintage Collection figures from the STAR WARS galaxy (Each sold separately. Subject to availability)

This pre-order item will be available to ship on approximately 1 July 2025




Thoughts on this pack? Who’s purchasing this pack?
Tomorrow, i will likely order a tbs Neel, for my wife's collection, since she wants one and that's give me free shipping w/ the tvc Battle droid 4 pack. The TVC singles I'll go w/ amazon to use up gift cards
I honestly don't care enough about Battle Droids to get this. If it shows up at other retailers down the line, like Gamestop or Amazon, I may get it.
I’ll pick up this set at some point. I’m glad they’ve fixed the legs, but the arms needed work too. Still, Battle Droids are something I don’t have a whole ton of and could use more of.

The Commander inclusion doesn’t bother me since there are multiple of these guys throughout various SW stuff.
LOL WTF who asked for this? Got the Tunghori troop builder special when he had the POTJ version by the boatload back in the early 2000’s. EZPASS ZzzzZzz
Main issue is that they still can't hold their blasters with both hands.
I'd say that's only partially true. While sure, they can't technically do can position them in such a way as if it indeed does appear as if they're holding it with two hands. But yes, I'd have much preferred if they'd added a swivel in the elbow too.

LOL WTF who asked for this? Got the Tunghori troop builder special when he had the POTJ version by the boatload back in the early 2000’s. EZPASS ZzzzZzz
Um...literally tons of people? Implying that a Battle Droid pack in an Army Builder series makes no sense is like saying Joker doesn't make sense for a movie Batman villain. :ROFLMAO:

Hopefully this is a good sign that Hasbro will start to focus more on the prequel trilogy.
That's my hope. There's also plenty more Army Builder sets that could be based off of the PT. I feel like the inevitable red variant of this set is a promise. I'm hoping for Super Battle Droids. I'm hoping for Shock Troopers. I'm hoping for the camouflaged troopers from Kashyyyk. I'm hoping for Wookiee Warriors. I'm hoping for Gungan Warriors - now that's one heck of a long shot. I'm hoping for Magna Guards. I'm hoping for Destroyer Droids. I'm hoping for Geonosian Warriors. The list goes on.

I'm very excited to see an Army Builder set with actually worthy Army Builder roles. I've grown so tired of sets with a named character in them. Kind of defeats the purpose. Granted, if they're ALL named characters, then it makes sense as a single purchase bundle. It's less Army Builder and more themed bundle. But I'm not going to army build a set that has named roles.
I dig these but I think I'll wait for a sale on them. This will guarantee that they will sell out on Pulse and be impossible to find in a year.
fr. If I get one, they'll be $20 in a year. If I don't, they'll be $120 on ebay.

I think I'll get one. I'm happy about the new legs and bummed about the arms. I may try to snip and rotate the left hand so it can hold the blaster correctly. Hell, even LEGO fixed this problem over a decade ago. Yet 3.75 still can't get a definitive Battle Droid.
Um...literally tons of people? Implying that a Battle Droid pack in an Army Builder series makes no sense is like saying Joker doesn't make sense for a movie Batman villain. :ROFLMAO:
That Naboo field diorama isn't going to fill itself.

