Ahsoka Show TVC Wishlist Thread


May 18, 2000
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Loving the Ahsoka show? Discuss potential figures , beasts, vehicles etc etc that you’d love to see in TVC line here.
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Shin Hati and Baylan Skoll are the obvious wants here since they haven't been announced for anything yet.

They must be coming eventually, but it's strange that hasbro seems so all-in on Marrok first.
Hati and Skoll
New Republic Fleet Trooper
HK 4 pack
Morgan's personal troopers (seen in both Mando and Ahsoka)
Chancelor Mothma
Shin has a pilot headgear look as well. Though that's useless unless they put out her small fighter.
My number one is obviously Huyang being a huge Droid fan. I'm not gonna bother wasting a wish slot on Baylan or Shin who we know are coming, that just seems pointless to me. Same for Marrock. Huyang on the other hand who know due to Hasbro's reluctance on Droids and he doesn't actually do anything of note. So I feel he's pretty darn low on their list. Jacen is also on my list because we barely ever see kid action figures.

So my choices would be for stuff that truly enriches the line overall via reuse for long overdue OT updates
Hawkens/Porter would be great to see as it opens the door for several Madine type Officers and could eventually cover an 96er slot.
Beyta because I love Mon Cals and we can always use more Piolets. It would also open the door for an updated Pilot sculpt to reuse again and again.
Jacen, as I mentioned above, would also open the door for reuse with a few other possibilities such as Kitster & Wald As well as possibly young Leia and young Corran from OWK. etc.
New Republic Fleet Officer - another reuse prospect, especially if they keep appearing across new media.
Mon Mothma, can we finally get her now with how many appearances?
Ahsoka - Spacewalk outfit looked cool and was a refreshing change to the drab raggedy Ann clothes she wears in mandoverse.

Since we're only three episodes in this is just a brief start, I expect some very interesting looking characters to show up once they arrive in another Galaxy.
I agree on Huyang. He's my #1 right now as well. The Black Series figure looks fantastic.

I also agree that Baylan, Shin (alternate pilot head option also), and Marrok seem like gimmes. They're not background Inquisitors with virtually no lines. He might have to wait longer than TBS, but I'm confident all three are incoming to TVC.

Jacen is Spectre 7 and I believe we'll be seeing more of him going forward. Kid figures are nonexistent in TVC so add him alongside Young Leia and Young Boba Fett on my want list.

Mon Mothma not being in TVC is a travesty at this point.

My other wants thus far:

New Republic Fleet Officer - these seem like an obvious choice for both lines

Alien-speaking bad guys - some were on Seatos and others were cannon fodder for Sabine and Ahsoka in space. A couple are also on the Eye of Sion bridge as guards. Slot these alongside Pyke Syndicate soldiers as wanted army builders.

Eye of Sion Navigator Droid with 3 eyes - he looked like a Death Star Droid spinoff and sounded cool. Won't happen, but I want him.

Small enemy Mustang P-51 like fighter - Shins looked a little different than the others. I'd buy a couple for sure, especially if they have stands.
Baylan and Shin are the top priorities for me. After that would be Marrok and Huyang, who’ve both had far more screen time then I would’ve guessed.

A New Republic Officer and Trooper would be nice and would get a lot of reuse.

I would like to see the T-6 Shuttle one day, assuming it doesn’t get blown up in the next couple of episodes, haha.

The E-Wing, Shin’s Starfighter, and her wingmen’s ships are all cool. If they get more screen time, then I’d love for them to be in the line.
Baylan, Shin and Marrok are needs, but I sure they'll trickle them put.

The Mon Cal pilot, I would grab.

Jacen I would buy to help fill out the Ghost.

Huyang I would buy in this scale but I'm skipping for TBS.
Baylan, Shin and Marrok are needs, but I sure they'll trickle them put.
I'm still split on this, while it makes the most sense to pair them up in a wave, same as they have always done with Ani and Obi in the past. I also feel that Hasbro does like to spread new figures out particularly one from the same medium almost as if to extend the shows presence. Rather than getting them all out early and having nothing to "milk" for later when in a dry spell.

As was mentioned elsewhere I think one positive regarding the Strike is that shows getting pushed back will allow Hasbro to go back and fill some glaring gaps from past shows. Mando primarily as there's a lot to address across 3 seasons, while BOBF really only has a few key figures left to do.
Andor as well, though they have the luxury of S2 to help push merchandise while I think Mando might have run its course.

And with that said, Hasbro may have to reshuffle things to better address Ahsoka presence over what would have likely been Skeleton crew and Acolyte. If those two were affected by the strike at all?
^ Thanks for the reminder that I really need to re-watch The Professional.
1. Shin
2. Baylan
3. Huyang(With those training sabers)
4. Marrok
5. Republic Fleet Trooper
6. Spacesuit Ahsoka

Pilot Poe repaint as a Republic E-Wing pilot

1. Sabine's Speeder
2. E-Wing or at least New Republic A-Wing or X-Wing repaints
3. Shin's ship(Only if we get Republic ships or the T6 so far)
I became aware today that Jai Kell was also in the premiere episode along with Ryder, not that Hasbro would make these two boring backgrounders who appeared for a few minutes. But I do find it kind of nice Dave is incorporating some past characters into the fold if only for cameos.
I'm still split on this, while it makes the most sense to pair them up in a wave, same as they have always done with Ani and Obi in the past. I also feel that Hasbro does like to spread new figures out particularly one from the same medium almost as if to extend the shows presence. Rather than getting them all out early and having nothing to "milk" for later when in a dry spell.