Battle droids are things that you can never have too many of. Between fodder, customizing and play value I always welcome army packs.
I'll definitely be skipping this one. Never was a Battle Droid fan. But hey, Battle Droid, can 8D8 have some of your elbow joints.
I honestly would have liked this even more had it been all four (red security, white infintry, yellow commander, blue pilot) in one. I'd have straight up bought like 10. The release the all-red versions later for Arena diorama's.
Main issue is that they still can't hold their blasters with both hands.
Right? Now I'm not one of the people requesting these at all, but IMO this figure is due for a total upgrade with BH shoulders in order to do things this sculpt never could. I don't expect torso articulation or BH elbows due to the construction, or even wrist joints. I see them approaching the BD same way they did the Stormie, in stages. Maybe one day they'll improve the neck, shoulders and even hips. But not much else can be due to the lanky construction and overall design in general. Particularly at 4" scale.
I honestly would have liked this even more had it been all four (red security, white infintry, yellow commander, blue pilot) in one. I'd have straight up bought like 10. The release the all-red versions later for Arena diorama's.
Sounds like the ph1 clone officer 4 pk short coming
Lmao. The old tvc body still? Ugly proportions, bad articulation, can’t even hold gun properly. Total garbage.
I hope Hasbro doesn’t get the wrong message with the 4-packs. Weren’t many of us actually okay with variation in the sets? For example, a commander being included in this set doesn’t bother me at all, as there are multiple battle droid commanders, not just OOM-9. It’s only unique characters like Motti and Enoch who shouldn’t be included in these. Or is the leading argument that the 4 figures should basically all be identical, or at least non-descript, like the Rebel Troopers?
I think it's a bit frusturating. The OOM-9 could be a single card for TPM - hell is could have been released last year for the anniversary if the tooling was being updated.

With the army builder, there's only so many commanders. I could buy 10 sets and get 40 Battledroids. But now it'd be 30 droids and 10 commanders... Which isn't great. I don't have a need for more than 2 of them.
I hope Hasbro doesn’t get the wrong message with the 4-packs. Weren’t many of us actually okay with variation in the sets? For example, a commander being included in this set doesn’t bother me at all, as there are multiple battle droid commanders, not just OOM-9. It’s only unique characters like Motti and Enoch who shouldn’t be included in these. Or is the leading argument that the 4 figures should basically all be identical, or at least non-descript, like the Rebel Troopers?

That’s how I feel. I’d prefer the unique characters like Enoch to not be in these sets, but I don’t mind a generic commander figure like the OOM-series Battle Droid, Stormtrooper with Pauldron, or the Shoretrooper Captain and Squad Leader.
That’s how I feel. I’d prefer the unique characters like Enoch to not be in these sets, but I don’t mind a generic commander figure like the OOM-series Battle Droid, Stormtrooper with Pauldron, or the Shoretrooper Captain and Squad Leader.
This is mostly where I stand as well.

I plan to buy this but now I feel silly for tracking down a couple of the old tan Battle Droids last year, because I was becoming skeptical we'd see droids like this again. Glad they corrected the legs though. That was what knocked the wind out of my sails on the old mold. So rubbery!
I got rid of 90% of my prequel-era figures. But I think this is a neat set for those who are into it. I'm actually slightly tempted to get it just to give my remaining PT Jedi something to do.
I hope Hasbro doesn’t get the wrong message with the 4-packs. Weren’t many of us actually okay with variation in the sets? For example, a commander being included in this set doesn’t bother me at all, as there are multiple battle droid commanders, not just OOM-9. It’s only unique characters like Motti and Enoch who shouldn’t be included in these. Or is the leading argument that the 4 figures should basically all be identical, or at least non-descript, like the Rebel Troopers?
I dunno, I'd be happy with a four pack of all named characters. I would much rather have gotten a set of four actual rebel pilots from the movies than 4 nobodies. And I would have preferred if the Imperial set had all figures we wanted instead of, again, just generic blanks.
I dunno, I'd be happy with a four pack of all named characters. I would much rather have gotten a set of four actual rebel pilots from the movies than 4 nobodies. And I would have preferred if the Imperial set had all figures we wanted instead of, again, just generic blanks.
I think that’s a good distinction to make. I also wouldn’t mind if they’re all named characters, but when it’s Enoch and three random troopers, I’m annoyed.
Wow didn’t realize these guys were so popular. I tapped out on Battle Droids during Saga/ROTS. Between the single releases and those old army builder 3 packs I got a nice army of Naboo Tan and Geonosis Red. Best part? They can actually stand and hold their guns with both hands 😄😄
I hope Hasbro doesn’t get the wrong message with the 4-packs. Weren’t many of us actually okay with variation in the sets? For example, a commander being included in this set doesn’t bother me at all, as there are multiple battle droid commanders, not just OOM-9. It’s only unique characters like Motti and Enoch who shouldn’t be included in these. Or is the leading argument that the 4 figures should basically all be identical, or at least non-descript, like the Rebel Troopers?
Agreed, so often Hasbro does get the wrong message. Look at how DLX morphed. Frankly 4pk shouldn't be a standard but based on a case-by-case basis, I was fine with the 212th set because Waxer was easily passable as another unnamed Clone by simply keeping the helmet on and covering the art. But it also causes problems because now people will want Boil for which we likely won't ever see unless its carded solo. That set could have easily had the Airborne Trooper as the "Commander" and we're still in the realm of troop building, regs outnumber the specialists and for every 3 of them you get one specialized trooper.