I kinda prefer it that way - everyone's dry spell is different. There have definitely been a few waves that I've only gotten one single figure from. From what ive seen so far, I'll be happy to get these 3 whenever they come.
I'm still split on this, while it makes the most sense to pair them up in a wave, same as they have always done with Ani and Obi in the past. I also feel that Hasbro does like to spread new figures out particularly one from the same medium almost as if to extend the shows presence. Rather than getting them all out early and having nothing to "milk" for later when in a dry spell.

Yeah I think I'd rather have a wave of characters to support the show (like Retro are doing) as close to the show's release as possible with 'non spoiler' characters - we've been these key players in trailers and such for months.

The dry spells can then be used for longtime OT wants or any particularly top secret looks/characters (like Kenobi's finale appearance, or surprises like Cad Bane and Gideon's Mando armour).

Top wants from the show:


I hope I won't have to be waiting months and months for them, still clawing at the walls for Luthen and Cobb Vanth (Boba's armour)
Everybody has already named most of the ones I would go for:

MonCal Pilot
Mon Mothma
Spiffy new Blue Spacesuit Ahsoka
Red Protocol Droids from Correllia
Did you see all those space scenes with the Rebel/New Republic fleet?

Yeah, all those ships and fighters would be a nice start.
It seems like these are the top 4 mentioned regularly, and probably most likely to get made:


I'd say Ezra is also likely considering he's basically the unlocked HasLab version with different accessories and card back.
IDK, Ezra should probably be wearing something entirely different by now being in another galaxy for what, like 10 years?

I'm possibly more interested in what Captain Enoch will look like. Whether he's a cool looking Alien character or just another Human. Not to put the cart before the horse. lol Still a lot of known characters to release before that one.

It's already kind of depressing to see the pilots transitioning to the new gear.
Same, I feel like it's too soon for it since that era is still a couple decades away. I also didn't much care for the design of them and it's unfortunate because the OT era Pilot outfits will simply be phased out over time and will likely never get updated ones let alone reissues. I think if Hasbro ever did address a new pilot sculpt it would be of the new era ones rather than say wasting the resources on A-Wing through X-Wing, though technically an X-Wing already exists. But it is of Luke and shouldn't be used for characters like Biggs or Vander etc.
IDK, Ezra should probably be wearing something entirely different by now being in another galaxy for what, like 10 years?

I'm going by what TBS has done with the Ezra reissue, which is basically considering it "Hologram Ezra." From AHSOKA, but Rebels look.

AHSOKA Rebels is another matter, and I'm glad a pic of that hasn't leaked.
I considered that possibility too, but being that Chris has emphasized numerous times about those versions being exclusive to HasLab I kind of put that idea out of my head. because it would be a direct reissue of that Ezra. Well, unless they decided to plop a Rebels S4 accurate head sculpt with the buzz haircut then maybe they could skirt those self implied rules.
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Making Elsbeth before Marrock was certainly...a choice.

Baylen, Marrock and Shin are no-brainers (but then again, so were Luthen, Mon Mothma, Deedra Mero, etc,)

You gotta think Ezra belongs on a want list for the show also. Beyond that, we still have 62 percent of the show remaining. Should be interesting.
Making Elsbeth before Marrock was certainly...a choice.
Well, she does seem to be the main Villain so far, so IMO it's the right call. That said, I can imagine the uproar in 1999 if we had gotten Sidious in wave 1 and didn't get Darth Maul until wave 3 or 4.

Baylen, Marrock and Shin are no-brainers (but then again, so were Luthen, Mon Mothma, Deedra Mero, etc,)
As I've pointed out before there is a budget with TVC, and being that every character in Ahsoka requires all new tooling it's very taxing on said budget. Especially when you have 10 other all new molds that already came out this year. Baylan, Shin and Marrock all have a level of "in demand" releases that can wait while a seemingly boring character like Morgan needs to be put out while the show is fresh in people mind thus they forget about her. Because while she may seem in charge right now, once Thrawn appears she's done for, all focus shifts to him. IMO
Of course that may not happen until EP8. And unless she engages in some kind of hand to hand combat or does some significant witch magic she's just there scowling and looking menacing but rather shallow.

Once we get deeper into the show I feel Baylan will shine even more as a rich character with an interesting backstory, maikng his figure even more of a must have. And I think he's probably be reveal on the 22nd Pulsecon stream. Either that or the other shallow character Marrock will be to simply to get him and Morgan out of the way early.
After looking at a better image of Jacen I definitely feel there is reuse potential in making him, especially if they treat his jacket like they have for adult figure and make it removeable, his undershirt looks like it could be a base for the Mando kid from S3. Ragnar was his name?
The legs/boots as well. I'm just curious how long we'll have to wait for him, or if they'll relegate to a DLX box with some kind of creature accessory?
They better get Baylan’s cloak and hood right! Guy is the epitome of minimal wasted motion and looking like a friggin’ boss.

And yes,
“Okay! See you!” Carson Teva!!

Might as well throw in Jedi Anakin sans scar too.