I can see the same pattern with BD's as you mention. Enoch and Tusken Chieftan really were the biggest goofs if you will, were a "named/individualized" character was included which should have been on a card. Same for any Clone Commanders, but OOM-9 isn't, IMO, that big of a character to really warrant it as he'd most likely peg warm even without the flaws. But putting him on a basic card as is with flaws intact for $17 is asking for trouble, $13.75 which is what he'll be in a 4-pk suits that figure much better.

I really just hope that Steve's words don't imply they have totally given up on Officer packs, because the main line is not viable for 90% of the Imperial Officers or Pilots and there has to be some avenue to get those into collector's hands. I think the Rebel Troopers are easily enough to do because they're not "named", you could release generics portraits for those and be all the same attire as were the Hoth Rebels in that 4-pk.
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Notable comment/response from stevie on Instagram. Future packs won't have any single characters or commanders. This should be the last time we see it.
Well, the way to go is ONE of the two—either ALL the same or four completely different, IMO. The unevenness is what usually throws them off, IMO. Case in point: Sandtroopers. I vote to give us all of them in one: Orange, White, Black, and Grey—though apparently grey has become a point of controversy and might not ACTUALLY exist but really just be shadowed white pauldrons. This way, there's still an incentive to buy multiple. Whereas with Battle Droids, it's less balanced. There's noticeably more infantry than any other type, so people want more of that version. But I wouldn't have been opposed to all four in one: red, blue, yellow, and white. There's still incentive to buy multiples there too. When you do three of the same and ONE commander, it doesn't work out as well and limits how many people want.

I do think a commander is less egregious than, say, a specifically named character like, say, Enoch. Now that was just obnoxious. That immediately limited me to just buying one. There's still use for multiple commander-type roles too, just not AS many as generic infantry, whereas specifically named roles are entirely single use.

Then lastly, I think you can do named characters in an Army Builder set SO LONG AS it's ALL named characters and of a single theme. Case in point: Imperial Officers. You can do named roles (Ozzel, Bast, Tagge, Cast, Veers, Needa, Yularen, etc.), but make them ALL named roles so it's a single purchase-themed set. You could do it with, say, updated Shaak Ti, Ki Adi Mundi, Saesee Tinn, and Coleman Tredor...and call it Jedi Knights. Nobody would have an issue with that because it makes sense as a single purchase, but gets four named roles out in one swoop. But if you did Ki Adi Mundi and Shaak Ti along with two Jedi Temple Guards, suddenly it's annoying.

It all depends on the type of characters you're doing. It can work, it just depends on how it's done.
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Non premiums members have to wait..they did not say that at reveal.....shame on hasbro lol

No suprise, made amazon a little less rush for me lol
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This multipack and today's release of the remastered Jedi Power Battles has me really wanting a Gaming Greats Security Droid. I don't even know if Gaming Greats is still a thing.
I pre-ordered a pack so I have some BDs that aren't permanently fallen over, but would have done 2-3 if the arms/hips were updated as well.